what is the national bird of kenya

This is a list of the bird species recorded in Kenya. The avifauna of Kenya included a total of 1158 confirmed species as of July 2023. Of them, 11 are endemic, and 4 have been introduced by humans. An additional three species are considered “hypothetical” (see below) and are not included in the count. Unless otherwise noted, the list is that of Avibase. The

The following tags highlight several categories of occurrence other than regular migrants and non-endemic residents. The notes of population status are from the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, and apply to the world-wide population except for endemics.[2]

Vocalizations edit

A lilac-breasted roller’s cry during flight is a harsh, sawing “rak rak rak.” [3] Usually, the bird will perch to sing. [15].

Behaviour and ecology edit

Both subspecies are probably monogamous and nest solitary. [10] It is difficult to tell the difference between the sexes, and there is no clear correlation between their behaviors and gender. When a pair is defending their nest, one of them will roll over in the air to show off their territory to potential predators or to keep intruders away. A lilac-breasted roller will fly upwards, tip forward with closed wings, and then flap to increase speed in the direction of the ground during courtship. [3] The bird will roll to the left and right a few times as it levels out at its fastest speed, letting out a loud, harsh “kaaa, kaarsh”[10] before taking off once more. The display may end with a harsh chuckling. [11] Males are assumed to be rivals if they cross into another territory. They would engage in combat by thrusting, beating wings, and grabbing each other as they ascended.

In Somalia, lilac-breasted rollers breed at different times of the year depending on the location, while lilac-throated rollers breed from late April to mid-September. Within a baobab, dead coconut, casuarina, or Terminalia tree, they construct grass nests that are level. [3] The nest is located in a termite mound’s side or in a hollowed-out tree cavity about five meters (16 feet) above the ground. Instead of making the cavities themselves, lilac-breasted rollers occupy nest sites that have already been hollowed out by kingfishers or woodpeckers.

During the breeding season, Somalian lilac-breasted rollers typically lay three to four eggs. The typical clutch size in southern Africa is two to four eggs. For 22 to 24 days, the male and female partners will alternately incubate the eggs. [12] Hatchlings are altricial at birth and acquire full feathers in 19 days.

Laughingthrushes and allies edit The black-lored babbler is a noisy and gregarious bird, like many other laughingthrushes in Kenya. This one is at Sweetwaters Tented Camp.

Although the members of the genus Turdoides tend to be brown or grayish, the family’s members vary widely in size and color. The family is found in Africa, India, and southeast Asia.


What is the most common bird in Kenya?

The common bulbul is considered one of Kenya’s most widespread birds. It its brown above, with a dark head and throat, white underparts and a very distinctive yellow under the tail coverts.

What is the nickname for the lilac breast roller?

The Lilac-Breasted Roller (Coracias Caudatus), is an African icon and a bird of the true bush. Also known as the Fork-Tailed Roller, Lilac-Throated Roller, and Mosilikatze’s Roller, this vivid bird is unmistakable.

What is the rainbow bird in Kenya?

One of Africa’s most colorful and abundant birds, the beautiful lilac-breasted roller is commonly seen in game parks throughout eastern and southern Africa. The rainbow of colors this bird displays is truly stunning.

What is the blue winged bird in Kenya?

Great Blue Turaco is the largest species of the Turaco family. The adult has turquoise-blue upperparts, including wings and tail. The tail is long and wide, and shows a broad, black subterminal band. Most birds have narrow blue tips.