are happy huts bad for birds

A Happy Hut is a small tent-like item that is hung by two quick-links from the top of the cage. Birds sleep in them and sometimes sit on top of the hut. They are made of a soft material. There are number of similar sleeping huts that are marketed under different trade names.

I received a very sad e-mail today from a woman whose African Grey parrot had one of these Happy Huts and went through a terrible ordeal. Here is her story:

This terrible incident reminds us that sometimes toys and items specifically made for birds can still be dangerous under certain circumstances. Loose threads are a major hazard. This is the second serious incident with a bird and a happy hut that has been related to me. In the first incident, the bird had chewed a hole inside the hut through the floor. The bird eventually got its head stuck in this hole and was strangled.

While many people have used these huts without incident, it is important to take a close look at how your bird interacts with it or any other toy. If the bird is eating the material, remove it immediately, as this fluff can cause obstructions that can result in the death of the bird. Inspect the hut on a weekly basis to check for loose strings or holes that may be inside where you would not normally see them. Remember that even a tiny loose string, if caught around a bird’s toenail, can be pulled into a longer thread that can seriously injure your bird. Birds panic when caught in this manner and can harm themselves seriously while trying to get loose. It is not uncommon for a bird or its mate to chew the toes off to free it from the trap. If you see your bird ever with a toenail trapped or somehow entangled in the item, remove it from the cage. They could get entangled again when you are not there to rescue them.

The Danger of Parrot Huts!

In an attempt to avoid angering the manufacturers of these brands, I will attempt to write this post without using any actual brand names. They tend to get angry when we trash their products. Let’s just say that you will find product results if you Google the terms “hut” or “tent” along with “happy” or “snuggle.”

The parrot huts look like miniature pup tents. They come in a variety of materials, many of which have fleece lining. The sides of the tent are soft and comfortable, and the interior measures roughly 6 inches from the top to the bottom. It’s the perfect size for a small parrot. Many conures just love them. They prefer it for a restful night’s sleep, and they look adorable inside of them.

Therefore, some small bird owners may find great disappointment in the post that follows.

Despite the fact that many people have used these huts without any problems, it’s crucial to pay close attention to how your bird plays with it and other toys. If the bird is consuming the material, take it out right away because the fluff can create blockages that could kill the bird. Every week, check the hut for any holes or loose strings that might be hidden inside that you would not normally notice. Keep in mind that even a tiny bit of loose string can cause serious harm to your bird if it gets tangled in its toenail and becomes a longer thread. When caught in this way, birds become panicked and may seriously hurt themselves in their attempt to escape. Frequently, a bird or its partner will gnaw off the toes in order to escape the trap. Take your bird out of the cage if you ever notice it has a toenail stuck or otherwise entangled in something. When you are not around to save them, they might become entangled once more.

A woman whose African Grey parrot had one of these Happy Huts and endured a horrible ordeal sent me a very depressing email today. Here is her story:

A Happy Hut is a tiny tent-like object that hangs from the top of the cage with two quick-links. In them, birds sleep, and occasionally they perch atop the hut. They are made of a soft material. Numerous comparable sleeping huts are available for purchase under various brand names.

This horrible event serves as a reminder that toys and other products intended especially for birds can occasionally be harmful under certain conditions. Loose threads are a major hazard. I have been told about a second serious incident involving a bird and a happy hut. The bird had initially chewed a hole through the floor of the hut. Eventually, the bird’s head became lodged in this opening, causing it to be strangled.

These “happy huts” have two MAJOR downsides:

1. Many birds that use them become very hormonally aggressive. They frequently cover the whole body of the bird, which helps many birds get “in the mood.”

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2. They also remind me of nesting places that are roughly the right size for a small bird. These facts have the potential to incite a “mood” at any time of year, and they are undoubtedly to blame for many birds’ normal seasonal breeding behaviors to intensify. Tents are known to exacerbate the cage territorialism of conures and quakers, which are recognized for their aggressive behavior.

If nothing else on this page convinces you to reconsider these products, this one will: they are without a doubt the most dangerous cage accessory available right now.


Are snuggle huts safe for birds?

These “happy huts” have two MAJOR downsides: Many birds that use them become very hormonally aggressive. They tend to envelop a bird’s entire body – something that puts many birds “in the mood”. 2. They are also reminiscent of nesting spots just about the size that a small bird would prefer.

Are fuzzy huts bad for birds?

There are a number of products sold for birds to help them stay warm – particularly sleeping bags such as ‘happy huts’ and snuggle buddies made of soft, fluffy materials. Although many birds enjoy having access to these they can pose a significant health risk.

Do lovebirds like huts?

Lovebirds are another bird that likes to sleep hanging from the side of the cage. In the wild, they sleep in tall trees, and in captivity, they tend to prefer a high perch or they hang from a high point in the cage. I do not recommend the bird huts or tents.

What areas of the bird should we avoid petting?

Here are the steps to properly and safely petting your pet bird: Don’t pet your bird anywhere below their neck, and only pet them gently on their head. Even if a bird’s sexual organs aren’t located in the areas of their back and beneath their wings, most birds still prefer being pet on the head and neck.