what is the national bird of sweden

This is a list of the bird species recorded in Sweden. The avifauna of Sweden included a total of 554 confirmed species as of June 2023, according to BirdLife Sveriges (BLS) with supplemental additions from Avibase.[1] Of them, one has been introduced by humans, one is extinct, and three are invasive. This list does not include species whose origin (whether wild or human-assisted) is not known. The

This lists taxonomic treatment (designation and sequence of orders, families and species) and nomenclature (English and scientific names) are those of The Clements Checklist of Birds of the World, 2022 edition.[2] The Swedish names in parentheses are from the BirdLife Sveriges list.

Wrens edit

The majority of wrens are small and barely noticeable, save for their loud singing. These birds have short wings and thin down-turned bills. Several species often hold their tails upright. All are insectivorous.

  • Eurasian wren (gärdsmyg), Troglodytes troglodytes

To clarify, the Blackbird mentioned here is actually a thrush, similar to our American Robins, in case any readers from the United States happen to read this and are unaware of this. Although Malta and Costa Rica also have thrushes as their national bird, Sweden is the only nation to have Turdus merula designated as its national bird.

The Blackbird Turdus merula, also called the Common Blackbird or Eurasian Blackbird, is the national bird of Sweden. However, in Sweden, it is simply referred to as Koltrast. The Blackbird was chosen in 1962 as the national bird of Sweden based on a newspaper poll. It is unclear why the Koltrast became the national bird of Sweden, aside from the species’ charisma and song. It is widespread in Sweden, but many other species are as well. Though I’m not sure why Sweden selected the Blackbird, it seems like a great option, particularly for fans of The Beatles.

The Beat Writer Posting Calendar is as follows: Monday at 7 AM: Kai Pflug; Tuesday at 7 AM: Donna Schulman; Wednesday at 7 AM: Patrick O’Donnell; Thursday at 7 AM: Paul Lewis; Friday at 7 AM: David Tomlinson; Saturday at 7 AM: Luca Feuerriegel (biweekly); Sunday at 7 AM: Hannah Buschert (monthly) All times are Eastern US Jason Crotty, Mark Gamin, Angela Minor, Clare, Morton Dragan Simic, and Aleksandar Topalov are contributors at any time.

Pheasants, grouse, and allies edit

These gamebird species are terrestrial, meaning they build their nests and feed on the ground. Their size varies, but they are usually plump, with broad, short wings.


What is the national bird of New Sweden?

The Eurasian blackbird is the national bird of Sweden.

What is the national bird of Norway?

The white-throated dipper is the national bird of Norway. This list’s taxonomic treatment (designation and sequence of orders, families and species) and nomenclature (English and scientific names) are those of The Clements Checklist of Birds of the World, 2022 edition.

What is the most common bird in Sweden?

Birds exist all over Sweden, from the southern-most coast of the country to the northern glaciers. In the winter, the Great Tit, the Pilfink (Sparrow) and the Gråsiska (Redpoll) are the most common.

What is the Swedish bird symbol?

The national bird of Sweden is the Blackbird Turdus merula, otherwise known as the Common Blackbird or Eurasian Blackbird, though, of course, in Sweden it is not known by any of those names but as Koltrast. * The Blackbird became the Swedish national bird as a result of a newspaper poll in 1962.