how to identify java bird male and female

Sexing Java finches is tricky when you have young birds. Usually it’s not possible to know whether you have a male or a female until they start showing clear signs such as singing (males), which usually starts happening around to 2 months old.

Once they complete the first moult and are sexually matured it’s easier to see the subtle differences between both sexes.

– Do sing, it is said that they start practicing around 1.5 to 2 months old. This is probably the easiest way to determine the sex. Beware that some individuals might take longer to start singing, what it sounds like chattering may suddenly change into singing in the 3rd or even 4th month (usually after the first moult is completed). The also dance (jumping in place).

– Have larger and darker beaks when compared to females. The bottom part of the beak is more swollen and larger as well.

– The shape of the head is more flat on top, though I haven’t seen this clearly in all individuals, and it’s difficult to notice when you don’t have a female beside to compare.

Males are said to be generally bright, active and sweet. In Japan they are compared to dogs in terms of personality. When they pair with the owner, they will sing and dance for him/her and come often to the hand to be hugged. Males have a stronger temper compare with females and usually they do not like to try or do new things.

Males will get used faster to their owners. Because usually males will gain your trust by simply talking and repeating the same things every day, keeping a maleit’s easier for people who are busy (for example working all day) and cannot spend a lot of time with the bird.

– Don’t sing. Instead, they chatter and “talk” a lot. This chit-chatting never develops further into a real singing.

– The shape of the head is more round on top, though it might be difficult to notice.

Females are said to be curious, adventurous and inquisitive. They can be compared to cats in terms of character. They will love to be chased by the owner and will behave like “queens” that love to be pleased and taken care of, cuddled and singed to. They are more quiet than males, but also more adventurous, independent and courageous.

Females will be observant at the beginning until they are confident with the owner, but then they will love and trust the person who takes care of her and spend a lot of time with her.

It is said that males are easier to keep than females, mostly because you don’t need to worry about the egg laying part, but you can keep a very happy and healthy female as well if you follow some guidelines. Males are easier for beginners, and females might be more challenging but also more fun to keep.

If you want to be sure about the sex of your finch before buying it, I recommend you to buy an older bird (around 1.5-2 months old), or ask for some testing in the veterinary.

*Remember that every bird will be uniquely different and have his/her own likes and dislikes, regardless of sex.

Males are said to be generally bright, active and sweet. In Japan, their personalities are likened to those of dogs. When they form a pair with the owner, they will frequently approach the hand for a hug and will sing and dance for them. In general, men are less inclined to try new things and have a stronger temper than women.

Females are said to be curious, adventurous and inquisitive. They can be compared to cats in terms of character. They will act like “queens” who enjoy being satisfied, cared for, cuddled, and smacked around by their owner, and they will love to be chased by him. Compared to men, they are quieter but also more fearless, independent, and adventurous.

Males will get used faster to their owners. Men typically win your trust by talking and saying the same things over and over again, so maintaining a maleite relationship is easier for those who lead busy lives and are unable to spend a lot of time with birds.

*Keep in mind that, regardless of sex, each bird will be distinctively different and have personal preferences.

Women will initially be watchful until they feel comfortable around the owner, but after that, they will love and trust the person who looks after her and spends a lot of time with her.

If you are unfamiliar with these birds, it may be challenging to distinguish between a male and a female Java finch. Comparing a male and a female will allow you to see the minute differences between the two, making it the simplest method of telling the difference. If not, consulting a veterinarian is your best option as they can provide an expert assessment and carry out a definitive DNA blood test.

Tom Ryan is a freelance writer, editor and English tutor. In addition to working as an arts and entertainment reporter for “The Pitt News” and a public relations and advertising copywriter for the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, he holds an English writing degree from the University of Pittsburgh.

A male Java finch can be easily identified by his behavior alone, as only males will sing. If not, you can distinguish a male from a female specimen by examining its eyes and beak. While both the male and female Java finches have red and white beaks, the female’s red coloring is paler in contrast. The male Java finch’s red rings around his eyes and beak are a bolder hue. The male beak is larger and more pronounced than the female beak, especially where it meets the neck on the underside. You may also notice that, in various mutations, the male of the species usually has a darker-colored head than the female. Take your java finch to your avian veterinarian so they can do a quick DNA test if you are unable to determine whether it is a male or female.


Do female Java sparrows sing?

Only male Java sparrows have been observed to produce songs, whereas both males and females perform courtship dances that are often mutually exchanged in a duet-like manner.

Are Java birds friendly?

Temperament. Java finches are little, social birds but often are far too timid for direct human interaction. Some pet owners have reported success in bonding with their finch, though. Typically, they thrive in pairs or small flocks kept within a flight cage.

Is a Java sparrow a finch?

The Java sparrow (Lonchura oryzivora), also known as Java finch, Java rice sparrow or Java rice bird, is a small passerine bird. This estrildid finch is a resident breeding bird in Java, Bali and Bawean in Indonesia.

What is the difference between Java and finches?

Despite its name, the Java Sparrow is a Finch, not a sparrow. Although they are still a relatively, small bird they are larger than other Finches, measuring more than half a foot in length.