when will birds find my feeder

Try a new seed type

Provide a widely accepted variety of seed in your feeder, even though it will eventually be refilled with a different kind. As this feed attracts the widest variety of birds and is the healthiest option for them, try using black oil sunflower seed or a blend with a high concentration of black oil sunflower seeds. Note that some seed varieties—such as thistle/Nyger—can spoil rapidly. To maintain freshness, seed needs to be inspected and replaced on a regular basis. To draw in more birds, you can progressively mix in a different kind of seed once the birds become used to the new feeder. This is a list of seed varieties that draw particular kinds of birds.

Choose the right location

If you already have bird feeders and are successful with them, consider positioning the new feeder close to the current ones. To provide birds with a place to rest in between feedings and an instant escape from any predators, place your feeder about ten feet away from a naturally occurring shelter, such as trees or shrubs. Feeders should never be placed closer than ten feet away from trees or shrubs as this can attract squirrels. Recall that in order to reduce the risk of deadly window collisions, feeders should be hung or mounted closer to 3 feet from windows or farther away from windows than 15 feet.

A bird’s eye view

A few examples of how you might see birds foraging for food in your neighborhood are a woodpecker clinging to the side of a tree, a robin hopping around your lawn, or a group of birds chattering in a cluster of bushes. A significant amount of a bird’s day is spent looking for food, whether they prefer insects, worms, seeds, grains, or fruit, depending on the species and the season. But how do they find these tasty snacks?.

Birds almost exclusively find food by sight. Birds rely on their acute senses of sight and sound to locate food sources because they have almost no sense of smell. Therefore, a bird is likely to stop for a bite to eat if it sees a feeder with a known food source inside. Birds can even learn to identify feeders as potential food sources and follow them, much like humans might locate a restaurant to eat dinner. Furthermore, although sound isn’t always helpful in locating food, it can direct birds toward flowing water so they can drink.


How long will it take birds to find my new feeder?

If you have not yet been feeding birds in your backyard, it may take from one day to several months before the birds in your area discover your new feeder. Be patient and consider the following: It is important that you use a seed type or seed blend based on the birds in your area.

Why are birds not coming to my feeder anymore?

Fluctuating food supplies/requirements. Also, birds have different dietary needs during different times of the year, so they may move to or away from your feeders seasonally. You may notice fewer birds at your feeders during the late summer and early fall as there is usually lots of natural food available.

Will birds find my bird feeder if I move it?

If you move an existing feeder that is in use within sight of the old location . . . . . . it is likely that the birds will discover and use it within hours or a day. Backyard birds are often very routine oriented but the world is a changing place so they are also flexible when things change.

How do you attract birds to your feeder?

To really attract birds to your yard, try leveling up your daily menu. A mix of foods–like black oil sunflower seeds, sugar water, suet, and fresh fruit like oranges–will help entice a variety of bird species, from blue jays to hummingbirds, to your garden.