how to save a cracked bird egg

In case this is your first encounter with a cracked hatching egg, inhale deeply. Repairing a crack or break in the membrane is relatively simple as long as it’s still intact. Here’s how to do it.

Please let me know how it worked out for you. Most likely, by day 21, your chick will be flopping around in the incubator, learning to walk, and drying off its new fluff!

The membrane drying out and shrink-wrapping the chick is the biggest risk to an egg with a cracked or broken shell. Prior to proceeding, dampen a fresh towel or cloth with warm water, making sure it is damp but not drenched, and then wrap it around the cracked or broken egg. I use a freshly washed washcloth, but paper towels also work. After that, return the egg to the incubator and get the repair materials.

Cracks and breaks occasionally happen when you’re hatching eggs. The worst break I’ve repaired was my rooster’s hatching egg. A hen was exploring the house while I was doing the final candling before the “lockdown.” She took off to see what I was doing and dropped an egg onto the tile floor three feet below the counter. In passing, I would advise against keeping hens inside the house when candling eggs. My boy hatched, I still find it hard to believe. His egg appeared AWFUL, with the membrane remaining intact but the shell completely destroyed in a few spots. I was too busy trying to fix it to take any decent photos. He fixed the break, hatched a healthy, contented chick, and developed into a stunning flock protector.

Although using a fresh candle is preferable, any candle will do the trick. If you don’t have a microwave, like me, you can simply light the candle and pour the wax directly onto the break instead of shaving some off and heating it up. To keep the egg from drying out, the liquid will seep into the crevices and gently seal it. Just use the necessary amount of wax to seal the break or crack. More wax means a higher chance that the chick won’t hatch on its own.

In order to respond to this question, keep in mind that heat kills the majority of pathogens. Salmonella is no different. Since salmonella must be killed at 160°F (71°C), using cracked eggs that have been fully cooked, boiled, or baked ensures that the internal temperature is well over the critical temperature. Because of this and the USDA and FSIS reports, I keep using up the cracked eggs that I think are still usable.

Candling is where the egg is placed over a light source to illuminate the inside of the egg so that you can see blood spots, size of air pocket and cracks. There are commercial egg candlers available, but a flashlight will work as well. You do need something to focus the light just under the egg otherwise it is extremely blinding while you do it, especially if you are candling a large number of eggs. I did use a flashlight for quite some time, but to make this easier for me I built myself a counter top homemade egg candler using an old metal coffee can, a light socket, a piece of cardboard, a piece of toilet paper roll and a 60 watt LED bulb. It is not pretty, but it works like a charm. Photo of eggs with metal can on table

Although there are differing opinions on this, I frequently give my dog raw, cracked eggs because their digestive systems can tolerate them. After all, just think about what a dog eats sometimes. Most dogs adore it, and it is a fantastic addition to their diet. I am even aware of some individuals who feed the shells in addition because of their ability to deworm and their added calcium content.

Although I generate a lot of perfect eggs for sale as farm eggs that I could also use in my home or for water glassing for long term storage (check out this great tutorial on water glassing eggs), I have decided to not use these eggs but rather use the cracked eggs. Due to the nesting box design and my egg handling, I can generate a few cracked eggs and so coming up with ways to deal with them is paramount. After all, throwing them out is such a waste of what is otherwise a perfect food.

A portal is created when the egg cracks in the coop, allowing any bacteria to enter and grow inside. I collect eggs twice a day, so there is a much lower chance of anything going bad. I continue to check the eggs during the gathering to make sure they are not broken. I throw away the egg if they are cracked or have a hole from a hen pecking at it. But if they are cracked, I will use them. After all, waste not want not.


What to do if you find a cracked bird egg?

A broken egg If an egg containing an undeveloped embryo is broken, nothing can be done to protect the development of the baby and the egg should be placed in a natural area (e.g. bushes) to decompose or become part of the cycle of life for another wild animal.

How do you save a cracked egg?

Bacteria can enter eggs through cracks in the shell. Never purchase cracked eggs. However, if eggs crack on the way home from the store, break them into a clean container, cover tightly, keep refrigerated, and use within two days. If eggs crack during hard cooking, they are safe.

Will a cracked egg still hatch?

In broiler breeder production, up to 2% of hatching eggs are rejected because of cracked or broken shells. Eggs with cracks give a reduced hatchability and a lower chick quality and cause economic loss.

How do you take care of a broken egg?

If your eggs were intact at the store, but you notice a new crack in the shell, the USDA suggests they might be okay to eat—if you move quickly. Remove the egg them from the shell, place them in a container and use within two days.