how to keep birds from nesting under roof

Many bird species have adapted well to our urban environments. From pigeons in our parks to brush turkeys strutting the suburbs, there’s no shortage of feathered friends around us. Some even come a little closer, making their homes right alongside our own. And who doesn’t love waking up to the sound of birdsong?

But while having a few birds perched on your roof might not seem like too much of a problem, what happens when a few become many? Or if you suspect them to be nesting in your roof? If that’s the case, then stick with us as we explore some of the ways you can get rid of birds on the roof – or in it!

If birds aren’t your particular problem, then we can also offer advice to help deter other pests! Check out our guides to humanely removing rats and possums from your roof.

Why Do Birds Nest Under the Eaves of Your Building?

Birds are attracted to eaves for several reasons. These areas provide protection from weather and predatory birds. This is primarily the reason that nests can be found in these public spaces. While swallows build mud nests along the walls directly beneath the eaves, small birds like sparrows build their nests on the supports.

Year after year, migratory swallow species will return to the same spot to nest, increasing in number. An unprotected house will simply invite more birds to nest.

Note: Before installing products, make sure all nesting materials and droppings are removed.

Damage to your home

If you ignore them, the birds may cause irreversible damage to your house, depending on the kind of bird and the location of their nest.

Gutter nests are a popular choice for birds because they are high above and offer a ready supply of water. The birds will love this, but your gutters won’t appreciate it as much because the nesting materials can clog them.

More serious still are those pesky bird droppings. Because of its acidic nature, large amounts of the substance can harm roofing materials in addition to being harmful to health. It may also be dangerous and interfere with the proper operation of air conditioners and solar panels.

And you will need to exercise even greater caution if you have a chimney. In an urban setting, your chimney may offer an alluring substitute for hollow tree nesting spots for birds. Nests have the potential to impede a chimney’s airflow, letting hazardous levels of carbon monoxide and smoke permeate the house. Additionally, the birds aren’t as safe; young birds could trip and fall from their nests and end up in your living room.

There’s also a risk of your belongings becoming nesting materials. If birds have taken up residence in attic areas, there probably is a plethora of abandoned bedding and papers that would be ideal for them to construct a tiny home inside of your own. Nests can also be a fire hazard due to the materials used, particularly after the birds have left them.

Why are birds on the roof a problem?

Let’s first examine why the problem exists in the first place before attempting to solve it.

First and most importantly, having a lot of birds on or inside your roof can be unhealthy for you and your family, both inside and outside.

Over 60 zoonotic diseases, or illnesses that can be transmitted from animals to people, have been linked to bird droppings, feathers, and secretions. Furthermore, some can be contracted by simply breathing in dust that contains contaminated materials; you don’t even need to come into direct contact with bird droppings to contract them. Also, your air conditioner may contribute to the infection’s dissemination throughout the house if there are birds nesting inside of it.

A number of these illnesses have the potential to be extremely harmful, and some are even lethal. Breathing in contaminated material can lead to serious infections like Psittacosis, Histoplasmosis, and Cryptococcosis; elderly individuals, small children, and those with weakened immune systems are particularly vulnerable. Inadvertent contact with excrement can also result in digestive disorders, including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

You can continue to think that a bird pooping on your head brings good luck because there is very little risk involved in a small amount of contact. But the risk rises as the droppings multiply and dry out.

Birds can transmit parasites such as bed bugs, ticks, and lice in addition to diseases. Their nests and excrement can also draw rodents, insects, and snakes to the area, all of which can endanger your safety in their own ways.


What repels birds from nesting?

You can place bird spikes on railings, ledges, under eaves, and anywhere that’s a likely nesting spot. Hang wind chimes or scare tape. The movement and sound of wind chimes, especially if they’re made from metal or other shiny materials, will act to deter a bird from a potential nesting spot.

How do you keep birds from nesting under your eaves?

To stop birds nesting under roof tiles, you can use bird spikes, audio deterrents, chimney caps and eaves comb fillers. They help to deter birds from resting on your roof, as well as finding suitable nesting areas.

What can you spray to keep birds from building a nest?

Mix the Solution: In a clean spray bottle, combine 1 part white vinegar with 3 parts water. For example, if you use 1 cup of vinegar, add 3 cups of water. You can adjust the amounts depending on how much solution you need. Shake Well: Cap the spray bottle and shake it well to thoroughly mix the vinegar and water.

What scent repels birds?

Methyl Anthranilate. There’s one smell that repels birds for certain: birds do not like the smell of a substance called methyl anthranilate or MA for short.