how to hang bird feeder on balcony

Birds That Might Visit a Balcony

Prior to setting up your first balcony bird feeder, you should know which birds are likely to come by. In this manner, you can adjust the type of feeder and the food provided to the birds’ preferences. Birds fly at all different altitudes and will visit feeders that are accessible from balconies. Birds that are accustomed to feeding at varying elevations, such as finches, tanagers, orioles, and doves, may readily visit balcony feeders.

Hummingbirds are happy to visit balconies in search of sweet treats, and in cities with feral parrot colonies, those vibrant tropical birds may also pay frequent visits.

How to Attract Birds to Your Balcony

Having an eye-catching piece of habitat is essential to drawing birds to a balcony. Birds can be drawn to a secure balcony by flowers, plants, or even a potted tree. The more vegetation you have in your habitat, the more comfortable the birds will be when they visit. To add more greenery, hanging baskets work well, and a little trellis can easily hold a climbing vine. For even more growing space, consider adding a multi-level shelf or railing planters in addition to a pot of flowers that makes a lovely accent on a patio table.

Using enticing sounds is another technique to attract birds to your balcony and get their attention. With its dripping and splashing sounds, a tabletop fountain can entice birds to approach, or you can play bird sound recordings slowly to make them realize that this is a secure and friendly place. But be careful—overusing recordings can be interpreted as intimidating or difficult, and timid birds may choose to avoid them instead.

There are some things to avoid on your balcony, however. Birds may become frightened by excessive clutter, especially if tools, bikes, or grills are kept on the balcony. Unexpected flashes from bright moving objects, like windsocks or spinners, can also frighten birds away. A balcony’s ability to draw birds is also negatively impacted by artificial noises like wind chimes. But the birds will feel more at home and be more inclined to visit balcony feeders if you take care of these possible issues and plant more vegetation on your balcony.

Droll Yankees Classic Hummingbird Feeder

Before You Put Feeders on Your Balcony

Check for any limitations on feeding birds from your balcony before buying a feeder or bag of bird seed. There may be policies or rules in apartment and condominium buildings that forbid feeders. Using hooks, screws, or other feeder equipment that can harm the walls or railings might not be permitted. Tenant policies may prohibit a messy balcony, and rental agreements may limit the quantity or kinds of feeders that are allowed.

No matter how much you love feeding the birds, it might not be worth it to risk fines or penalties if you break the property’s rules, as you could end up in court or face eviction. However, if you are able to use bird feeders, there are lots of inventive ways to draw birds to your balcony and provide them with a tasty treat.


How do you attach a bird feeder to a balcony?

Best Bird Feeders for Balconies Hanging feeders can be used if a hook can be attached to the wall, railing, or roofline. Take care that clamps or hooks will not damage the structure, however, or else you may be subject to fines. Freestanding pole setups are another great option.

Will birds use a bird feeder on a balcony?

Feeders in any neighborhood are more likely to attract birds if there are trees and other vegetation at ground level, and the more plants on your balcony, the more likely curious birds will check it out.

What is the best thing to hang a bird feeder with?

A deck hanger or freestanding hook is a great way to add bird feeders just about anywhere you want to put them.