which birds kill their young

Budgies are cheerful little birds that are easy to care for and make great friends. They often kill their young if there isn’t enough space to accommodate the brood. Also mother budgies are known to kill their babies in case of a disease.

Bald Eagles, majestic birds of prey, exhibit infanticide as a response to challenging conditions. In times of food shortage or when environmental stressors affect their breeding territory, adult Bald Eagles may eliminate weaker nestlings.

Although White Storks are often associated with nurturing behaviours, instances of infanticide have been observed. These large birds may resort to killing their own nestlings, especially when food is scarce. The competition for limited resources can trigger aggression, leading to the removal of weaker offspring ensuring ample sustenance for optimal growth of the surviving chicks.

Cattle Egrets, commonly found in proximity to grazing animals, engage in a behaviour known as siblicide. In cases of food scarcity or uneven hatching, older egret chicks may eliminate their younger siblings. This ruthless act can be seen as a way to maximise the available resources for the dominant chicks.

House Sparrows, known for their adaptability to urban environments, may resort to infanticide under certain circumstances. Increased competition for limited resources within the nest, coupled with stress factors, can lead adult sparrows to eliminate nestlings.

Hens feed on the babies for two reasons. One is a nutritional deficit; hens will eat their chicks to obtain methionine if their diet is deficient in this important amino acid. Two, hens eat their younger adult chickens to establish dominance.

There are reports that these common birds will attack and evict other birds from their nests during the nesting season, even if they are members of the same species. They will kill the young and destroy any eggs they find in the nests.

House sparrows are small 5-6 inches streaked brown and gray birds. Males spot a black throat and chest. Note its white cheeks. The female is similar in appearance, but with lighter coloring and without the black throat

Chickens are social creatures and prefer to live in groups. They use a range of noises and body language to convey their messages to one another.

Because they are unable to feed their entire brood, the parents choose to kill some of the infants in order to save the others. Adult storks do not discriminate; they will give each hatchling an equal amount and will also choose at random which babies to kill.

Frequently observed near grazing animals, cattle egrets participate in a practice called siblicide. When food is scarce or hatching is uneven, older egret chicks may exclude their younger siblings. This brutal behavior may be interpreted as an attempt to maximize the resources available to the dominant chicks.

Despite the fact that White Storks are frequently thought of as having nurturing traits, infanticide has been documented on occasion. When food is scarce, these large birds may even kill their own nestlings. Rivalry over scarce resources can lead to aggression and the elimination of weaker offspring, which provides enough food for the surviving chicks to grow to their full potential.

Known for their ability to adapt to urban settings, house sparrows may commit infanticide in specific situations. Stress factors combined with increased competition for scarce resources within the nest can cause adult sparrows to exclude nestlings.

Happy little birds, budgies are easy to take care of and make wonderful companions. If there isn’t enough room for the brood, they frequently kill their young. Additionally, mother budgies have been known to kill their young if they become ill.

Magnificent raptors, bald eagles, commit infanticide in response to difficult circumstances. Adult Bald Eagles may eliminate weaker nestlings when there is a food shortage or when environmental stressors affect their breeding territory.


What birds kill baby birds?

Nests of all kinds can be vulnerable to attacks from predators, such as Blue Jays, crows, grackles, and many other species of birds, mammals, and reptiles.

What bird eats its young?

Black stork parents have been known to eat one of their chicks, generally the weakest, in times of food shortage to reduce brood size and thereby increase the chances of survival of the remaining chicks.

Do sparrows kill their young?

Female house sparrows regularly committed infanticide when taking over a nest and replacing the previous female owner. Experienced females committed infanticide, as an alternative strategy to passive replacement, more frequently than do novel females.

Why did my bird kill its baby?

Parents will kill and sometimes eat a weak or sick chick, again an instinct to prevent the sick or dying chick from attracting a predator. A pair that has been overbred will sometimes start eating their eggs or chicks. This is likely due to being in poor condition from being allowed to breed too often and exhaustion.