what is the national bird of malawi

The national bird of Malawi is African fish eagle. Scientific name of African fish eagle is Haliaeetus vocifer.

Diet edit African fish eagle carrying off a

The primary food source for the African fish eagle is fish, which it swoops down on from a tree perch and grabs with its large, clawed talons. After that, the eagle returns to its perch to consume its catch. The African fish eagle, like other sea eagles, can catch fish and other slick prey thanks to features on its toes called spiricules. This adaptation is also present in the osprey, a winter visitor to Africa. African fish eagles typically capture fish weighing between 200 and 1,000 g. 44 to 2. 20 lb), but fish up to 4,200 g (9. 3 lb) can be taken. When an eagle catches a fish that is too big for it to continue flying, it will dive into the water and use its wings to paddle to the closest shore. [15] Common prey includes mullets and catfish (Clarias), but other fish can also be taken, including characins, tilapias (Oreochromis), lungfish (Protopterus), and cichlids. Fish eagles can even feed on African Tigerfish (Hydrocynus vittatus), particularly when they are in the air and swarming ahead of barn swallows (Hirundo rustica). [19].

Distribution and habitat edit

When water levels are low during the dry season, African fish eagles breed. They are believed to mate for life. [12][13] Couples usually keep two or more nests, which they reuse on a regular basis. Nests can become fairly large, with some reaching two stories, as a result of being reused and expanded upon over time. 0 m (6. 5 ft) across and 1. 2 m (3. 9 ft) deep. The nests are situated within a sizable tree and are primarily constructed from sticks and other wood fragments.

One to three eggs, mostly white with a few reddish specks, are laid by the female. The male incubates when the female departs to hunt, but the female does the majority of the incubation. The period of incubation is 42 to 45 days, after which the chicks hatch. In this taxon, siblicide is uncommon, and parents frequently raise two or three chicks to maturity. [14] Chicks fledge around 70 to 75 days old. After up to three months of post-fledgling dependence, the juveniles become nomadic and may gather in groups away from territorial adults. [14] The life expectancy for those who make it through their first year is between 12 and 24 years. [12].

Heraldry edit

It is Zimbabwe’s national bird and can be seen on the flag of Zimbabwe as the Zimbabwe Bird. Additionally, the bird is featured on the flag of Zambia as well as the coats of arms of Namibia, Malawi, Zambia, and South Sudan.


What animal represents Malawi?

The African Senga Puku Antelope (Kobus vardonii senganus) is the Official “National animal of the East African Republic of Malawi” respectively.

What is the African country national bird?

The Springbok represents speed and perseverance. The Blue Crane is Africa’s national bird and is an interesting choice because this species is indigenous to the country. Cranes represent grace.

How many birds are in Malawi?

Malawi offers over 650 bird species, which is an impressive number for a small country. Lake Malawi is great for general waterbirds such as kingfishers, cormorants and egrets, and fish eagles, impressive creatures with a two-meter wingspan, are never far away.

What is the country’s national bird?

President John F. Kennedy wrote to the Audubon Society: The Founding Fathers made an appropriate choice when they selected the bald eagle as the emblem of the nation. The fierce beauty and proud independence of this great bird aptly symbolizes the strength and freedom of America.