what is the national bird in nepal

Distribution of Himalayan Monal in Nepal

Himalayan Monal is mainly inhabited in the colder regions. The best places to find them are in the mountainous areas of India and Nepal. There are also numerous examples of some of their species in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Apart from this, fewer species can be found in other nations like Bhutan and Tibet. In Nepal, these birds represent various concepts; they are serene and lovely. These birds reflect the calm behavior of the Nepali people.

Since they can find the right food for themselves, Danfe primarily reside in temperate oak coniferous forests. Danphe can also exist in the meadows and cliffs with the grassy slopes. To survive, they need to be between 2400 and 4500 meters above sea level. They descend to a lower altitude during the winter season because the temperature drops at higher altitude locations.

The scientific name of Himalayan Monal is Lophophrous Impejanus. Research shows that Danphe comes from the Galliformes family. They inhabit alpine, subalpine, and coniferous forests; in the winter, they favor open, rocky, steep slopes covered in grass. In the summer, they simultaneously relocate to the nearby forest for the rhododendron During the winter and snowfall seasons, they are in warmer locations in the Himalayan region. These birds are Polugamous Inneature, i. e. , a male is seen with multiple females.

Danphe is quite quiet and reserved, so please keep your distance if you see them. The noise from the outside might scare them. Himalayan Monals can stay in one place for more than an hour on average. They excavate a hole in the earth and spend the majority of their time there.

They dig a hole early in the morning and like to spend the rest of the day cleaning the same hole. This bird consumes insects such as grasshoppers and mosquitoes that land on the trees. The majority of male birds are observed excavating, while females are primarily engaged in flight. Because they are vegetarians, monals consume grubs, berries, mosses, seeds, and grasses.

The most important months of the year for these birds are May and June. During this month, Monal starts laying eggs under the boulders. A female daphne can typically lay four or six eggs at once. Making a hole in a big tree, they lay their eggs in a nest made of rocks, bushes, and some basic scrape material. This process takes about a month. Many species of Daphne also widely live in Myanmar.

Danfe is widespread throughout Nepal. They will travel up to 4750 meters above sea level in the summer and down to 2500 meters during the winter. Some of the protected areas in Nepal that safeguard Daphne include the Makalu Barun, Sagarmatha, Langtang, Shey Phoksundo, Khaptad, and Rara National Parks; Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve; and Kanchenjungha, Gaurishankar, Manaslu, Annapurna, and Api Nampa Conservation Areas.

Despite numerous attempts to preserve this bird, hunting and trapping are currently the biggest threats to Daphne. Those who hunt or attempt to trap Himalayan monal are subject to harsh punishment. Hunting and trapping mainly prevail during the winter season. These birds are closer to human habitation. A recent survey estimates that there are between 3000 and 5000 Himalayan Monal, however for a variety of reasons, the population is declining.

The Himalayan Monal / Impeyan Pheasant (Lophophorus impejanus) is a member of the Phasianidae family and the Galliformes order. It is the national bird of Nepal. During the summer, the species prefers alpine and subalpine regions in the nearby forest and on steep, grassy, rocky slopes. In the winter, especially during periods of heavy snowfall, the species descends to lower altitudes in rhododendron forests. Males of the species have been observed to be polygamous, with multiple females in their midst. The bird flushes at a considerable distance and is typically quite shy. The birds take to the air and make a loud call that sounds like pi-pi-pi when they are flushed. It uses a strong bill to dig for tubers, and it frequently stays in one place for 30 minutes or longer. In the early morning, a dozen cocks can be seen excavating beneath the trees and across open spaces. Terrestrial insects and tubers forms are the chief food. The bird is frequently observed foraging for roots and tubers, which appear to be their primary source of food along with berries, mosses, insects, grubs, and grass roots and seeds. In May and June, eggs are laid in crude nests on the ground, usually beneath boulders. There are usually 4-6 (occasionally 2-3) eggs in each nest. Incubation period is 28 days (but some time 26-29 days). The nest is a basic scrape that is frequently found in a big tree hole, beneath a bush, or on a rock. Native to China, Myanmar, India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Bhutan is the Himalayan Monal. It is a fairly common widespread resident of Nepal, where it can move vertically between 3300–4750 meters in the summer and down to 2500 meters in the winter. All of the Himalayan protected areas have reported seeing this bird: Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve; Kanchenjungha, Gaurishankar, Manaslu, Annapurna, and Api Nampa Conservation Areas; Makalu Barun, Sagarmatha, Langtang, Shey Phoksundo, Khaptad, and Rara National Parks. The primary causes of the species’ threats are local hunting and trapping, particularly in the winter when the bird lowers its flight path and approaches human settlements. One cannot overlook shepherds’ and poachers’ hunting and trapping practices during and after the monsoon. It is also killed for its plumes. The number of people on the planet is unknown, but in Nepal, it is thought to be between 3500 and 5000. The IUCN Global Red List category rates the bird as Least Concern (LC), but Nepal’s regional IUCN status is Near Threatened (NT). This species’ legal status in Nepal is Protected (Appendix I) under CITES law and Appendix I under the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act of 1973.


What is the national animal and flower of Nepal?

Two triangle flag with sun and moon

What is the national tree of Nepal?

The national tree of Nepal is the Pipal it the Bodhi tree . The Sacred fig, Bodhi tree, Pippala tree, Peepul tree, Peepal tree or Ashwattha tree (Ficus religiosa) is the Official “National tree of Nepal” respectively.

Which bird is only found in Nepal?

The Spiny Babbler is the only endemic bird species in Nepal.

What is the national bird of Nepal Daphne?

Danfe Lophophorus impejanus (Himalayan Monal, the name in English is given mistakenly because Satyr Tragopan Tragopan satyra is called Monal in Nepali) is the National Bird of Nepal. Male and female are easily differentiated with the plumage color.