is a turkey a bird of prey

Subspecies edit

The behavior, habitat, and coloring of the various subspecies of wild turkeys vary slightly from one another. The six subspecies are: Eastern wild turkey.

Predators edit

Adult turkeys occasionally attempt to fend off predators if they are cornered, and large male toms can become particularly aggressive in self-defense. Turkeys can use their comparatively large bodies to ram predators, bite with their beaks, and kick with their legs, using the spurs on their backs of their legs as a weapon, potentially deterring larger predators like mid-sized mammals. When their poults are in danger, hen turkeys have been observed to drive away at least two species of hawks from the air [48][49]. [50].

Although wild turkeys are typically not hostile toward people, they can become fearful or provoked into acting aggressively. If they are startled, cornered, harassed, or come too close, they are most likely to attack. They have also been observed chasing people away. However, by providing wild turkeys with a reasonable amount of space and maintaining clean, unaltered outdoor areas, attacks and potential injuries can typically be prevented. Additionally, turkeys that are accustomed to seeing people in parks or campgrounds can become extremely docile and even take food from people’s hands [51]. Sometimes male toms will attack reflective surfaces and parked cars, believing that they are defending their territory from another turkey. However, most of the time, just moving the car and starting the engine will scare the turkey away.

Habitat edit Eastern subspecies

Turkeys inhabit a variety of habitats in California; acorns, in addition to wild oats (Avena barbata), are a favorite food of the birds, which attracts them to open oak forests and oak savannas found in the state’s central regions. They can be found throughout the central coast north through Mendocino County, which is mostly open conifer forest with a variety of fern species growing in the understory, and the lower-elevation oak woodlands of the Sierra Nevada foothills and Coast Ranges. Additionally, they can be found in the northern regions of the state in the foothills of conifers and fern-rich forested areas of the Klamath Mountains and Cascade Range. Turkeys are typically found in San Diego County further inland, usually between 30 and 50 miles, at a relatively higher elevation; a healthy population of turkeys can be found in the Cleveland National Forest’s montane conifer woods and open oak forest habitats, which border the high desert and typically receive very little annual precipitation. In these regions, turkeys can be found for shelter and nesting sites in dense thickets of manzanita (Arctostaphylos), which frequently grow on arid hillsides, as well as in the rocky and boulder-strewn chaparral foothills.


What kind of bird is a turkey?

turkey, either of two species of birds classified as members of either the family Phasianidae or Meleagrididae (order Galliformes). The best known is the common turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), a native game bird of North America that has been widely domesticated for the table.

Which birds are called the birds of prey?

Raptors can be identified by their hook shaped beaks and sharp curved claws called talons. They are often called birds of prey because they pursue or prey on other smaller animals as their food source. Hawks, owls, falcons, and vultures are all considered birds of prey.

What category of animal is a turkey?

Turkey Temporal range: Early Miocene – Recent

What is classified as a bird of prey?

Birds of prey are also known as raptors, a name that derives from the Latin raptare, which means to seize and carry off. There are two groups of raptors, Falconiformes and Strigiformes. Hawks, eagles, vultures, and falcons are all Falconiformes.