how to get birds out of range hood

Removing birds from a vent may seem like an easy thing to do – simply startle them out, seal up the hole and the job is done, right? Unfortunately, bird removal is not that easy, and involves serious hazardous bacteria that should be handled by professionals. While many homeowners may want to remove the birds themselves, they neglect to remember all the droppings, materials and parasites they may be disturbing inside the ventilation systems of their homes.

Starlings build extremely messy nests consisting of dried leaves, grass and twigs. When disturbed, these nests produce large amounts of airborne dust and debris that are easily inhaled. When mixed with droppings, this can result in a very unhealthy situation. Starlings are also carriers of bird mites, a parasite that feeds on the blood of birds. Densely packed nests present an ideal environment for mites to thrive. When removing a nest, mites will scatter and attach themselves to humans. For these reasons, personal protective equipment should always be worn when dealing with starlings. If a starling has chosen to make a best in a home, they have likely chosen one of the following places:

How long will the birds be in my vents?

How long will the birds be in my vent pipe? That is a very good question and one that has no simple answer. It depends on if the mother bird successfully completes her nesting cycle. If she completes her nesting cycle successfully the first time, she should only be in the vent for approximately 8 weeks. In these 8 weeks, she will lay the eggs, sit the eggs and then hatch them; she will then become increasingly noisy, going back and forth between 40 and 50 times per day, feeding the chicks that she just hatched. If the cycle does not complete itself, she will lay another clutch of eggs and the cycle will start all over again. If this happens the noise in the vents could be there for up to 4 months. It can be a really long time before a bird in the vent will leave.

Birds in Vents, Scratching in Pipes

Birds in Vents are a very common problem that is found in most cities and towns on the eastern seaboard. Birds will start attempting to get into vents usually in the later part of March, but this can happen year-round. They will attempt to get into any vent in the home, especially ones that are uncovered and close to trees. Some of the more common vents that you will find birds in are Kitchen Vents and Higher bathroom vents. Birds also can be found in Dryer vents and lower ground level vents used to exhaust gas furnaces and other appliances. One of the first things that customers will tell us is they smell a musty smell coming from the vents or they hear scratching in the vents of their homes. The sounds that are typically heard may or may not be hearing scratching, birds have very long claws on their toes, and they use these claws for gripping tree limbs and other objects during their day-to-day activities. When a bird walks in the metal vent pipes it sounds as though they are scratching.


Bird removal should always be done by professionals due to the health risks they pose. Wildlife specialists can manage the riskier aspects of bird removal without making things more difficult or endangering your vent. Starlings typically choose nesting sites that are higher than seven feet in order to protect themselves from predators. This implies that using a ladder to reach the nest and remove the babies is necessary. The technicians at Skedaddle have received training in ladder safety to guard against falls and injuries. We can securely climb to any height to assist you in resolving your bird issue.

You must access the pipe behind the outside vent cover after you have reached it. Starlings frequently dart out of vents without warning, so you should always exercise caution when approaching them to avoid losing your balance or grip on the ladder. Usually, the easiest way to gain access is to completely remove the vent cover. Plastic vent covers easily become brittle from UV exposure. Most of the time, it is impossible to remove the vent cover without damaging it, so a replacement needs to be installed afterwards.


How do I get birds out of my vent?

If you have birds in your vents, it is important to call a professional to remove them safely and effectively. A professional will be able to assess the damage that the birds have caused and will be able to recommend the best course of action to prevent the birds from returning.

What do you do if a birds nest is in the vent?

If there’s a nest right there in the vent opening but it doesn’t have eggs or baby birds in it, you’re in luck. Remove the nest with your gloved hands and place it in a nearby tree or bush—then vacuum the vent opening, reattach the cover, and you’re done.

How do I keep birds out of my furnace exhaust?

One of the best solutions is to install bird netting, which creates a barrier to prevent further nesting. This can easily be accomplished by creating a lightweight frame around the unit using PVC pipe and attaching the netting securely.