what is the national bird of denmark

This is a list of the bird species recorded in Denmark. The avifauna of Denmark included a total of 511 species recorded in the wild by June 2023 according to Bird List of Denmark with supplemental additions from Avibase.[1] Of these species, four have been introduced by humans. The

The following tags are used by the Danish Ornithologcial Society (Dansk Onitologisk Forening, DOF) to highlight some categories of occurrence. Those without tags are in Category A and “have been recorded in an apparently wild state in Denmark since 1st January 1950” according to DOF.

Behaviour edit Nest in Drilon National Park,

On islands in the center of lakes or right on their edge, mute swans construct massive mounds with waterside vegetation and nest there in shallow water. Because they are monogamous, they frequently rebuild or restore the same nest every year. The care of the nest is shared by the male and female swans, and after the cygnets have flown, it is usual to see entire families foraging for food. They consume a variety of plants, using their long necks to reach submerged aquatic plants as well as grazing on land. Common food sources include wheat and oilseed rape. Feeding flocks during the winter can seriously harm crops by trampling them with their large webbed feet as well as by consuming them directly. [24] In addition, it will occasionally consume fish, frogs, and aquatic insects. [25].

Mute swans, in contrast to black swans, are typically highly territorial, living in pairs on smaller lakes; however, in a few areas with extensive areas of suitable feeding habitat, they may become colonial. Nests can be as close together as 2 meters (7 feet) in the largest colonies, which have over 100 pairs. Examples of these colonies are the ones at Abbotsbury Swannery in southern England and Ottenby Preserve, which is located in the southernmost point of Öland Island in the Baltic Sea. [22][26] Unmated young birds until they are 3–4 years old frequently form larger flocks, sometimes numbering several hundred birds, frequently at regular, customary locations. [27] At a maximum count of 787 birds, a noteworthy flock of non-breeding birds can be found on the River Tweed estuary at Berwick-upon-Tweed in northeastern England. [28] A sizable population resides on the Thames in Windsor’s shadow, close to the Swan Lifeline Station. Following mating, the adults seek out their territories and frequently reside near ducks and gulls, which may exploit the swans’ capacity to reach deep water weeds, which have a tendency to disperse on the water’s surface. [citation needed].

The mute swan produces a variety of sounds, which are commonly characterized as “grunting, hoarse whistling, and snorting noises,” though it is not as vocal as the noisy whooper and Bewicks swans. Mute swans perform a rhythmic song as part of their courtship display. Their head and neck movements become more coordinated as a result of the song. Since the song’s rhythm usually doesn’t keep up with the speed at which two dating swans move their heads, it could theoretically be used to tell a bonded couple from two dating swans. [29] When rivals or outsiders attempt to enter their domain, mute swans typically hiss at them. [30] The characteristic bright throbbing of the wings during flight, which is exclusive to the species and audible from a distance of one to two kilometers, is the sound most commonly associated with mute swans. 6 to 1 mi), demonstrating its importance as a contact sound for soaring birds. [22] Cygnets are particularly talkative birds that use a range of sounds to convey their happiness, such as chirping and whistling, as well as a sharp squawking sound when they’re upset or lost. Nesting in spring,.

Mute swans are fiercely protective of their mates and young, and they can be very aggressive when defending their nests. A mute swan will typically initiate defensive behaviors with a loud hiss before moving on to a physical attack if the predator or intruder is not deterred. Swans use their large bill to bite and strike at threats with their bony spurs[31]. Smaller waterbirds, like ducks, are typically grabbed by the swan’s bill and thrown or dragged away from the swan and its young. Swans will drown, climb on top of another swan and peck its back, or force the other bird underwater in order to kill anyone who trespasses into their territory, including geese and ducks.

The swan’s powerful wings aren’t strong enough to break an adult man’s leg, despite what is sometimes misquoted about them. [32] Mute swans frequently attack people who venture into their area, and large waterfowl, like Canada geese, may be violently driven away (likely due to competition rather than possible predators). [33].

When the cob perceives that the cygnets are in danger, it will occasionally attack small boats like canoes in order to protect its young. In addition, the cob will attempt to drive the predator from his family’s territory and deter raptors and foxes. Common snapping turtles are the most frequent predators of cygnets in New York (outside of their natural range). [33] Although canids like coyotes, felids like lynx, and bears can threaten sicker adults (healthy adults can typically swim away from danger and successfully defend their nests), there are a few instances of healthy adults becoming the meal for golden eagles. Nevertheless, healthy adults are rarely preyed upon. Attacks by unruly dogs on swans have increased in England [34][35][36], particularly in parks where the birds are less aggressive. Under British law, this is illegal, and because the birds are associated with the monarch, they are given the utmost protection. [37] Adult swans can overwhelm and drown[38] even large dog breeds, and mute swans will readily attack dogs to defend themselves and their cygnets from harm. [39].

Busking, the well-known position with the wings half raised and the neck bent back, is a display of threat. During this display, both feet are paddled simultaneously, which causes more jerky movement. [40] The swans can also engage in windsurfing, or traveling hundreds of meters with the assistance of the wind, by adopting the busking posture. [41][42].

Mute swans are recognized, like other swans, for their capacity to mourn the loss of a mate or cygnet. Swans experience a grieving period and, in the event that their mate passes away, they may choose to remain in the area where their partner previously resided or to migrate to a flock. In the event that one of the pair passes away while the cygnets are present, the surviving parent will assume the partner’s responsibilities of pulling the clutch.

Breeding edit Nest of a mute swan,

Mute swans lay from 4 to 10 eggs. The female raises her young for about thirty-six days, and the cygnets typically hatch in May or July. [46] Young swans do not learn to fly until they are between 120 and 150 days old. As a result, the species’ range is restricted to the northernmost point where cygnets must learn to fly before ponds and lakes freeze over. [citation needed].

Osprey edit

Fish-eating birds of prey belong to the Pandionidae family. They have powerful hooked beaks capable of tearing flesh from their prey, strong legs, strong talons, and acute vision. The family is monotypic.


What is the national animal of Denmark?

The Danish national animal is the mute swan, which is famously known for its snow-white feathers, and for being the main character in H. C. Andersen’s fairy tale, The Ugly Duckling.

Does Denmark have a state bird?

The mute swan has been the national bird of Denmark since 1984. Before that, the skylark was considered Denmark’s national bird (since 1960). The fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling” by Hans Christian Andersen tells the story of a cygnet ostracised by his fellow barnyard fowl because of his perceived unattractiveness.

What is the bird symbol of Denmark?

National Bird of Denmark The National Bird of Denmark is the Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) or Knopsvane (of course), made famous in the story by Hans Christian Andersen , ” The Ugly Duckling “. If you have never seen the movie, watch the clip below.

Why is Denmark’s national animal the swan?

In 1984, the mute swan was named Denmark’s National bird, probably because of Hans Christian Andersen’s famous fairy tale about the ugly duckling that turns into a beautiful swan.