what’s the state bird of kansas

Western Meadowlark ~ Sturnella neglecta A Kansas naturalist had this to say about the Western Meadowlark: “Kansas is primarily a prairie state, and the Meadowlark is a prairie bird, typical of Kansas. So many of our birds range only in parts of the state, while the Meadowlark is extremely abundant in every county. Those traveling the state by car or train could scarcely fail to encounter these birds in every mile of the journey, since they have the habit of perching along the fence lines in the open. It is a strikingly beautiful bird, and every child is familiar with its rich liquid songs.” The Western Meadowlark is truly a part of Kansas in all seasons, through drought and blizzard, sunshine and rain.

Sunflower ~ Helianthus annuus One of natures largest flowers, the Sunflower is a sunburst of radiant yellow. Its golden banners are made up of a circle of ray flowers that attract insects to the hundreds of little brown seed-bearing disk flowers in the centers. Each disk floret is a five-pointed tube. In this are five stamens which have their tips joined. The pistil, growing from the seed container, pushes against these tips and forces them out of the tube, making the pollen burst out like a yellow star.

Birds feet can also indicate information about the species. A number of different foot styles exist among birds. For example, hawks and eagles have claws to catch small animals like mice, and ducks have webbed feet for swimming. A Meadowlark’s foot features three long toes that are useful for perching on trees or fence posts in addition to walking on the ground. This is typically the area in Kansas where motorists can see Meadowlarks.

Bills are another indication of a birds classification. Bills allow different birds to feed on different food sources because they come in a variety of shapes and styles. To catch prey, eagles and hawks, for instance, have beaks that resemble hooks and are sharp. Pelicans have large deep bills for catching fish. The Meadowlark catches grasshoppers, caterpillars, and beetles with its long, pointed bill.

Different birds build different types of nests. Certain birds construct nests that dangle from tree branches. Others construct twig nests perched atop the limbs of trees. The Meadowlark constructs its nest in a grassy patch on the ground. Meadowlark nests are on the ground, but finding them can be challenging.

The Kansas Legislature in 1937 made the choice official. Additionally, the state bird of Wyoming and Nebraska is the meadowlark. Given how numerous the variety of bird species is in Kansas, many other bird species might have also merited recognition. As a matter of fact, Kansas is home to a sizable portion of all North American birds at some point during the year.

The Western Meadowlark is multicolored. It has yellow on its chest, upper neck or throat, and portion of its face. Its chest and upper neck are divided by a black V-shaped patch. Feathers with shades of buff, brown, and black cover its back. Its back and chest are separated by a white area with black-brown dots.

Sturnella neglecta, also known as the Western Meadowlark, was described by a Kansas naturalist as “a prairie bird typical of Kansas, Kansas is primarily a prairie state.” Many of our birds are restricted to specific regions of the state, but the Meadowlark is incredibly common throughout all of the counties. Due to their habit of perching along the fence lines in the open, it is unlikely that anyone traveling the state by car or train would not come across these birds at some point. It’s an incredibly beautiful bird, and all kids have heard its rich, flowing songs. The Western Meadowlark is a true native of Kansas, existing in all weather conditions, including rain, sunshine, and blizzards.

Sunflower ~ Helianthus annuus: One of the biggest flowers in the world, the sunflower is a brilliant yellow sunburst. Its golden banners are composed of hundreds of tiny brown seed-bearing disk flowers in the centers surrounded by a circle of ray flowers that draw insects. Each disk floret is a five-pointed tube. In this are five stamens which have their tips joined. With the pistil emerging from the seed container, these tips are pushed out of the tube by the pistil, causing the pollen to burst like a yellow star.


What is the state bird and flower of Kansas?

The flag, seal, flower (wild native sunflower), bird (western meadowlark), and tree (eastern cottonwood) are some of the major state symbols of Kansas.

What color is Kansas State bird?

It’s no wonder that it’s the state bird of not only Nebraska, but Kansas, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota and Oregon, too. Western Meadowlarks are easily identifiable by their yellow breasts and black v-shaped collar near the neck. Unlike many bird species, males and females are identical.

What is the state bird in Nebraska?

Western meadowlark
The western meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta) was designated the state bird by legislative action in 1929. The western meadowlark is abundant throughout the state and is noted for its joyous song.

Is a meadowlark a blackbird?

Meadowlarks are often more easily heard than seen, unless you spot a male singing from a fence post. This colorful member of the blackbird family flashes a vibrant yellow breast crossed by a distinctive, black, V-shaped band.