how to crow proof bird feeder

Larger birds, such as crows and pigeons, can crowd out smaller species from a bird feeder and can devour the food in them rapidly.

A simple way to stop them is to fix two hanging baskets together around the bird feeder, using cable ties. The small birds can still squeeze through the gaps to get to the food, while the larger birds can clear up any spilled seeds on the ground.

Start to fix the hanging baskets together to make a cage, using the cable ties. Fix the ties tightly, making sure the sides of the basket are flush.

Fill the feeder with seed and pop it in between the two baskets., feeding the handle through the top. Secure the baskets with ties so they can’t be prised apart.

Hang the feed and its cage from your usual bird feeding station or a sturdy branch on a tree in the garden, then wait for the birds to discover it.

Strategies to outsmart crows

Because crows are intelligent birds, it’s important to comprehend their habits and preferences in order to avoid them. For example, you can choose feeder designs with weight-sensitive perches or adjustable mechanisms that make them difficult for crows to use. In this manner, crows cannot easily access the food while smaller birds can. If you want to keep crows at bay and give smaller birds a safe place to eat, you should also think about getting bird feeders with protective features or physical barriers like cages, mesh coverings, or domes. Shorter perches and thoughtful placement can also deter crows from using a feeder.

Choosing food that crows don’t particularly like, like safflower seeds, which many other bird species enjoy, is another sensible strategy. Choose feeders with robust construction so they can resist crows’ attempts to topple them. Eventually, the secret to setting up a feeding environment that deters crows is to outsmart their ability to solve problems. You can create a tranquil and secure environment for the different bird species that visit your garden, as well as for you, by being proactive with your bird feeding setup.

With the cable ties, begin attaching the hanging baskets to one another to form a cage. Tighten the ties, being careful to ensure that the basket’s sides are flush.

Place the feeder between the two baskets after filling it with seed. , feeding the handle through the top. Use ties to secure the baskets so that they cannot be forced apart.

Using cable ties to secure two hanging baskets around the bird feeder is an easy way to stop them. The larger birds can clear any spilled seeds on the ground, but the smaller birds can still fit through the gaps to reach the food.

Wait for the birds to find the feed and cage by hanging it from a tree branch in your garden or your regular bird feeding station.

Bigger birds, like pigeons and crows, have the ability to quickly eat the food in smaller species’ feeders, driving them out.


How do I keep crows out of my bird feeder?

Implement bird feeder designs that discourage large birds like crows from accessing the food. Additionally, you can use scare tactics like hanging shiny objects or using scarecrow-like structures to make the area less appealing to crows.

What is the best crow deterrent?

Highly reflective Mylar® tape or bird tape, hung in streamers or twisted and strung to make a temporary fence can frighten crows away.

Will crows eat from a bird feeder?

Bird food: While American Crows do not typically eat at bird feeders, they will eat corn, peanuts or sunflower seeds that you leave out in an open area.