what birds eat thistle in the winter

2. Peanuts and Peanut Butter

what birds eat thistle in the winter

Place peanuts in a tube or tray feeder and serve them either in their shells or not (just stay away from the salted variety). If peanuts get pricey, mix in some black-oil sunflower seeds. When it’s snowy or rainy outside, swap out the peanuts often to avoid mold growth.

4. Cracked corn. “You can feed cracked corn to your feeders and attract a variety of wildlife, including squirrels, quail, jays, blackbirds, doves, and cracked corn,” according to Thomson. But watch out—it’s also a favorite of squirrels.

7. Good mixed seed. Thompson emphasizes that there are bad mixed seeds. “A lot of filler, or junk seeds that most birds won’t eat, is included in bad mixed seed.” Bad mixed seed can include wheat, colored seed intended for pet birds, and some varieties of red milo that only seem to be consumed by birds in the Desert Southwest. Good mixed seed, according to him, contains a lot of cracked corn, white proso millet, sunflower seeds, and maybe even some peanut hearts. Look for seed at hardware stores or specialized bird shops, or mix your own.

Note from the editors: This article was first published in 2010. Even though the post’s original online source is no longer accessible, the facts and viewpoints expressed here are still true and worthwhile reading. Enjoy! Now is the perfect time to give your bird feeder some TLC because weather forecasters are predicting more severe winter weather for most of the nation this week. Keep the feeder free of snow and clean, shake any seed feeders before restocking them to release compacted seed and discard any outdated material, and fill er up, of course. Birds that are building right now can benefit from feeders as they navigate the harsh winter conditions.

10. Black-oil sunflower seed. Thompson refers to this seed as the “hamburger” of the bird kingdom since almost all of the birds that visit your feeder will consume it due to its easily cracked thin shell.

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3. Nyjer Thistle Seed

what birds eat thistle in the winter

Draws: Common redpolls, house finches, goldfinches, and pine siskins Psst—these are the


What bird eats thistle?

Birds That Eat Thistle Seed Lure American goldfinches, pine siskins, dark-eyed juncos and chickadees with nyjer, a tiny black seed that is sometimes called thistle. Nyjer seeds come from the African yellow daisy. They have a good mix of protein, fat and fiber, so they’re a good high-calorie option for winter birds.

Should I feed finches in the winter?

Should I feed birds year-round? It’s not necessary. Bird feeding is most helpful when birds need the most energy, such as during temperature extremes, migration and in late winter or early spring, when natural seed sources are depleted. Most birds don’t need your help in the summer.

Why aren’t birds coming to my thistle feeder?

It’s a good idea to buy thistle on an as-needed basis; purchase a seed quantity that the birds in your yard will consume within a month or so. If oil doesn’t come out when you pinch a seed with your fingernail, it’s not fresh, and the finches won’t enjoy it. Finches can actually tell the difference.

What is the best seed to feed birds in the winter?

What bird seed should you offer birds in the winter? There are several options: Black-oil Sunflower Seed – Easily the best, all-around bird seed, black-oil sunflower seed will draw in a huge variety of species thanks to the fact that it’s packed with protein.