how to get out a bad birds nest

Gardeners, bird watchers, and outdoor enthusiasts may always be seeking new ways to attract more birds to their collective backyards. However, what do you do if you stumble upon a birds nest in an inconvenient area nestled into a front door wreath, a shutter, or an awning?

Removing a Birdsnest from you Baitcaster Reel

Many will advise you to reel slowly while applying pressure to the tangled line; while this occasionally works, I’ve discovered that it can actually exacerbate the issue.

First and foremost, calm down! We’ve all had the urge to lose our minds and just toss the rod and reel into the sea, but if you can calm down, I can assure you that you can remove these things rather quickly.

Finding the loop that loops around the main line is what you should do.

Pull the loop that has wrapped around the line rather than the line that is coming out of the top of the reel. After about 6 inches or until it stops, pull that loop out. Then, grab the main line above the reel and pull. 99% of the time, this will eliminate the negative reaction. If it doesn’t, repeat the process. You’ll need to identify the loop that’s causing the issue because occasionally a few loops may have managed to get around the line.

What exactly is a Backlash or Birds Nest and how can you Prevent Them?

The most frequent reason for a backlash is when your reel settings are not adjusted properly. To avoid a backlash while baitcasting, make sure your reel’s brakes and spool tension are adjusted perfectly. If the break isn’t set tight enough or the spool tension is too loose, the spool will spin out of control and your reel’s line will explode into that massive mess known to anglers as a “birds nest.” ”.

Making sure your settings are appropriate for the lure you’re using and learning how to control the speed at which the line comes off the spool with your thumb will eventually take the place of your reel’s settings in preventing these backlashes.

The following actions can help you avoid baitcaster backlash:

  • Employ a Heavier Lure: Avoid fishing with lighter lures when you are first starting out. When a heavier weight is on the line, baitcasters are simpler to use.
  • Avoid Casting Into the Wind: When you cast into the wind, your lure slows down but your reel keeps unspooling at its regular pace. You should avoid the wind for the time being unless you’ve mastered the thumbing motion on the spool.
  • Put the brakes on all the way: Increasing the brakes to their maximum level is another thing you should do when you first start. As you become more proficient with the reel, you can gradually reduce its intensity.
  • Make sure your spool tension is correct. When your lure is released, it should fall at a slow to medium speed.

Having said that, the focus of this post is on eliminating the fallout after it occurs rather than building up your reel.

When to Remove the Nest

After completing some of this preparatory homework, determine if a mother and her unhatched eggs are currently residing in the nest. In this case, MacMurchy recommends leaving the nest be. However, MacMurchy advises securely moving the nest if there is a significant likelihood that it and its occupant will be in immediate danger (that is, in danger from household pets and other obstructions like outdoor equipment). Additionally, MacMurchy advises verifying that an abandoned nest is truly abandoned before taking any further action if you happen to come across one during your spring cleaning. Sometimes, young birds will come back to the nest for a few days in order to get food from their parents, but after a few days, they will leave and stop coming to the nest. If so, you can safely discard the nest.

how to get out a bad birds nest


How do you safely remove a bird’s nest?

Make sure to wear long sleeves, long pants, latex gloves, and a respiratory mask to protect yourself. Carefully inspect the nest to make sure it is empty of eggs and birds. Spray the nest with an antibacterial spray. Once dry, remove the nest and dispose of it in a securely sealed container or exterior trash bag.

What happens if you disturb a birds nest?

The adults will not abandon a nest simply because it has been touched; however, they are unlikely to relocate. If you move the nest, the adult bird may move on. This is especially likely if the bird can’t find the nest again. In the wild, nests get attacked by predators and disturbed all the time.