who did the dirty bird

How did the Falcons become known as the Dirty Birds? Taylor Vismor hosts the Atlanta Falcons 25th Anniversary roundtable discussion of the 1998 team featuring running back Jamal Anderson, wide receiver Terance Mathis, cornerback Ray Buchanan, and tight end O.J. Santiago. Presented by Novelis.

Watch the Part I of a conversation with 1998 Falcons players looking back at their NFC championship season.

In the Falcons’ 1998 NFC title campaign, there was a single game that marked a turning point that would eventually make this team famous in history.

In Week 10, the Falcons unexpectedly defeated the New England Patriots 42-10. The stunning triumph made the league take notice and established the Falcons as a contender for that season. Perhaps even more significantly, it made everyone familiar with the legendary Falcons celebration dance, known as the Dirty Bird.

When O. J. When Santiago scored one of his two touchdowns in that game, he celebrated by dancing while playing bird sounds. After the victory, Santiago went into the locker room and said, “How about them Dirty Birds?”

The legendary dance was officially born.

That was just one of many highlights from Novelis’s roundtable discussion, “The 25th Anniversary of the 1998 Falcons: Part I,” honoring the squad that advanced to Super Bowl XXXIII.

They had discussed the need for a signature celebration move similar to the Lambeau Leap and Mile High Salute a few weeks prior to that victory over New England.

“We have a reputation for celebrating,” former Falcons running back Jamal Anderson stated. “Theres precedence for us to celebrate in the end zone. “.

Falcons fans quickly caught onto it. It didn’t take long for fans to start dancing and stop players in the grocery store or during traffic. There was an energy amongst the team, amongst the city.

The victory in New England was the second in a run of nine victories. After that, the Falcons danced their way to the Super Bowl. See the entire discussion between Terance Mathis, Ray Buchanan, Anderson, and Santiago as they reflect 25 years later on the most successful season in team history.

The Atlanta Falcons and Minnesota Vikings met in the 1998 NFC Championship game. The game went to overtime, with Falcons kicker Morten Andersen’s last-minute field goal giving the team a 30-27 victory.

who did the dirty bird

Falcons receiver Terance Mathis makes a 14-yard reception.

Jamal Anderson, a running back for the Falcons, breaks tackles while running the ball.

Gary Anderson, the Vikings’ kicker, looks on from the ground as his field goal misses.

Shane Dronett of the Falcons celebrates forcing the Minnesota Vikings to make a fumble recovery.

Following a reception, Falcons safety William White tackles Vikings Andrew Glover.

Falcons kicker Morten Andersen kicks the game-winning field goal.

After winning the game in overtime with a field goal, Falcons kicker Morten Andersen leaves the field.

After the game, Vikings coach Dennis Green is embraced by Falcons coach Dan Reeves.

Kicker Morten Andersen of the Falcons celebrates with teammate Chuck Smith after making a field goal.

Morten Andersen, the kicker for the Falcons, celebrates with Chris Chandler, a teammate.

Eugene Robinson and Chris Chandler of the Falcons hold up the NFC Championship trophy.

Falcons kicker Morten Andersen kisses the NFC Championship trophy.

Dan Reeves, the former head coach of the Falcons, performs his version of the Dirty Bird dance at a press conference the day after the Falcons’ 1999 NFC Championship victory over the Vikings.

The Atlanta Falcons 25th Anniversary roundtable discussion of the 1998 squad, which included running back Jamal Anderson, wide receiver Terance Mathis, cornerback Ray Buchanan, and tight end O J. Santiago. Presented by Novelis.


Who started the dirty bird in the NFL?

When O.J. Santiago scored one of his two touchdowns that game, he did a celebration dance, with bird sound effects and all. Santiago entered the locker room after the win and asked, “How about them Dirty Birds?” The legendary dance was officially born.

Who are known as the Dirty Birds?

How did the Falcons become known as the ‘Dirty Birds’? Taylor Vismor hosts the Atlanta Falcons 25th Anniversary roundtable discussion of the 1998 team featuring running back Jamal Anderson, wide receiver Terance Mathis, cornerback Ray Buchanan, and tight end O.J. Santiago.

What does it mean to do the dirty bird?

The dance originated after Jamal Anderson, former NFL running back, would score a touchdown during games. Anderson would bounce from one foot to the other, his arms are in a right angle and he would pull up and down and then in and out, and it would end with him flapping his arms like a ‘Dirty Bird’.