how to deal with aggressive birds

Move to a Neutral Location

Whenever you train your bird, try to relocate its cage to a neutral spot. When a bird is removed from its “territory,” it occasionally becomes more cooperative with its owner and doesn’t engage in territorial aggression.

What You Can Do

The best course of action when facing harassment from a jay, catbird, robin, or mockingbird is to be patient and understanding. Keep in mind that this behavior will only persist for the two weeks that the young are in the nest. There are some additional options to help avoid any situation:

  • If possible, stay out of the area of the nest. Use a different door, relocate kids’ toys or lawn furniture to a different area of the yard, etc.
  • When making brief excursions into bird habitat, keep an open umbrella with you to deter birds.
  • Use a Mylar balloon filled with helium that is attached to a belt or hat and held two or three feet above the head for extended periods of time when near a guardian bird. The movement of the balloon will frighten the bird.
  • Try to avoid being harassed by a seabird, like a gull, or a bird of prey, like a hawk, by staying away from the area for at least six weeks. By then, the adults will feel less threatened because the young will be flying.

If a person or animal is hit and their skin breaks, the wound needs to be cleaned and treated with antiseptic. Birds do not infect humans with rabies or other diseases.

Why Are Pet Birds Aggressive?

The most frequent reasons why birds become aggressive are fear or traumatic experiences in the past. When birds interact with their owners and other people, these can result in handling issues, bites, and attacks. However, given the complexity of birds, a variety of factors can contribute to aggressive behavior:

  • When pet birds are not given hand feeding when they are young, fear frequently develops.
  • A bird that has not received enough socialization may become fearful of people, other birds, or unfamiliar situations.
  • When their owner engages with other people, certain birds experience jealousy. This takes advantage of the instinctive “pair bonding” that many bird species have, and you might be viewed as your bird’s partner in captivity.
  • If you adopted an older bird, it’s likely that its prior owner mistreated or neglected it in some other way.
  • Hormone changes during adolescence can cause some birds to become aggressive. Once the bird passes this stage, this usually passes.
  • Aggression may result from them defending their claimed territory, such as the feeder or birdcage.
  • Stressed-out or mentally unsatisfied birds can also become erratic


How do you get rid of aggressive birds?

Scare birds by hanging reflective, shiny objects on your property. Try hanging shiny CDs, reflective tape, or strips of aluminum foil from trees, shrubs, and your roof. This makes for an inexpensive but effective bird repellent. Try choosing shiny objects that will easily move in the wind to scare pest birds even more.

What can I do about aggressive birds in my yard?

The easiest way to remove nuisance birds is to eliminate or block the resources your yard offers. Water features: If you have a water feature, birds like geese will likely find it. Drain or cover the feature to keep birds out. Food that birds eat: Avoid plants that grow berries or cover them with fine metal netting.