how to set up a bird feeding station

Had my feeding station up since April now and always have a good variety out (and fresh) niger, seed mix, suet etc. Only problem is its not attracting any birds! Get the usual wood pigeon on the table but the feeders dont get a nibble. Had a group of sparrows visiting for a week but thats it! Starting to think where Ive placed it isnt ideal. We dont have a cat or neighbours with them, so wouldnt think its predators scaring them off

If anyone has any suggestions for me please Id love to hear them, where I could move it etc. Happy to buy a patio stand for it if needed.

Savor it! If you’ve followed these instructions to set up your bird feeding station, you should soon see flocks of birds visiting it all year long. Make sure you are prepared with your checklists, binoculars, and camera so you can document the variety of wildlife you observe in your backyard!

A bird feeding station is the best place to get everything you need for your backyard birds because it is made to draw a variety and large number of birds all year round. It can grow into a lovely feature in your landscape that gives the birds food, shade, and a secure haven. Use these guidelines to determine the ideal site and discover what fundamental components a bird feeding station needs to have.

Unused bird baths can serve as a haven for dangerous bacteria and microbes that can infect the birds in your backyard. Remember to regularly clean and replace your water source, whether it’s a shallow dish, fountain, or bird bath.

The exciting part is almost here: setting up your feeders! Decide which birds you want to try to draw to your bird feeding station. Platform, tube, and hopper bird feeders are designed to attract a diverse range of birds and can hold multiple seed varieties. On the other hand, specialized feeders such as those for hummingbirds, orioles, and bluebirds cater to specific bird species. Suet is a great high-energy option to offer the birds in the winter, but it can also be fed year-round to attract woodpeckers and other birds. Don’t forget about suet feeders! If squirrels are a known problem in your yard, you might think about installing feeders that are squirrel proof to help keep them away.

After disassembling, certain bird feeders and their components can be cleaned in the dishwasher and put on the top rack. Before putting any feeder parts in your dishwasher, make sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions. Generally, all you need for hand washing is warm water, a scrubbing brush or sponge, and unscented dish detergent. For additional information on why and how often to clean your bird feeders, see our cleaning instructions.

I’ve had my feeding station up since April, and I always keep fresh and a nice variety of niger, seed mix, suet, and other items available. The only issue is that it doesn’t draw any birds! You get the typical wood pigeons on the table, but they don’t eat anything from the feeders. After having a flock of sparrows visit for a week, I’m beginning to feel that my current location isn’t ideal. We don’t think that predators are scaring them away because we don’t have a cat or neighbors who live with them.

I would appreciate hearing any advice you have for me, including where I should move it, etc. Happy to buy a patio stand for it if needed.


What is the best position for a bird feeding station?

RSPB’s Top Tips On Where To Hang Your Bird Feeder The locations should be quiet and if possible, away from regular human traffic. The space should be open and safe. Sheltered areas. With a lookout point.

Should bird feeders be in the sun or shade?

Move Feeders to the Shade It also keeps seed and other bird foods from spoiling as quickly from the seasonal mixture of sun and humidity. Plus, a shaded spot also provides birds shelter from predators. Consider hanging feeders in a tree, near a shrub, or on a garden hook placed next to vegetation.

How far away from the house should a bird feeder be?

Prevent collisions by placing feeders either more than 30 feet from a window or closer than 3 feet. A feeder that is 30 feet or more from a window is a safe distance from confusing reflections, while one within 3 feet prevents a bird from building up enough momentum for a fatal collision.