what is the texas state flower and bird

Texas has a variety of official state symbols, which are established by law or by a resolution of the Texas Legislature. The state symbols include:

Texas also has an official state motto, official state song, and several “official plays,” though some of the latter have ceased to be performed.

Seal: Great Seal of the State of Texas

The Republic of Texas Congress approved the Lone Star Flag and a national seal in 1839. The seal features a Lone Star encircled by a wreath made of live oak and olive branches. This design was also rendered by Peter Krag, the same artist that created the rendering of the Lone Star flag. In 1846, the Republic seal was altered to become the state seal of Texas. The reverse side of the seal was clarified by the 72nd Legislature in 1991. It now has a five-pointed star, Vinces Bridge, the Battle of Gonzales cannon, the Alamo, six flags that have flown over Texas, and the mottos “Texas One and Indivisible” and “Remember the Alamo.” “.

The native bluebonnet (Lupinus subcarnosis), which beat out suggestions for the cotton boll and the prickly pear cactus, was designated the state flower in 1901. But for years, there was disagreement over which kind of bluebonnet was most lovely and fitting for the Lone Star state. “RESOLVED… that the Lupinus texensis and any other variety of bluebonnet not heretofore recorded be recognized along with the Lupinus subcarnosis as the official state flower of the State of Texas,” was the concurrent resolution passed by the Legislature in 1971 that resolved the issue. Its appearance in late March and early April tells Texans that spring has arrived and the long, scorching summer is quickly approaching. This well-loved springtime symbol has been planted alongside Texas highways since the 1930s. Additionally, while picking bluebonnets is legal, trespassing on private property to gather them or take your yearly springtime photo in Texas is prohibited.

Large Mammal: Texas Longhorn

Originating from a cross between Spanish and English cattle, the Texas longhorn is distinguished by its elongated horns, resilient hooves, and overall resilience. It came to represent the cattle drives in Texas during the 1860s and 1870s. Longhorns were nearly exterminated through breeding after the end of the open range, but in the 1920s, breeders saved them for display in Texas state parks. The resilient and well-adapted cattle were soon discovered again by ranchers, and they have since become a staple of Texas ranching operations. In 1995, the longhorn was adopted as the state mammal of Texas. Other official state symbols for mammals are the Mexican free-tailed bat (1995) and the armadillo (1927).

The Spanish cattle culture of the eighteenth century is where the Texas rodeo originated. Mexican vaqueros and their descendants, the American cowboys, started holding competitions to evaluate their riding and roping prowess as the cattle business expanded and prospered. Rodeos were popular in Texas by the late 1800s, particularly during Fourth of July celebrations. Wild West performances, like those put on by “Buffalo Bill” Cody, helped to popularize the sport across the nation In 1936, rodeo was formally recognized as a sport with a permanent governing body. In the sport today, many Texas cowboys and cowgirls continue to be dominant figures.

Curated List of Texas State Symbols

The instantly identifiable Lone Star Flag was first created by Texas Constitutional Convention delegate Dr. Charles Bellinger Stewart, and it was approved by the Republic of Texas Congress in 1839. For $10 (roughly $200 in today’s currency), Austin artist Peter Krag created an architectural rendering of Stewart’s original freehand flag design. The red, white, and blue hues of the Lone Star flag, like those of the US flag, stand for bravery (red), purity and liberty (white), and loyalty (blue).


What is the Texas state flower?

Our state’s love for bluebonnets isn’t anything new. Many generations of Texans have adored bluebonnets. In fact, it was on this day over one hundred years ago – March 7, 1901 to be exact – that the Texas legislature proclaimed the bluebonnet the State Flower of Texas.

What is the state bird in Texas?

Northern mockingbird
The Northern Mockingbird was adopted as the Texas state bird in 1927. The Mockingbird can sing up to 200 songs including the songs of other birds and sounds from insects and amphibians.

What is Texas state fruit?

The Texas Red Grapefruit was adopted as the Texas state fruit on May 17, 1993. The fruit was first discovered by Texas citrus growers in 1929. It generates more revenue than any other tree fruit in Texas.

What is Texas’s state animal?

The longhorn became the large mammal symbol of Texas in 1995. Other official mammal state symbols include the armadillo (designated in 1927) and the Mexican free-tailed bat (1995).