what type of bird is a bin chicken

Urban population edit

The species has successfully colonized urban areas by decreasing its fear response when in close proximity to humans and by expanding its diet to include human waste. These are strategies that have not been duplicated by other closely related species, such as the spoonbill and the straw-necked ibis. [2].

A number of zoos and wildlife parks, including Sydney’s Taronga Zoo, have free-flying exhibit flocks of formerly captive birds, which raises questions about the origins of the species’ recent highly urbanized and closely human-habitat populations. The Taronga Zoo first acquired birds for this purpose around 1971. [19][2] In 1973, an ABC TV program observed that Taronga’s well-established “liberty flock” was reproducing locally at that time, in contrast to natural populations, which were only known to occasionally visit the urban area and not breed there. [21].

Nesting in the exotic Canary Island date palms, the resident Taronga flock became extremely accustomed to humans, approaching them closely, scavenging food from outdoor dining areas, and feeding from trash cans. These hitherto unrecorded behaviors were closely linked to the urban Sydney flocks that appeared starting in the 1980s in the Sydney CBD, the Royal Botanic Gardens across the harbor, and the Centennial Parklands farther out. [16][2].

Although little is known about the relationship between birds from the Taronga flock and any influx of inland birds into Sydney, it is hypothesized that some visiting flocks may have been encouraged to stay in Sydney by human-habituated flocks from the zoo, and that the two populations likely merged to some extent. [19] It’s possible that native Sydney birds helped migrant birds escaping inland drought adjust to the city’s new food sources and tolerance of human close quarters. [2].

Healesville Sanctuary in Victoria and Tidbinbilla in the ACT both established other free-flying exhibit populations that appeared to act as population nucleation points, mirroring the Taronga example. [19] Healesville birds also helped Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary in Queensland establish a free-flying population. [2].

Following an additional period of inland drought in 1998, the population of cities grew even more. [6] The first large colony was established in the Sydney suburb of Bankstown, and the locals began to feel anxious about it. According to estimates, the colony was the biggest outside of inland NSW’s Macquarie Marshes, where they naturally breed. [6].

Breeding edit

The breeding season in Australia varies depending on where you are; generally, it runs from August to November in the south and from February to May in the north following the wet season. The nest is a shallow platform in the form of a dish made of sticks, grasses, or reeds that is situated in trees and usually close to a body of water like a lake, river, or swamp. Ibises frequently build their nests next to other aquatic birds like cormorants, egrets, herons, and spoonbills. A pair or three pale white eggs, each measuring 65 mm by 44 mm, are laid. 6 in × 1. 7 in). [28] The clutch is then incubated for 21–23 days. Hatchlings are altricial, meaning that it takes them 48 days to fledge after they are born naked and defenseless. [16] Lowe, Beilharz, and Evans conducted a thorough analysis of the mating patterns on a wild population at Healesville Sanctuary. They discovered that while some birds consistently switched partners, others continued to choose the same nesting partner year after year. There were also many between-pair copulations. [29].

Subspecies edit

Two subspecies are recognised:

  • T. m. molucca of eastern Malesia and Australia, is the nominate subspecies.
  • T. m. pygmaeus, also known as the Solomons white ibis, is a dwarf species that is native to the Solomon Islands. It has occasionally been mistakenly identified as a different species, Threskiornis pygmaeus. [10] It can only be found in the south-west Pacific Ocean on the Rennell and Bellona Islands in the Melanesia-based Solomon Islands. [14][15].


Why are they called bin chickens?

The birds have also come to be regarded as a problem species in Victoria as a result of their scavenging activities, scattering rubbish from tips and bins in the process, and earning the widespread nickname “bin chicken”. They are even known to snatch sandwiches from picnickers.

What kind of bird is a bin chicken on Bluey?

Bin Chicken! The bird Shaun chases down the street is an ibis, colloquially called a ‘bin chicken’ in Australia.

What breed is a bin chicken?

Despite being often derided with distaste, the tenacious ‘tip turkey’ has risen among the ranks. It’s the Australian white ibis; more commonly known as the ‘bin chicken’.

What birds look like bin chickens?

This has led to them being given the common nicknames of “bin chickens” or “tip turkeys”. Ibis typically reside in wetlands and can be highly nomadic. In other words, they can fly great distances to follow where there is greater availability of food.