what is the setting of the birds

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Plot edit

Melanie Daniels, a socialite, meets attorney Mitch Brenner at a San Francisco pet store in the early 1960s. Brenner wants to purchase lovebirds for his sister Cathy’s eleventh birthday. Mitch mistakes Melanie for a shop employee, but he recognizes her from her court appearance regarding a practical joke gone wrong. Mitch tests Melanies knowledge of birds, which she fails. He tells her that he knew her before and walks out without making a purchase. After learning that Mitch has spent the weekend at his family’s farm, Melanie, who is in love, purchases the lovebirds and makes her way to Bodega Bay. Melanie is told to find out Cathy’s name from Annie Hayworth, a teacher at Bodega. Mitch’s ex-lover Annie was driven out of their relationship by his controlling mother Lydia, who despises all women in Mitch’s life.

Melanie discreetly leaves the lovebirds at the Brenner farm by renting a boat and traveling across the bay. Mitch drives to meet Melanie at the dock after spotting her as she drives off. As Melanie approaches the wharf, a gull attacks her. Mitch tends to her head wound inside a diner. Lydia arrives and meets Melanie, whom Mitch invites to dinner. At the farm, Lydias hens are refusing to eat. Because of Melanie’s inflated reputation from tabloid gossip, Lydia doesn’t like her. Melanie, who is staying with Annie, receives an invitation from Mitch to Cathy’s birthday celebration the following day. Later, there is a thud at Annies front door. A dead gull is found at the threshold.

Melanie tells Mitch about her difficult past and her mother’s disappearance with another man when she was Cathy’s age at her party. During a game, the children are attacked by gulls. Later that evening, a swarm of sparrows invades the house through the chimney while Melanie eats dinner with the Brenners. Mitch demands that she stay the night instead of driving back to San Francisco. Lydia goes to her neighbor the following morning to talk about their chickens’ refusal to eat. She runs away in terror when she finds his eyeless corpse being pecked by birds. Lydia worries for Cathy’s safety while she recovers at home, so Melanie offers to pick her up from school. Melanie waits outside the schoolhouse while the jungle gym behind her is taken over by a swarm of crows. Anticipating an attack, she warns Annie. When they evacuate the pupils instead of keeping them safely inside the building, crows attack. Mitch finds Melanie at the diner. Mitch and the other men help an attendant at a gas station who is attacked by gulls outside. An uninformed bystander’s cigar fumes ignite the gasoline spill, resulting in an explosion. Melanie and the others flee the growing fire, but more gulls attack, so Melanie seeks safety in a phone booth. Mitch saves her, and they return to the diner. A shaken woman accuses Melanie of starting the attacks, saying her arrival marked the beginning of them. Mrs. Sitting in stunned silence is Bundy, the ornithologist who laughed at the reports of birds attacking.

Mitch and Melanie go to Annies house to fetch Cathy. They discover Annie’s corpse outside; the crows killed her as she was defending Cathy. They take a traumatized Cathy home. That evening, as Melanie and the Brenners fortify themselves inside the family home, birds attack, almost breaking through the boarded-up windows and doors. Melanie looks into a fluttering sound in the attic bedroom during a quiet moment. Melanie is attacked after learning that the birds have pecked their way through the roof, trapping her until Mitch pulls her out. In order to get Melanie, who is now hurt, traumatized, and catatonic, to a hospital, Mitch demands that they all travel to San Francisco. A sea of birds has gathered around the Brenner house while Mitch gets Melanie’s car ready for their getaway. Mitch quietly moves the car out. The military may step in after hearing about bird attacks on neighboring towns like Santa Rosa over the car radio. After Cathy gets her lovebirds—the only birds that are not aggressive—from the house, she goes to the car with Mitch and Lydia to accompany Melanie through a crowd of birds. The car slowly drives away as the birds watch.

Soundtrack edit Many of the sound effects were created on the

Hitchcock decided to do without any conventional incidental score. Instead, he employed deliberate silences as a counterpoint to sound effects and sparse source music [26]. His goal was to produce the sounds and calls of birds using the electroacoustic Mixtur-Trautonium. In the late 1920s, he had first heard about this analogue of the synthesizer on Berlin radio. Friedrich Trautwein created it, and Oskar Sala improved it to create the Trautonium, which produced some of the bird sounds used in this movie. [27].

Sala and Remi Gassmann were hired by the director to create an electronic soundtrack. [26] They are given credit for “electronic sound production and composition,” while Bernard Herrmann, Hitchcock’s former musical partner, is given credit for “sound consultant.”


What time period is The Birds set in?

The Birds is set in Bodega Bay, California in 1952 and is loosely based on a novel written by Daphne du Maurier. The main character, Melanie Daniels, is a youthful socialite living in San Francisco. In the opening scene, Melanie stops by a pet store to purchase a mynah bird for a relative.

Where is The Birds book set?

In du Maurier’s apocalyptic tale, set in Cornwall, birds launch vicious and unprovoked attacks on humans. Alfred Hitchcock’s adaptation, The Birds, celebrates its 60th anniversary in 2023.

Where does The Birds take place in the book?

The screenplay for the film is based on Daphne du Maurier’s novella “The Birds”, which was first published in her 1952 short story collection The Apple Tree. The protagonist of the novella is a farm hand living in Cornwall, and the conclusion of the story is far more pessimistic than that of the film.