what is the most common bird in britain

Top 10 Most Common Birds In The UK:

Latin name: Pica pica, International Name: Black-billed magpieConservation status: Green

Magpies, among the most astute birds in the world, will alert smaller birds to the presence of a predator before pursuing it themselves. Additionally, they enjoy pilfering shiny objects, so if you’re looking for your car keys, look no farther than your garden hedge. This bird is common throughout England and probably Scotland as well; sadly, they kill small songbirds by decapitating them all but the head.

Latin name: Aegithalos caudatusConservation status: Green

These are one of Britains tiniest birds. They lose heat far more quickly than other bird species because of their small, round body and long, narrow tail. In order to combat this, they cluster together to roost and cuddle up together to stay warm during the cold. Because of their small size and capacity to nest at such high altitudes, they don’t have many predators, which explains why you occasionally see them peering out of tree holes.

These little birds are surviving in greater numbers thanks to our warmer winters.

Latin name: Erithacus rubecula, International Name: European RobinConservation status: Green

One of Britain’s most beloved birds, the robin is often associated with Christmas and is known as the gardener’s friend because of its tendency to appear when gardeners are digging in the soil in search of worms.

The robin is one of the few birds that continues to chirp throughout the winter. Throughout the year, these small birds frequently make different noises, but especially during the breeding season. This indicates that they occasionally fly around gardens. Additionally, they have intricate mating rituals that involve both genders bowing and acting puffed up at various times. Heres everything you need to know about Robins.

Latin name: Parus majorConservation status: Green

Larger than its cousin the blue tit, great tits are found nesting in trees and bushes throughout almost all of Britain. They are also recognized for their loud teacher-teacher calls. When breeding season arrives, they are fiercely protective of their nests and will often reprimand anyone who tampers with them. They will occupy nest boxes with holes on the front and fiercely guard them!

Latin name: Carduelis carduelis, International Name: European GoldfinchConservation status: Green

The goldfinch, a member of the finch family, gets its name from the vivid yellow patch on its wings. They can also be identified by their red face. Goldfinches are sociable birds who often breed in loose colonies. It is beneficial to remove plants like this from your garden before winter arrives because their beaks enable them to reach the seeds of plants like thistles and teasels!

Because they nest in July and August, goldfinches are a good species to watch for fledglings later in the year.

Latin name: Turdus merula, International Name: Common blackbirdConservation status: Green

If you live close to a blackbird, you probably hear its lovely song every morning in the spring. Although the females have brown feathers and the males are black (as the name implies!) with a yellow beak, both species prefer to hide in bushes out of sight. They enjoy building mud nests atop tall branches, typically one per branch. 5 to 2 meters above ground (much like wood pigeons do), which means they too frequently encounter people who prune trees.

what is the most common bird in britain

Latin name: Cyanistes caeruleusConservation status: Green

One of the most identifiable birds in the nation, the blue tit is known for its blue, yellow, white, and green feathers. It is often seen in gardens all over the nation. Additionally, they are the only member of the British tit family with blue feathers. Male feathers typically have much brighter feathers than female feathers. Everything you need to know about the habits, nesting, and hatching of blue tits is provided here.

Latin name: Sturnus vulgaris, International name: Common starlingConservation status: Red

Starlings are the dark horses of garden birds. These birds, which are somewhat smaller than blackbirds, appear dull and drab from a distance, but up close, their feathers almost seem shiny, with shades of purple and green peeking through. In the countryside, starlings frequently form murmurations in the evenings when they collaborate to put on breathtaking aerial performances before roosting.

In the warmer months, starlings will visit our gardens in search of delicious insect food; in the winter, they will forage for berries.

Regretfully, starling populations in the UK have drastically decreased and are now listed as critically endangered.

?Latin name: Passer domesticusConservation status: Red

The house sparrow, which takes its name from its historical association with human activity due to its use of buildings as nesting sites, is at the top of our list. They primarily graze on the ground, but they have also learned to use hanging bird feeders. You can typically spot these chirping, gregarious birds flying in flocks!

