will bird netting keep cats out

Don’t get me wrong: I like cats—especially farm cats. They’re extremely adept at catching mice, voles, moles and other pesky critters. However, outdoor cats can be quite troublesome to the garden. They catch and kill beneficial, pest-eating songbirds and love to use freshly tilled garden soil as a litter box. Cat urine certainly has a bothersome odor, but more importantly, the salts and nitrogen in it can easily burn plant foliage and roots. Not to mention that their fecal matter can contain nasties like roundworms, parasitic nematodes and Toxoplasma gondii (the parasite that causes the disease Toxoplasmosis).

Keeping kitty out of the garden whenever possible is a good idea. However, this is a task that’s often easier said than done. There are, however, a few clever ways to prevent cats from using your garden as a waste disposal site.

These devices, such as the Scarecrow by Contech (available through Amazon.com, Petco.com and others), can be hooked up to your garden hose. They send a sharp burst of water whenever motion is sensed in the area, scaring away cats, dogs, deer and even sneaky teenagers. The downside is that they don’t work in the winter when water lines are frozen.

2. Motion-Activated Ultrasonic Device

These tiny devices detect movement in the vicinity and release a high-frequency sound to eject cats. People can’t hear the sound, but cats can. Since most brands run on batteries, it’s critical to swap the batteries out for new ones every few months to keep the gadget working. One well-known brand that can be found at stores like Amazon is CatStop. com and others.

Cats will not dig up the garden if a sheet of chicken wire or bird netting is placed over the soil because they prefer to dig before they “go.” To prevent the cats from moving it out of the way, make sure to secure it firmly using landscape pins. You can either simply lay chicken wire strips around the garden’s perimeter or drill holes in the netting and plant directly through it. Most cats don’t like walking over it either.

Some people claim that using crushed cayenne, black pepper powder, and citrus peels will solve cat issues. They think that leaving these things out in places where cats hang out will drive them away. Although I know a few gardeners who swear by these solutions, I haven’t personally had much success with them. Note that in order to maintain the items’ effectiveness, you will need to replace them on a regular basis.

Edmunds covers the soil in areas of the garden she wishes to keep cat-free with black bird netting. Pinecones, chicken wire, or mesh produce bags made of potatoes and oranges could be used as additional materials. When the cats begin to scratch, you can place it on the ground or just slightly below the soil to give them an unpleasant surprise.

After you’ve figured out how a cat’s brain functions, if that’s even possible, start by deciding what matters most to you and focus on those areas. The first thing you should do to safeguard an edible garden plot, if you have one, is Cats may harbor illnesses that humans may contract from their excrement.

If your own cat has always been outside and indoors, you might want to bring her inside with a screened-in “catio.” Give them toys, water, rocks or flagstone to sunbathe on, and climbing frames. Add some catnip or cat grass to make them happy. However, Edmunds noted that leaving food out is not a good idea because it may attract rats and other wildlife.

The fact remains that it will be unique to your yard, she said. “No one thing is the solution. Be creative and think like a cat. What does the cat get from the garden. Are they trying to mark their territory, find a cat box, a hunting area, or plants to roll on or eat? Perhaps they are just passing through and are seeking cover from your shrubbery. ”.


What is a bird friendly cat deterrent?

Catfree is a smaller version of the best-selling Catwatch, which is ideal for protecting birds and smaller gardens up to 88 sqm from cats without harming them. Catfree is a compact & powerful ultrasonic cat repeller, which is ideal for the smaller garden.

Is there a cat deterrent that works?

Humane deterrents are the best approach…. Smells that repel cats: To keep cats out of yards or gardens, plant the herb rue or sprinkle dried rue. Citrus or lemon scents (orange peels, lemon peels), garlic, ammonia, vinegar, coffee grinds, pipe tobacco, mustard, citronella, or eucalyptus all deter cats as well.