why do birds die in oil spills

A new study finds that even small smudges of oil can have huge impacts on flight and a bird’s energy budget.

Anyone who has ever seen a picture of a pelican covered in black crude knows that oil spills are bad for birds. The sludge gums up their feathers, neutralizing their ability to repel water and conserve heat, which leads to hypothermia. For seabirds, oil can sink their natural buoyancy and literally drag them into a watery grave. And the birds that try to clean themselves ingest a sticky poison that ravages their livers, lungs, and intestines.

Some lucky ones, however, get away with just a few smudges. And yet, according to a new study published July 1 in the Journal of Experimental Biology, even small amounts of oil can create problems for a bird down the line.

“Feathers are the most important feature of a bird,” says the study’s lead author, Ivan Maggini, an ornithologist at the University of Western Ontario. They allow birds to jump off the ground and soar into the air, plunge at incredibly high speeds, and even shoot in and out of water. But these feats are only possible if a bird’s feathers are unencumbered.

The researchers grabbed up a bunch of supercute shorebirds called western sandpipers and used a paintbrush to dab the tips of their wings and tail feathers with varying amounts of crude taken from the 2010 BP spill. The scientists then threw them into a wind tunnel to see what would happen (but, you know, gently and ethically).

The result? Birds with just a light coating of oil covering less than 20 percent of their body surface had to expend approximately 20 percent more energy than birds flying oil-free. When the researchers added a slightly heavier layer of oil on about 30 percent of the birds’ body surface, including feathers on both the breast and back, the western sandpipers spent upwards of 45 percent more calories to fly than the control group.

Migratory birds, particularly small ones that cover gigantic distances, are even more vulnerable since they rely on fat stores for every leg of their journey. Just like the gas tank in your car, a bird can fly only so far before it needs to refuel, and oil on the wings is the equivalent of getting fewer miles per gallon. Maggini and his colleagues haven’t determined exactly why this is yet, but their best guess is that even tiny blots of oil increase drag—like a greasy black ball and chain, he says.

Couldn’t the birdies just pull themselves up by their birdstraps and work a little harder? The answer is yes and no, but Maggini says, “It’s not true that a bird that survives an oil spill might get over it with no repercussions.”

Western sandpipers with oiled wings will need to stop more frequently on their way north and expend more energy finding food on their stopovers. And while a day here or there might not seem like a big deal to us, for a migrating bird it could mean the difference between a successful breeding season and a colossal waste of time.

Males especially need to get to the breeding grounds early to build scrapes, or depressions used for nests, and guard them until the ladies roll into town and choose their favorite builders. Maggini says early males have been shown to have greater reproductive success.

But striking out with females isn’t the only thing at stake here. Another recent study by Maggini, published in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, shows that western sandpipers with oiled wings are slower to take off when startled—and their escape trajectories are 10 degrees lower. With such sluggish getaways, oiled birds may be easy pickings for predators, vehicle strikes, or other dangers.

Maggini says he and his coauthors were surprised that such small amounts of crude could influence flight mechanics so greatly. Oil spills are obviously environmentally disastrous, but the findings give us new perspective on just how potent the consequences are for wildlife.

The new science arrives as President Trump is calling for the opening of new waters to drilling in the Atlantic and Arctic, two crucial migratory regions for birds from all over the Western Hemisphere—all while rolling back safety regulations that would help prevent offshore disasters like the BP blowout in the Gulf of Mexico, a spill that killed more than a million seabirds. Given that migratory birds are already contending with habitat degradation, heavy levels of mercury released by melting sea ice, and potential food shortages brought on by climate change, maybe it’s a good time to not throw oil into the mix.

This article was originally published on onEarth, which is no longer in publication. onEarth was founded in 1979 as the Amicus Journal, an independent magazine of thought and opinion on the environment. All opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policies or positions of NRDC. This article is available for online republication by news media outlets or nonprofits under these conditions: The writer(s) must be credited with a byline; you must note prominently that the article was originally published by NRDC.org and link to the original; the article cannot be edited (beyond simple things such grammar); you can’t resell the article in any form or grant republishing rights to other outlets; you can’t republish our material wholesale or automatically—you need to select articles individually; you can’t republish the photos or graphics on our site without specific permission; you should drop us a note to let us know when you’ve used one of our articles. Related Issues

As of this writing, the effects of the oil spill have resulted in the deaths of over 300 birds, 150 sea turtles, and 12 dolphins. As a general rule, for every dead bird discovered, another four or five perished but their corpses were never found.

