how to tell if a bird is cold

Do parrots tolerate cold weather? What’s the ideal temperature for your pet parrot and how do you know if it’s ill? Read on to find out…

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Can parrots live in cold weather?

Companion parrots do not tolerate cold weather very well.

Pet parrots are acclimated to the temperature in which they were raised, but some wild parrots have adapted to colder wintertime temperatures. It is improbable that a parrot kept indoors would fare well outdoors during the winter.

Furthermore, since most pet parrots are biologically acclimated to warmer climates—their ancestors originated in regions like South America and Africa— indicating that they have a lower propensity to tolerate the cold

The argument put forth by owners of parrots housed in outdoor aviaries is that the birds can survive the winter months if they have been gradually acclimated to the lower temperatures through brief but frequent exposures.

Nonetheless, during the winter months, it is usually safer to make sure your birds are warm indoors.

How to keep pet parrots warm in the winter?

Dr. Sophie Bell, a veterinary specialist, says parrots are far more sensitive to draft than humans are. They will be able to feel things even though we are unable to. For this reason, it’s crucial to keep your parrot away from windows and doors.

Make sure your heating system doesn’t dry out the air in the room where your bird is at the same time. Due to their delicate respiratory systems, birds may become ill from dry air.

If the room feels dry due to your heating, you can use a humidifier to bring the natural humidity back. Regular misting can help too.

Another effective strategy to keep your parrot warm and shielded from potential temperature drops is to cover their cage at night.

What’s the best temperature for your parrot?

Although cockatiels and parakeets are hardy birds, they can both become chilly in cold weather. Both species exhibit the same behavior when theyre cold. The ideal home temperature for companion birds, like parakeets and cockatiels, is roughly 70 degrees.

When your bird fluffs up his feathers, he might be cold. He might look like a little downy ball. A bird holds pockets of warm air close to its skin by puffing out its feathers. When they go to sleep, cockatiels and parakeets also puff up their feathers, making it difficult to tell if they’re sleeping or just getting cold. Make sure your bird is not in a draft and that the room temperature is not too cold if it appears puffed during the day.

Your bird may become cold even if the temperature in your home is a comfortable 75 degrees. Pet birds enjoy having a view of the outside world, but if the cage is next to a window, you might want to move it on a windy or chilly day. Your bird can sense the cold air entering even if you can’t. Fall chills can cause illnesses, so keep a close eye on the outside temperature and make sure your birds are comfortable.

Parakeets and cockatiels maintain warmer body temperatures than humans do. Their typical body temperatures range from 102 to 112 degrees Fahrenheit; in colder environments or when the temperature drops, they cool down more quickly. It takes effort for a pet bird to keep his body temperature stable. As the weather gets colder and the winter months roll around, you’ll notice that your bird starts eating more. Because of this, birds molt in the summer when temperatures are higher.

Often, a cold bird will droop his head and bury his beak in his chest. A cold bird will also shiver. Cockatiels and parakeets typically sleep with one foot curled up beneath them. It’s likely that your bird is cold if his feathers are puffed up and he appears to be sleeping on both feet. A contented cockatiel or parakeet will nestle his head into a wing to slumber. He might be cold if he is curled up in a corner of the cage floor.