how to make your bird lose weight

There are several things that you can do to help a bird gain weight, but the very first thing that should be done if you suspect weight loss in your bird is to schedule an appointment with your avian vet to get a full checkup done as soon as possible. A number of serious health problems can be the cause of weight loss in birds, and in order to preserve your pets health, any noticeable drop in weight should be thoroughly investigated by a licensed veterinarian to rule out any illness or disease.

How to Know If Your Bird Is Overweight

Bird obesity can result in a number of potentially fatal illnesses. The most destructive is most likely fatty liver disease, which is very prevalent in Amazon parrots that consume the wrong kind of food. Additionally, there are fatty tumors known as lipomas, which are more prevalent in certain smaller birds, such as budgerigars. Here’s how to know if your bird is overweight:

  • Check the breast muscle. The breast muscle of your bird, which sits atop the keel bone, is the best indicator of whether it is carrying the proper amount of weight. A bone should run down your bird’s midline when you view him from the front. This is the keel. Beneath that bone, there ought to be rounded muscle If your bird is too fat, he’ll have “cleavage. Put another way, your bird’s chest will not be dominated by the keel bone. Your bird will feel bony to the side of the keel and the area beside it will feel more concave (curved in) than convex (curved out) if it is extremely thin.
  • Look for fat. You can also look for subcutaneous fat (below the skin). There will be places without feathers because feathers grow in tracts. One of these places starts at the base of the jaw and runs along the side of the neck. You should be able to see his jugular vein with ease if you part the feathers of your bird to examine this area. If the vein is hard to see and the skin appears yellowish, your bird probably has subcutaneous fat and is becoming chubby.
  • Telltale signs. Other less specific signs of obesity may also be present. For instance, if your bird becomes panting after a little exercise, it might be due to excess weight. Furthermore, an elongated beak on your bird could indicate fatty liver disease, a condition brought on by obesity.
  • Weigh your bird. Of course, you can use a gram scale to weigh your bird on a regular basis. During his annual physical examination, your bird’s veterinarian should also be monitoring its weight.

Why Birds Become Overweight

In captivity, obesity is a prevalent health issue that is usually brought on by inadequate nutrition and an all-seed diet.

Birds in the wild get a great deal of exercise when they fly from tree to tree, avoiding predators, and looking for food. In captivity, birds usually have their wings clipped. If they go anywhere, they usually walk or climb. Frequently, their diet is low in vital nutrients and high in fat. This is the avian equivalent of spending all day on the couch, chowing down on cheesecake and French fries!

Identify the Reason

The likelihood is that your veterinarian will be able to determine the cause of your bird’s weight loss and suggest a plan of action to help you bring your companion back to a healthy weight. Naturally, you should strictly heed the advice of your veterinarian if this occurs. If, however, no issue or disease is found with your feathered friend, it might simply require a dietary adjustment to return to a state of optimal health. It might only take adding more of your bird’s favorite foods in larger quantities to increase their appetite.


How do I know if my bird is overweight?

If you cannot feel the keel and the muscles are very rounded or you can feel or see fat moving underneath the skin your bird is overweight. The breast muscle can also vary in size depending on how much exercise your bird gets – so if it flies a lot it will have larger firmer breast muscles than a bird who does not fly.

How do you help an underweight bird?

Another thing that you can do to help your bird put on some weight is to offer some extra sunflower seeds either as part of its dinner or as treats throughout the day. Also high in fat, these tasty little seeds are a favorite of many types of birds. 3 You should have no trouble coercing your bird into gobbling them up.

What causes a bird to be fat?

Obesity is a common health problem in captive birds, typically caused by poor nutrition and an all-seed diet. In the wild, birds get a lot of exercise flying from tree to tree, escaping predators and searching for food.

Why is my bird so heavy?

Please speak to your local vet for advice and a thorough health check-up. The vet will look for any underlying medical reasons as to why your bird may be too heavy. If there are no underlying health issues, a change of diet and lifestyle is likely to be suggested.