Additionally, the spill occurred at the start of the Louisiana coast’s nesting season, which will negatively affect the local bird populations.

The food chain absorbs oil and its different breakdown products even after the spill is no longer visible, upsetting or even destroying significant portions of the ecological system. It is only to be hoped that we will become more knowledgeable about safely recovering oil from the ocean, better equipped to deal with the fallout from oil spills, and less reliant on oil. For our sake and the birds’.

Louisiana is the southernmost point on the Mississippi River Flyway. For many migratory birds, the coastal regions offer a vital connection between their nesting grounds in North America and their wintering grounds further south. Like ducks and geese, a large number of waterfowl winter along the coast of Louisiana. This spill will have an impact on birds traveling from South America to Alaska as they pause to rest and refuel before continuing northward. After flying five hundred miles across the gulf from Mexico, I have seen hundreds of thousands of birds fly over Mobile Bay and Dauphin Island in the spring, and then land on the first tree they see.

The birds that rely mostly or entirely on the sea for food are the most endangered. Ingesting oil products, storm petrels, boobies, gannets, grebes, tropicbirds, pelicans, cormorants, and terns must forage for food on the surface or beneath the water of the oil-soaked sea. Animals that inhabit the shoreline, like gulls, coots, sandpipers, herons, egrets, and rails, also consume tainted food.

On their journey north, oiled-winged Western Sandpipers will have to make more stops and spend more energy searching for food. And although a day here or there might not seem like much to us, it could mean the difference between a successful breeding season and a huge waste of time for a migrating bird.

The new research comes at a time when President Trump is reversing safety regulations that would help prevent offshore disasters like the BP blowout in the Gulf of Mexico, a spill that killed over a million seabirds, and is pushing for the opening of new waters to drilling in the Atlantic and Arctic, two vital migratory regions for birds from all over the Western Hemisphere. Maybe now would be a good time to avoid adding oil to the mix, since migratory birds already have to deal with habitat degradation, high mercury levels released by melting sea ice, and possible food shortages brought on by climate change.

According to a recent study, tiny oil smudges can have a significant effect on a bird’s ability to fly and its energy expenditure.

Some lucky ones, however, get away with just a few smudges. And yet, according to a new study published July 1 in the Journal of Experimental Biology, even small amounts of oil can create problems for a bird down the line.

“Feathers are the most important feature of a bird,” says the study’s lead author, Ivan Maggini, an ornithologist at the University of Western Ontario. They allow birds to jump off the ground and soar into the air, plunge at incredibly high speeds, and even shoot in and out of water. But these feats are only possible if a bird’s feathers are unencumbered.


Why are oil spills so damaging to sea birds?

Anyone who has ever seen a picture of a pelican covered in black crude knows that oil spills are bad for birds. The sludge gums up their feathers, neutralizing their ability to repel water and conserve heat, which leads to hypothermia.

Why is it bad for a bird to be covered in oil?

It interferes with the locking mechanism of the feather barbs and displaces the layer of insulating air trapped against the skin, leading to hypothermia, flightlessness and a loss of buoyancy. It is also toxic and breaks down very slowly, and afflicted birds ingest it when they try to preen themselves.

Why do animals die in oil spills?

OIL SPILLS can harm wildlife in a number of ways. The toxic effects of inhaling vapors and ingesting oil when grooming or feeding can make animals sick. Oil can also coat an animal’s fur or feathers, leading to hypothermia and a loss of buoyancy. Preventing spills is the best way to protect wildlife from oil spills.

What birds are most affected by oil spills?

The birds most affected by oil spills and petroleum contamination are those that spend the majority of their time at sea or near the water, such as gulls, ducks, pelicans, auks, grebes, penguins, terns, puffins, and loons.