how to make a decorative bird nest

These DIY birds nests for decoration are a beautiful way to add some natural touches to your home throughout the year, but especially in spring! Save this post to Pinterest so you can make them!

We have a grapevine in our yard that just grows. It’s a riverbank grapevine that appears to grow throughout our property so most of the time, I ignore it. Each season I promise myself I’ll look into taking better care of them and each season passes…Opps! Maybe next year?

This year I decided to do a late winter prune of the grapevine and create a few projects from it. If you’ve followed me for awhile then you know I love using natural elements to decorate. In the seasons where fresh flowers are scarce, dried flowers are my go-to. And since my grapevine has needed desperate pruning anyways, I decided to incorporate it too and make a few DIY Bird Nests for decoration.

I adore the way these do-it-yourself bird nests turned out, and I really enjoyed using them for both my upcoming Easter table and my spring décor. They speak to me in every way, and since they are made only of my grapevine, dried flowers, and twine, they will entirely decompose if I decide not to keep them. But I might as well keep them since they’re so beautiful, right?

This year, I made the decision to cut back the grapevine in the late winter and use it for a few projects. If you’ve been following me for any time, you know that I adore decorating with natural elements. Dried flowers are my first choice during the seasons when fresh flowers are scarce. Additionally, I made a few DIY bird nests for decoration because my grapevine already needed a lot of pruning.

We have a grapevine in our yard that just grows. I usually ignore the riverbank grapevine that seems to be growing all over our property. Every season I make a self-promise to myself to look into providing better care for them, but each one goes by. Oh well, maybe next year?

Save this post to Pinterest so you can make these easy-to-make DIY bird nest decorations! They’re a lovely way to bring some natural elements into your home all year long, but especially in the spring!

Next, I had my latest experience with a boisterous woodpecker who decided that the madrone logs that comprise our backyard gazebo were destined to be, well, hole-y. He started a second one after we attempted to tie a trash bag around the first one. A second bag, a third hole. This was going nowhere good. Instead, we applied some water sealant to the logs and, just in case it wasn’t enough, completely covered them with plastic cling wrap.

We were talking about nesting, of course, and if A) I were cute and B) Marcia was old, then we’d be one of those cute old couples.

9. Dennis definitely prefers that you use newspaper, so if you’re using a basket, make sure the bottom is filled with newspaper, packing peanuts, or wadded-up grocery bags to prevent the nests from sitting in the bottom of your container. When you’re done, you want the nests to be level with your container’s rim.

That means you cannot touch the nests, but you can still admire them from a distance when you stroll around your yard.

I understand the sentiment because it aligns with how I feel about everything related to birds, including their nests. And if you follow these guidelines, you can, too.


How do you make a fake nest for a baby bird?

A good substitute can be made with a plastic margarine or Cool Whip container with small holes poked in the bottom for drainage. Line the container with lint from the dryer or dried grasses. This nest can be nailed to the side of the house or tree or secured to a bush or tree with twist ties, wire or duct tape.

How do you make bird nesting material?

Fallen leaves and twigs left unraked make excellent nest materials for many birds. Providing nooks in your backyard where this untidy debris can collect provides a variety of material for the birds to check out when they are building nests.