when does love birds lay eggs

My love bird is almost 2 and hasn’t laid eggs

My lovebird is almost two years old in March, and I’m wondering why she hasn’t laid any eggs. She has been performing strange acrobatics in which she raises her butt and spreads her wings. Is it bad that she hasn’t laid any eggs, as everyone says they usually do between nine and twelve months? What does that mean?

Some female lovebirds kept in captivity will begin to lay eggs at the age of eight months or less. It is really best to wait until they are about two years old for them to start laying eggs. If they lay eggs when they are young, they have a high chance of becoming egg bound and dying. For this reason, a female lovebird shouldn’t be kept in a cage with a male until they are both two years old. Thus, your bird is perfectly healthy, and it’s a good thing that she hasn’t laid any eggs yet. Once more, you must wait until she and the male are at least two years old before attempting to breed your bird. It is best for her if she is the only bird in your home and never lays eggs. It is a waste of her health and resources for her to go through the strain of laying eggs because it is hard on her to form and lay eggs unless she has a mate. Therefore, never offer her a birdhouse, nest, or anything else that she might try to use as a nest. There’s also the possibility that she could be he. There is no way to be certain that she is a female unless you have had a DNA test performed, even if she does lay eggs. I will therefore just enjoy having her as a pet and hope that you never have to deal with her laying eggs.

Thank you for asking Lafeber.

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when does love birds lay eggs

when does love birds lay eggs

when does love birds lay eggs

when does love birds lay eggs

when does love birds lay eggs

when does love birds lay eggs

when does love birds lay eggs

when does love birds lay eggs

when does love birds lay eggs

when does love birds lay eggs


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A male and female lovebird should first be kept in different cages next to one another in order to breed them. Place the birds in the same cage after a few days so they can mate. To encourage the birds to build a nest, place some nesting materials inside the cage. Additionally, feed them an abundance of nutrient-dense foods like apples, brown rice, and frozen veggies. For help setting up the ideal lovebird cage, continue reading! After it has been at least 10 days, start looking for eggs in the cage to see if your lovebirds have mated!

Reader Success Stories

  • Kosai Samman “There wasn’t a lot of brooding because I let my lovebird out of her cage all the time.” But now I understand that I should wait ten days before taking any action and leave her alone with her partner. “. ” more .


What month do lovebirds lay eggs?

The love birds breeding season in India typically begins in February or March and lasts until July or August. The incubation cycle lasts roughly 23 days after they begin to build nests and lay eggs. To promote successful reproduction and the health of the birds, breeding lovebirds need proper shelter, diet and care.

How do I know if my lovebird is going to lay eggs?

You can tell that your lovebird might start laying eggs when she starts displaying nesting behavior. In the wild, she’ll spend her time gathering leaves and chewing them into strips to create her nest. Caged female lovebirds make do with whatever materials they have, which could include their seed cups.

Can lovebirds lay eggs without mating?

Laying eggs without a mate tends to happen more often with certain species of birds such as Love Birds, Budgies, and Cockatiels. However it can occur with any bird, big or small. Some birds may only lay an egg or two during the lifetime, others may lay a few times a year, and on occasion a female who never lays an egg.