what do finch bird eggs look like

It is hard on the female’s body to keep laying eggs, so if the fake bird eggs don’t stop the laying, you might want to at least think about removing the nest. Additionally, you don’t want to have an excessive number of birds. If everything else fails, you can always split the male and female to ensure that there are no more children; however, the female will still be able to lay eggs; they will just not be viable.

I also add bird calcium powder to my birds’ food to prevent the female from becoming calcium deficient. Most pet stores carry this, and it’s also available online. Since I can’t get my society finches to eat the cuttlebone I give them in their cage, I buy bird calcium powder and daily sprinkle a small amount into their seed dish.

Bird breeding doesn’t always go as planned, despite what books say. For instance, the majority of information on society finch breeding claims that after the finches lay four to six eggs, they will begin to incubate them. But the two society finches I have raised have only produced two eggs. They sat on both eggs for a brief period of time to incubate them. However, a week or so later, I discovered one of the eggs cracked open on the opposite side of the cage. Since there was no sign of growth, it’s possible that the egg wasn’t fertilized, which is why the bird parents threw it out of the nest.

When the eggs hatch, both the male and female society finches tend to the hatchlings. The male and female alternated in perching on the egg. For twenty-one days, the parents remained on the egg until it hatched. Both parents fed the chick once it hatched. They accomplish this by obtaining food and then spitting it into the chicks’ mouths. I also had a bag of Kaytee hand feeding formula. Unless the birdie parents reject the chick for some reason, it is best to let them handle the feeding, just in case.

I attempted to take a picture of the recently hatched chick but was not successful. This is due to the fact that at least one parent of a society finch was constantly sitting on the chick for almost three weeks. I think they take this action to protect it and to keep it warm. The chicks are born entirely bald and do not develop feathers for a few weeks.

This is something you should only ever do if your birds are young parents or if the hen has rejected the egg. A bright torch must be shone on an egg in order to candle it. You can do this when the hen is absent. Unless you truly don’t have a good view of the eggs, be careful not to move them. Always wear gloves when handling the eggs because a hen will reject an egg if she detects your scent on it.

The egg’s interior can be seen thanks to the torch’s light. Any red veins showing through indicate a healthy egg. The chick’s faint outline should be visible if the egg is fully developed. The egg won’t hatch if all you can see is an outline with no red veins.

Usually, the hen will start incubating after the third or fourth egg is laid (note that some species won’t start incubating until after all the eggs are laid). The male will sit on the nest during the day while the female will sit at night. The two will alternate who sits on the nest. After 12 to 16 days, the eggs will hatch, though this can vary depending on the species. They will periodically flip the eggs and replenish the humidity by bathing briefly and returning to the nest with feathers that are still warm and damp.


What color are finches eggs?

Clutch Size:
2-6 eggs
Incubation Period:
13-14 days
Nestling Period:
12-19 days
Egg Description:
Pale blue to white, speckled with fine black and pale purple.
Condition at Hatching:
Naked except for sparse white down along feather tracts, eyes closed, clumsy.

What months do finches lay eggs?

House finches breed between March and August. A breeding pair may lay as many as 6 clutches of eggs in one summer, but they usually can only successfully raise up to 3 clutches. The female builds the nests, which are shallow and cup-shaped.

What do finches eggs look like?

Nest and Eggs Their nest is a cup made of natural materials, string and feathers on tree branches or manmade structures; the nest holds four to five spotted bluish-white eggs. Check out 20 super pretty pictures of finches.

What to do if you find a finch egg?

While it’s tempting, finding and taking care of wild bird eggs is illegal in many areas, so try to leave them alone if at all possible. If you think the eggs have been abandoned, call a wildlife rehabilitator to come get the eggs and care for them.