how to safely clean up bird droppings

According to a popular theory, pigeons don’t poop while in flight and can be quite selective when it comes to going number 2.

That’s why we see clusters of pigeon poop on the window sills, decks, statues or wherever those fussy little poopers are hanging out.

Some experts believe that pigeons don’t poop while in flight because of the way they tuck their feet against their body while flying. The tuck would mean that if they did poop while in flight, it would go all over their feet, so they don’t.

In my opinion, that’s great news! The fewer poop bombs falling from above, the better! If you’ve ever been the “lucky” target of a bird poop bomb you know what I mean!

Ingested pigeon poop can lead to several diseases in humans, such as; Salmonella (bacterial infection), Psittacosis (flu like illness), Diarrhea, Histoplasmosis (respiratory disease), to name a few.

Pigeon poop carries pathogens that are harmful to humans when ingested. Touching pigeon poop (when cleaning it or accidentally like on a bench etc) and then using your phone or scratching your face or rubbing your eye are all easy ways to accidentally ingest. Breathing in the dry poop particles floating in the air is another way to ingest.

The 3 pieces of PPE we recommend for cleaning pigeon poop are gloves, glasses and a mask. Especially if you’re removing a large amount, and especially if the poop is dry. It’s very easy to breathe in the particles and they are toxic!

*friendly reminder – These are helpful suggestions to remove pigeon poop around the house, on window sills, handrails, tables, the deck, etc. For larger or heavily soiled areas you may need bigger tools like brooms, hoses or even pressure washers. You may even need more PPE like a bodysuit and respirator. Be cautious and contact a professional cleaning or maintenance company if you’re unsure.

When it comes to the solution, choose wisely. Your choice for the perfect solution should include the following considerations:

Pigeon poop is very acidic and will cause damage to most surfaces if left on long enough. That being said, we don’t want to cause more damage to the surface by choosing the wrong product to remove the poop with. Even dish soap can be damaging to some surfaces so make sure you read the instructions, ask for help and always test before using a product, especially if you’re not familiar with it.

Some products like bleach are very strong and not healthy to breath in large amounts. Make sure the area you’re cleaning is properly ventilated before starting.

Over the counter Disinfectants and household cleaners can be useful. Some are better than others. If you have one you stand behind, by all means use it. We always recommend testing unfamiliar products before using them.

This is our first choice when it comes to household disinfectants. It’s the most powerful disinfectant in this list, but it can be damaging to some surfaces. Bleach should always be diluted with water before use. For this purpose we recommend mixing a solution of ½ cup bleach to 1 gallon of water.

Misting will help settle suspended air-born particlesSoak the area and let it sit for 15 mins to disinfect and soften the poop (reapply solution if it starts to dry during the 15 mins) , heavily soiled areas may require multiple applications. Wipe or Scrape away the poop and place into a doubled plastic bag and seal it. Properly seal and dispose of the bag making sure it’s away from direct human contact human

Laundry detergent will help disinfect the area and may not be as damaging to the surface or surrounding area as bleach. Some detergents have bleach in them so make sure to read the label and always test a small amount on a small unnoticeable area before starting.

For this purpose we recommend mixing a solution of about 1 tbsp of laundry detergent with 2 cups of warm water. Make sure all the detergent is dissolved in the water before use.

Similar to bleach, misting will help settle suspended air-born particles. Soak the area and let it sit for 15 mins to disinfect and soften the poop (reapply solution if it starts to dry during the 15 mins) Wipe or scrape the poop away, repeat the process for heavily soiled areas. Place the poop in a double plastic bag, seal it and safely discard.

Bleach and laundry detergent can be harmful to some surfaces and the environment. That’s why using vinegar can be handy, it’s the green solution. The vinegar acts as an excellent disinfect for the area. Similar to bleach, vinegar should always be diluted. For this purpose we recommend a 50/50 solution of vinegar and water.

It’s important to remember that vinegar can still be damaging especially to wood, if left on too long. It can soak into wood very easily, causing it to stain. Vinegar is used as a stain for wood and the results can be great, however if that’s not the intention vinegar stain can be very damaging.

Apply with a cloth or in a mist. Wipe or scrape the poop away, repeat the process for heavily soiled areas. Place the poop in a double plastic bag, seal it and safely discard.

These solutions may not remove all the stains from pigeon poop, but it will help clean and disinfect the area. Pigeon poop can cause permanent damage to surfaces if left on long enough especially if it’s baked in by the sun. The best way to avoid damage is to clean it as soon as you notice it.

Cleaning and preparing the area is necessary prior to installing any pigeon or seagull proofing method. Preparation is key before setting out on your cleaning challenge.

Consider using the following supplies for simple cleaning: bin bags, a disinfectant spray, a sponge and scrub brush, gloves, a dust mask and goggles, a bucket of hot, soapy water, or a hose pipe if there are a lot of dried droppings.

As far as cleaning equipment goes, it’s pretty straightforward. A shovel, along with buckets, brushes, scrapers, bin bags, and lots of water In case you need to remove a significant amount of dried droppings, a hosepipe comes in very handy.

Pigeons and seagulls always leave a mess behind them when they perch or roost, including sticks, feathers, nesting materials, and the dreaded piles of pigeon excrement. It should go without saying that the messier the area becomes after the birds stay there longer. Bird droppings are not only unsightly but can also discolor stonework due to their acidic nature. Thus, thorough cleaning is advised prior to installing an anti-roosting system.

To make sure all the droppings are completely soaked, a hose pipe may be required for larger areas. Avoiding inhaling the dried dust during this process is the primary health and safety concern. When removing small amounts of droppings, make sure they are all moist.

The three PPE items that we advise using to clean up pigeon poop are a mask, gloves, and glasses. particularly if the poop is dry and you’re removing a lot of it. The particles are poisonous and extremely easy to breathe in!

Certain surfaces and the environment may be harmed by bleach and laundry detergent. Because of this, vinegar is a useful and environmentally friendly option. The vinegar acts as an excellent disinfect for the area. Similar to bleach, vinegar should always be diluted. We advise using a 50/50 vinegar and water solution for this purpose.

When it comes to the solution, choose wisely. The following factors should be taken into account when selecting the ideal solution:

Because of the way pigeons tuck their feet against their bodies when flying, some experts think that pigeons don’t poop while in flight. Since the tuck would cause any poop to spill all over their feet if they did, they don’t

When consumed by humans, pathogens carried in pigeon poop can be harmful. One easy way to inadvertently ingest something is to touch pigeon poop (either cleaning it or accidentally, like on a bench, etc.), and then use your phone, scratch your face, or rub your eye. Another method of ingestion is by breathing in the dry excrement particles that are in the air.


What is the safest way to clean bird poop?

A simple mixture of baking soda (2 tablespoons), dish soap (a teensy squirt) and hot water, spritzed from a spray bottle onto the droppings and left to soak for 10 minutes, should clear off most stingy bird crud.

Should I wear a mask when cleaning bird poop?

Workers should wear a well-fitting dust mask at all times, along with heavy rubber gloves, hat and preferably a disposable protective suit to keep clothes free of droppings. 4. The worker should shower after removal of this suit and especially wash hands with anti-bacte- rial soap.

Are bird droppings a health hazard?

Even when old and dry, bird droppings can be a significant source of infection. Like histoplasmosis, most cryptococcosis infections are mild and may be without symptoms. Persons with weakened immune systems, however, are more susceptible to infection.

Are bird droppings hazardous waste?

What are the hazards? There are several diseases associated with bird and bat* droppings, including cryptococcosis and histoplasmosis (fungi) and psittacosis (bacteria).