House sparrows are widely distributed throughout Britain and Ireland, with millions of breeding pairs in the United Kingdom; however, since the 1960s, their numbers have drastically decreased. The exact reasons for this are not known.

Special feature by David Domoney

Gardening has many benefits, and these are some of the best ones that come with getting in your garden.

The Greenfinch is a beautiful, colorful bird that flies with flashes of yellow and green. They typically enjoy the countryside, so you can find them in village gardens year-round. Most bird seeds and insects will draw these amazing birds; however, if you grow sunflowers, leave the flower heads on the plant so they will become seeds, which will provide the birds with a delicious late-summer treat.

Since greenfinches also consume insects, you can cultivate plants in your garden like honeysuckle and lilac to draw more of these creatures in. These will not only attract insects to your garden, but they will also create a delightful scent.

Another bird to watch for in your garden is the Chaffinch, which is the second most common bird in the UK. A good starting point is near the bird feeder. Plant native hedging, such as hawthorn, sorbus, and beech, to attract these charming little birds. Although they won’t likely feed openly on the table, you can see them hopping down below searching for food in the hedges and on the ground.

The naughty blackbird is most likely the source of any loud rustling you hear in the bushes. Blackbirds enjoy foraging on the ground for insects and worms, so be sure to provide them with plenty of spaces to do so. You should also plant ground cover, such as ivy and cottage geraniums, to provide them with something to scavenge.

The males are coal black with a bright orange-yellow beak and eye area, while the females are mostly brown with spots and other patterns on their breasts. Blackbirds are common in gardens in the UK and sing a beautiful song from rooftops.

When seen from a distance, starlings appear black, but up close, their undertones are purple. They travel in flocks and are somewhat smaller than blackbirds in size. If you do happen to spot a flock of them moving through your garden, it will be difficult to miss them because they are a chatty and noisy species.

In the fall and winter, starlings enjoy eating fruit and berries, so plant pyracantha, blackberries, holly, and apples in your garden to draw them in.

In certain regions of Britain, the House Sparrow, which was once common, is seriously declining. The bird is distinguished by its chestnut back, black patterns, and a yellow-brown beak that turns black in the warmer months.

Try adding plants to your garden that encourage caterpillars, like ivy and honeysuckle, but also leave a patch of your lawn wild, as the longer and more varied grasses will serve as a food source for the caterpillars. House Sparrows feed insects to their young, especially caterpillars in the spring.

The Wren is a small, round-bodied, slender, brown bird with a fine tail that may stand vertically. Surprisingly the wren has a loud voice for its size. Try not to be too tidy in your garden and leave some areas where insects and spiders can make a home because wrens are the most common breeding birds in the UK and they like to eat insects and spiders.

Because wrens are so small, they must quickly hide from predators. Therefore, try to have some climbing foliage plants in your garden so that they can find cover when necessary. Beautiful climbers like honeysuckle, wisteria, and clematis will give growth a place to grow.

Read on further below to discover more birds.

Bonus: The bird that almost made the list!

Something that everyone believes they know about swallows but actually doesn’t In actuality, they are not the only birds that construct mud nests. Nonetheless, they are widespread throughout Europe and northern Asia, where, when nesting season arrives, they establish themselves on rafters or roofs. After leaving the nest, the young spend the majority of their lives in the air, engaging in thrilling insect hunting. Large groups of young swallows have even been known to soar into thunderstorms. Here’s how to distinguish house martins, starlings, and swallows.


What is UK most common bird?

The Wren is the UK’s most common breeding bird and likes to feed on insects and spiders so try not to be too tidy in your garden and leave some areas where insects and spiders can make a home.

What is the national bird of England?

The robin may be feeling a sense of deja-vu – it was also declared Britain’s National Bird on December 15th, 1960. – British robins will not enter standard nest boxes with round entrance holes, but they do like open-fronted boxes.

What bird is native to Britain?

There is one endemic bird species found in Great Britain: the Scottish crossbill.

What’s the most common bird in London?

The three most commonly recorded species of bird in London, as reported by the public, are woodpigeons, house sparrows and starlings.