when to plant bird of paradise

Sun Requirements Full sun for best flowering. Will grow in part shade but flowering will be reduced.

Bloom Period and Seasonal ColorBird Of Paradise Flower, Flora, Exotic, Summer Blooms on and off year round, mostly in summer in cooler areas

Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia) is a tropical evergreen that features colorful flowers reminiscent of tropical birds. They come in a variety of colors. Bird of paradise is a warmth loving plant and is only hardy in USDA zones 9-11. They grow outdoors in warm parts of California, Texas and Florida as well as Hawaii. The plant will suffer whenever temperatures dip below 50F. The tough, leathery, green leaves are similar to bananas and are attractive as well. They withstand salt spray and winds, making this a good seaside plant. Bird of paradise also grows well in containers. In fact, the plant appreciates being a little crowded and will flower well under these conditions. In areas where winters are cool, move the bird of paradise container indoors to a heated, sunny room and then back outdoors in spring.

Bird of Paradise grows best in well-drained, moist soil. Keep the soil well watered in spring and summer, but allow it to dry out slightly in winter. One of the reasons bird of paradise doesn’t grow well is soggy soils or soils that dry out too quickly.

When, Where and How to Plant Plant purchased bird of paradise plants or divisions from friends or family in a full sun location in spring or early summer. Bird of paradise thrives in a well-drained organic soil. Amend the soil with compost when planting and be sure to plant in an area that is well-drained.

When planting in a container, use a well-drained potting soil and add compost to the mix for fertility. Place the container in a full sun, warm location from spring until fall and then indoors in winter in the sunniest room possible. Bird of paradise likes high humidity so group houseplants together and place them on pebble trays filled with water to increase the humidity in winter in cold areas.

Growing Tips Bird or paradise soil should be kept evenly moist from spring till fall. In winter only water periodically to keep the soil from drying out completely. Overwatering can cause root rot. Fertilize monthly from spring until fall with a balanced organic fertilizer such as 5-5-5.

Although bird of paradise flowers best when a little crowded, if too crowded in the garden or pot, it will stop flowering. Bird of paradise suckers freely, so you can remove these offshoots to make new plants. Divide overcrowded plants in late spring by digging up the clump and separating it into 1- to 2-foot diameter sections. Replant in a similar location as the parent plant.

Plant Care Prune off old leaves and spent flower stalks as they appear. You may need to do a little more grooming of your bird of paradise in spring after a cold winter outdoors to spruce it up.

Bird of paradise normally doesn’t have many pests, but occasionally they will be infected with aphids, white flies and mealybugs. Control these pests with sprays of insecticidal soap.

Companion Planting and Design Plant bird of paradise outdoors in a warm climate with taller tropical plants behind it and shorter flowers in front. For taller plants try bougainvillea, Carolina jasmine, and Osmanthus or sweet olive shrub. Plant shorter flowers in the foreground, such as agapanthus, sea holly, red hot poker and alstromeria. Of course, bird of paradise is beautiful in its own container. Since it can spread, planting bird of paradise alone in a container is usually best.

Varieties There are many species of bird of paradise. While most grow about 6 feet tall, some can reach 15 feet tall or more when grown well. Strelitzia reginae is the most typical species with bright orange and blue flowers. Strelitzia nicolai is similar with white flowers. Bird of paradise is also the common name used for an unrelated desert dwelling shrub in the Southwest. Many of these plants are in the Caesalpinia pulcherrima species and are called the Mexican bird of paradise. They have very different growth and flowering habits compared to Strelitzia.

Bloom Period and Seasonal ColorBird Of Paradise Flower, Flora, Exotic, Summer Blooms on and off year round, mostly in summer in cooler areas

Varieties There are many species of bird of paradise. While most only reach a height of 6 feet, some, when grown properly, can reach heights of 15 feet or more. The most common species, Strelitzia reginae, has vivid orange and blue flowers. Strelitzia nicolai is similar with white flowers. Additionally, a shrub that lives in the Southwest’s deserts and is unrelated to bird of paradise goes by the same common name. Many of these plants—also known as the Mexican bird of paradise—belong to the Caesalpinia pulcherrima species. Compared to Strelitzia, they have drastically different growth and flowering habits.

Growing Advice From spring to fall, keep bird or paradise soil uniformly moist. Just sporadically water in the winter to prevent the soil from drying out entirely Overwatering can cause root rot. Apply a monthly application of a balanced organic fertilizer, like 5-5-5, from spring through fall.

Sun Requirements Full sun for best flowering. Will grow in part shade but flowering will be reduced.

Use well-drained potting soil and fertilize with compost when planting in containers. From spring until fall, place the container in a warm, bright area; in the winter, move it inside to the brightest room you can find. Because bird of paradise prefers high humidity, group houseplants together and set them on pebble trays that are moistened in the winter in cold climates.

Reader Success Stories

  • Sherrie Wagner “Last year, I received a bird of paradise in a sizable pot that had a few blooms.” It has thrived since I planted it in a sunny spot. It now has several blooms, Im so excited. However, I was curious about how to get rid of old blooms, which is why I read this article. It was very beneficial and gave useful extra information. “. ” more Rated this article: .

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To cultivate bird of paradise, begin by purchasing a cutting of the plant from a gardening supply store and adding rich potting soil to a large clay pot. If you are unable to locate a cutting, you can also grow bird of paradise from seeds, but this will require a lot more time. Next, plant the cutting and place your pot in an area that receives five hours of sunlight each day, either indoors or outdoors. You must water your bird of paradise at least once a week in order to maintain the soil’s moisture content. Additionally, you should fertilize the plant every two weeks while it is growing. Continue reading to find out how to split mature bird of paradise plants!


Where is the best place to plant a Bird of Paradise?

Give bird of paradise a spot in full sun for best growth and most flowers. The exception to that is in the hottest regions, where partial shade protects plants from strong sun and heat. Plants in full sun tend to be shorter with smaller flowers, while part-shade plants grow taller with larger flowers.

Do birds of paradise come back every year?

It’s native to South Africa but is now grown widely in North and South America too. It’s an evergreen plant with a notable calling card in the form of eye-catching blooms, which appear throughout the year, and, in the right environment, can bloom all year long. Bird of paradise is easier to grow than you might think.

How cold is too cold for a Bird of Paradise plant?

Bird of paradise is hardy to 24 degrees Fahrenheit (-4 C). As a native of South Africa and closely related to bananas, this tropical wonder is prone to freeze damage even in the warm zones where it is routinely planted. These tropical plants can withstand some cold, but freezes can damage the thin broad leaves.