what does a blue tit bird look like

How to identify blue tits

Tiny blue caps, a white head, and a black eye stripe characterize blue tits. They also have bluish backs and yellow underparts that brighten to blue at the wings. While juveniles lack the blue cap and white cheeks, they have a duller appearance than adults.

what does a blue tit bird look like

Because of the color similarities between their bodies and wings, blue tits and great tits (shown below) can be mistaken for one another. Great tits, on the other hand, are larger, and the color of their heads distinguishes the two species. Blue tits have a dark line through their white cheek and a blue crown. The black crown of great tits is larger, and the white cheek is not divided.

what does a blue tit bird look like

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Identifying blue tits and great tis. © BTO

What do blue tits sound like?

Blue tits have several scolding calls and an urgent-sounding trill in their song.

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#BirdSongBasics – blue tits and great tits. © BTO

Are blue tits increasing or declining in gardens?

Since Garden BirdWatch started, the number of blue tits in gardens has slightly decreased. Nonetheless, it’s evident that providing nestboxes and additional feeding in gardens has helped the British breeding population.

When are blue tits most frequently seen in gardens?

The BTO’s Garden BirdWatch data, which has been gathered since 1995, indicates that bluetits are most frequently observed in gardens in January, in approximately 2093% of gardens.

How numerous are blue tits?

According to data from 2016, there were 3. 3 million pairs of blue tits in Britain and 3. 4 million pairs of blue tits in the UK.

what does a blue tit bird look like