what is the national bird of spain

The heraldic eagle known as the Eagle of Saint John is primarily connected to the Catholic Monarchs. The Spanish Catholic monarchs Isabella and Ferdinand in the fifteenth century had the eagle depicted on their shields. Francisco Franco, the dictator of Spain from 1939 to 1977, used it as a symbol of his rule, and from 1977 to 1981, it represented Spain’s transition to democracy.

Around the age of four, the male and female of this species form monogamous couples that last a lifetime together. For their nesting habitat, they favor dry, mature woodlands that are away from human traffic and have easy access to wetlands. Usually constructed in pines or cork oaks, stick nests are reused year after year and grow larger each year as new materials are added. Nesting occurs from February to April. Typically, there are two to three eggs in each clutch, and they hatch after 43 days. Young birds can stay in the nest for up to five months after they fledge, which happens between 63 and 77 days.

With a range that includes the central and southwest parts of the Iberian peninsula, particularly in the regions of Extremadura, Ciudad Real, Sierra Norte, and north of Huelva, the bird is native to Europe. It is a resident—as opposed to migratory—species. It favors the high slopes of the Central System mountain range, the plains and hills of central Spain, and the alluvial plains and dunes of the Guadalquivir marshes.

This is a Spanish imperial eagle, a predator that ranges in size from 72 to 85 centimeters (28 to 33 inches) to 177 to 220 cm (70 to 87 in) in length. The adult’s shoulder and leading edge of the wing have white bands, and its torso is a rich blackish-brown color. The head is a paler tawny brown.

European rabbits make up the majority of the Spanish imperial eagles’ diet, but as the rabbit population has decreased, more than 60 different species of birds, including water birds like coots, ducks, and geese, as well as rodents, hares, weasels, and hedgehogs, have become available as prey. It follows its food as it flies or stalks its prey from the tops of the trees.

16. Rufous-bellied Thrush | Brazil

Photo credit: Canva

What is Brazil’s national bird?

The national bird of Brazil is the Rufous-bellied Thrush.

15. Hoatzin | Guyana

Photo credit: Canva

What is Guyana’s national bird?

The national bird of Guyana is the Hoatzin.


What is the national bird of a Hispanic country?

The word quetzal was originally used for just the resplendent quetzal, the long-tailed quetzal of Guatemala, (more specifically the area of Northern Guatemala known as the Petén) which is the national bird and the name of the currency of Guatemala.

What’s the national bird of Germany?

The Golden Eagle! Scientific name, Aquila chrysaetos! The “Bundesadler” (Federal eagle) sometimes referred to as the Reichsadler (Imperial Eagle) and the Weimer Eagle, is Germany’s national symbol, national animal, and national bird.

What is the national bird of USA?

The bald eagle has been the national bird of the United States since 1782, when it was placed with outspread wings on the Great Seal of our country. It appears in many government institutions and on official documents, making it the most pictured bird in all of America.

What eagles are in Spain?

In Spain lives the Aquila chrysaetos homeyeri subspecies. These impressive and large eagles need remote mountainous open areas far from human disturbance to stablish their populations. Adults are sedentary and they build their nests either on trees of cliffs. Juveniles tend to disperse.