how to keep birds off window screens

For birds, glass windows are worse than invisible. By reflecting foliage or sky, they look like inviting places to fly into. And because the sheer number of windows is so great, their toll on birds is huge. Up to about 1 billion birds die from window strikes in the U.S. each year, according to a 2014 study.

The good news is that you can greatly reduce the danger your home’s windows pose to birds with some simple remedies, according to Christine Sheppard, who directs the Bird Collisions Program of the American Bird Conservancy. The group offers extensive information on preventing collisions on its website. The Fatal Light Awareness Program also offers great information on preventing bird collisions.

What happens to birds that hit windows? Sadly, the bird often dies, even when it is only temporarily stunned and manages to fly away. Many times these birds die later from internal bleeding or bruising, especially on the brain. Daniel Klem of Muhlenberg College has researched this issue since the 1970s. He writes, “Glass is an indiscriminate killer that takes the fit as well as the unfit of a species’ population.”

Treatments for Existing Windows

Ideally, vertical markings on windows should be arranged in a 2-by-2-inch grid to discourage small birds. (This will protect the windows from even the tiniest birds, like kinglets, siskins, hummingbirds, and gnatcatchers.) ) The exterior of the window should be marked using all marking methods.

  • Tempera paint or soap. Use tempera paint or soap to leave a lasting, low-cost mark on the outside of the window. You can paint designs or other artwork on your window, or you can use the 2 by 2 inch grid pattern shown above.
  • Decals. Apply stickers, decals, sun catchers, masking tape, mylar strips, and other items—even sticky notes—to the window’s exterior. These are only effective when spaced very closely (see above). Note that hawk silhouettes do little to deter birds. Recall that adding a few window stickers to a large window won’t stop collisions; instead, the stickers must cover the majority of the glass, leaving gaps that are too small for birds to fly through.
  • Dot Patterns and Tape. Durable tape products make it simpler to apply the proper dot spacing throughout your window. Items like those found at Feather Friendly are effective in reducing the risk of collisions.
  • Acopian Bird Savers. These closely spaced ropes, sometimes referred to as “zen curtains,” hang over windows. They function similarly to tape or decals, but they are simpler to apply and sometimes have a nicer appearance. We use them to protect the windows at the Cornell Lab headquarters because they are very effective. You can create your own or order them to fit your windows.
  • Screens. If you install mosquito screens on the exterior of your windows and cover the entire surface, the results will be very effective.
  • Netting. Cover the exterior glass with netting that is at least three inches away from the glass and tightly enough to deflect birds before they hit. Small-mesh netting (around 5/8″ or 1. The ideal distance (6 cm) is chosen so that birds can bounce off without getting their heads or bodies tangled. Installing and removing the netting is made simpler by mounting it on a frame, like a storm-window frame.
  • One-way transparent film. Items like Collidescape allow people inside to see outside, but from the outside, the window appears opaque. Sheppard claims that they can lessen the amount of light that enters your window, which can lower your cooling expenses.

How to Safeguard Your Windows For Birds

how to keep birds off window screens

Determine which windows pose a risk first, such as large picture windows, windows paired at an angle, or windows with feeders outside. Step outside and observe your windows through the eyes of a bird. The birds will see what you see if you can see branches or the sky reflected in or visible through the glass. It is no longer believed that previous guidelines regarding safe separations for feeders outside of windows are relevant, according to Sheppard. “Make your windows bird-friendly and don’t worry about how far away they are if you have windows near a bird feeder.” ”.

DEAR JOAN: Birds have been ruthlessly removing fibers from my second-floor window screens for the past few months. My screens are made of a material that resembles thread rather than metal.

You can simply hang something reflective near your windows to deter them from coming in; it will move with the wind. This could be old CDs or a Mylar balloon that is firmly tethered to prevent it from flying away. AOL discs, which came in the mail three times a week, were excellent deterrents for birds.

Providing them with an alternative source would be a considerate resolution. Alternatively, you could replace your screens right away and let the birds eat whatever they want off of the old ones.

What gives? I didn’t think crows were meat eaters. Although I’m not counting on it, it would be fantastic if crows provided emergency ambulance service to bird hospitals.

Stores that specialize in wild birds carry a variety of products for scaring birds away from areas if you don’t want to leave it to chance.