why whooper swan is national bird of finland

Taxonomy edit

The whooper swan is similar in appearance to Bewicks swan. With a length of 140–165 centimeters (55–65 inches) and a wingspan of 205–275 cm (81–108 in), it is larger, though. The weight is typically in the range of 7. 4–14. 0 kilograms (16+1?4–30+3?4 pounds), with an average of 9. 8–11. 4 kg (21+1?2–25+1?4 lb) for males and 8. 2–9. 2 kg (18–20+1?4 lb) for females. The verified record mass was 15. 5 kg (34+1?4 lb) for a wintering male from Denmark. It is considered to be amongst the heaviest flying birds. [5][6] Among standard measurements, the wing chord is 56. 2–63. 5 cm (22+1?8–25 in), the tarsus is 10. 4–13. 0 cm (4+3?32–5+1?8 in) and the bill is 9. 2–11. 6 cm (3. 6–4. 6 in). [7] Its head shape is more angular, and its bill pattern is more erratic, always displaying more yellow than black (Bewicks swans have more black than yellow). Whooper swans are talkative birds with a call akin to the trumpeter swan’s, just like their close relatives. Three whooper swans and one.

The national bird of Finland, the Whooper Swan is devoted to its partner and a northern relative of the southern Mute Swan (Cygnus olor). Due to intense hunting and egg collecting in the early decades of the 20th century, the species’ population drastically decreased. There were only roughly 15 pairs of Whooper Swans in the 1940s, and they were mostly found in Lapland’s northernmost regions. After the Whooper Swan was designated as a protected species in 1934 and, partially, as a result of the popular book Whooper Swan – Bird of Ultima Thule by Yrjö Kokko (1950), attitudes toward the species began to improve.

Approximately 10,000 breeding pairs currently nest throughout Finland, with the north still having the largest breeding population. Bog ponds found on string bogs and bird lakes are the most well-liked breeding grounds for Whooper Swans. The main overwintering areas for Finnish Whooper Swans are southern Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Germany. Some people have started spending the winter in Lapland in recent years, for instance in the area of Kutuniva in Jerisjärvi, Muonio Being one of the first migratory birds to arrive in the north and departing only when the water bodies freeze, the Whooper Swan is a species of bird well adapted to the cold. The Whooper Swan is a long-lived bird species, despite the fact that about 40 percent of swans perish in their first year of life, according to bird ringing data. Chick mortality rises when winter arrives early because it takes a long time for an egg to develop into young birds that can migrate. Collisions with power lines are the most common cause of death for adult Whooper Swans. The oldest swan in Finland is 24 years old.

Distribution and habitat edit Eggs, Collection

Large bodies of water are necessary for whooper swans to live in, especially while they are still growing and unable to rely solely on their legs to support their body weight. The majority of the whooper swan’s life is spent swimming, fishing, or consuming bottom-dwelling plants. [8].

Whooper swans form lifelong pairs, and their cygnets spend the entire winter with them. Occasionally, other years’ offspring will also join them. Wetlands are their preferred breeding habitat, but semi-domesticated birds will nest anywhere there’s water. The male will watch over the nest while the female incubates, and both sexes contribute to its construction. The female will usually lay 4–7 eggs (exceptionally 12). After around thirty-six days, the cygnets hatch, and their plumage turns brown or grey. At the age of 120 to 150 days, the cygnets are able to fly.

Whooper swans use a range of signaling gestures to communicate with one another before taking off as a flock. These motions, which include wing flaps, head shakes, and head bobs, determine whether the flock will take to the air and, if so, who will take the lead. [10] The whooper swans that communicated in large groups with these movements were discovered to be able to persuade their flock to follow them 6 % of the time. Swans that failed to signal were only able to create a following 55% of the time, in contrast [10]. [10] The whooper swan that leads the flock in taking flight is typically the one that moves the most (head bobs); this initiator swan can be either male or female, but is more likely to be a parent than a cygnet. Furthermore, this signaling technique might help paired mates stay together while flying [10]. According to observational data, a swan that has a mate that participates in and pays attention to its partner’s signals is more likely to actually complete the flight. Consequently, if a whooper swan starts sending out flight signals, its mate is not paying attention and is therefore less likely to join it, so the whooper swan will be less likely to actually complete the flight. [10].

They make loud, harsh calls that are reminiscent of Bewick’s swan’s but generally more resonant and lower-pitched: kloo-kloo-kloo in groups of three or four.


What is the national bird of Finland?

The whooper swan has been the national bird of Finland since 1981 and is featured on the Finnish 1 euro coin.

What does the Whooper Swan symbolize?

Whooper swans hold cultural significance in many societies, symbolizing purity, grace, and beauty. In folklore and mythology, they are often portrayed as symbols of love, fidelity, and transformation.

What is the swan symbol in Finland?

The swan is a symbol of grace, beauty, and purity in Finnish culture, and it has been featured in Finnish literature, art, and music for centuries. In Finnish folklore, the swan is often associated with the hero Lemminkäinen, who is said to have been transformed into a swan after being killed and resurrected.

What country is the swan the national bird?

Today, five flying swans are the symbol of the Nordic countries; the whooper swan (Cygnus cygnus) is the national bird of Finland; and the mute swan is the national bird of Denmark.