how to get birds to notice your feeder

As you surely know by now, your outdoor space is more than just your own personal oasis. Its a gathering space for your neighborhoods favorite birds, too. But getting these feathered friends to actually flock to your garden (and then stay a while) is easier said than done. Still, with the right tips and tricks, you can turn your backyard into the most popular place to perch, snack, and chirp in town! So read on to uncover eight ways to attract birds to your yard today!

3. Add Enticements to Attract the Birds

Water is just as essential to birds as food is, so providing them with clean, fresh water in a bird bath will be a much-needed source of refreshment. When birds bathe and preen, having access to water will also help them keep their feathers healthy.

Take a look at these eight suggestions to assist you in selecting and installing the ideal bird bath.

Consider adding a dripper, a bird bath fountain, a wiggler, or a mister to draw birds to the bath in addition to the feeders. Moving water will catch and reflect sunlight and made noise. Both the light and the sound will attract more birds.

2. Fill the Feeder with a Popular Seed

Three types of sunflower seeds that draw almost all kinds of birds are black oil sunflower seeds, sunflower hearts, and Nyjer® or thistle seeds. Most feeders will accept any of these seed types. A finch feeder is the only one that doesn’t have feeding ports small enough for anything other than Nyjer.

Start with one of these even if you intend to use a different kind of seed in your new feeder. As the birds get used to the new feeder, you can gradually add your preferred seed.

Putting some of the seed in an open platform or on top of the feeder (a shallow pan or foil pie plate will work just fine) is another clever trick. Birds have incredible vision, but a very poor sense of smell. They will have no trouble finding the feeding ports once they notice the seed atop the feeder.

Baltimore Oriole at Bird Bath / Shutterstock

4. Keep visiting bird species safe

Yes, when they want a good breakfast, lunch, or dinner, birds will come to your garden. But you also assume responsibility for their safety when you invite them to dine al fresco in your outdoor area. And what better way to guarantee birds have a safe feeding session than natural cover from nearby trees, native plants, or shrubs!

Where to put a bird feeder is another crucial safety factor. Generally speaking, you should leave a good amount of space between a bird bath, a bird house, and a bird feeder. Exactly how much? At least 6 or 7 feet, but the more, the better


How long does it take for birds to find my feeder?

Birds locate food purely by sight, so while birds may notice the food right away, it could still take them 3-4 weeks to eat from a new feeder. Possibly twice that long for a specialty feeder (suet, peanut, etc.).

How do you let birds know you have a feeder?

Another neat trick is to place some of the seed on top of the feeder or in an open platform (a foil pie plate or shallow pan will work just fine). Birds have a very poor sense of smell, but amazing vision. Once they see the seed on top of the feeder, they’ll easily find their way to the feeding ports.

How do you attract birds to your bird feeder?

To really attract birds to your yard, try leveling up your daily menu. A mix of foods–like black oil sunflower seeds, sugar water, suet, and fresh fruit like oranges–will help entice a variety of bird species, from blue jays to hummingbirds, to your garden.

Why am I not getting birds at my bird feeder?

Fluctuating food supplies/requirements. Also, birds have different dietary needs during different times of the year, so they may move to or away from your feeders seasonally. You may notice fewer birds at your feeders during the late summer and early fall as there is usually lots of natural food available.