how to create a backyard bird sanctuary

Learning how to build your own bird sanctuary is an exceptional way to encourage backyard birds to frequent your space. DIY bird sanctuaries establish safe places for birds to feed, breed, and spend time. Birds don’t have to worry about being crowded out by other species and fighting for food. They can also steer clear of certain predators and inclement weather, which helps them avoid breeding problems that species often experience out in the wild.

This effort in bird conservation is beneficial for birders as well. Observing the beauty of wild songbirds can be a stress-relieving way to enhance a peaceful environment and reconnect to nature.

The key to building a successful bird sanctuary is having the basic necessities and knowing how to maintain it. From there, you can embellish and make it your own.

3. Offer a Water Source

In the summer and the winter, especially when other water sources have frozen over, water is essential. Baths are used by birds for bathing, drinking, and cooling off during the summer. Make sure to frequently replace the water to prevent the growth of mildew and freezing

Step 1: Set up the Right Type of Bird Feeder

Every bird sanctuary needs at least one bird feeder. The kind of bird you want to attract will determine what kind of feeder you install.

Perfect for finches, pine siskins, and common redpolls are finch socks.

Finch feeders are another name for this type of bird feeder, which is made of thistles. They are specifically designed to dispense Nyjer seeds.

Tube feeders: Depending on the wild bird seed in the tube feeders, finches, chickadees, pine siskins, and nuthatches are frequent visitors.

Platform feeders: Provided the food is to their liking, nearly all species of birds will feed from a platform feeder.

Hopper feeders: The bird seed is kept dry in hopper feeders by virtue of their roofs. Hopper feeders are ideal for wild bird seed mixes because they can frequently dispense bird seed in different sizes.

platform feeders, tube feeders, hopper feeders. To stop the spread of illness and disease, always keep them clean.

Nectar bird feeders: These kinds of feeders are used by some wild songbirds, such as hummingbirds, woodpeckers, and orioles, to obtain nectar or sugar water.

Oriole bird feeders: It’s well known that bluebirds, orioles, mockingbirds, thrushes, and American robins enjoy nibbling on fruit from these feeders.

Suet bird feeders: The suet used in these feeders gives insects the necessary fat content to maintain their energy levels. Larger animals cannot access the food in suet cages, but woodpeckers, wrens, tits, nuthatches, warblers, and chickadees can thanks to the easy fit of suet cakes or blocks.

Why Is Having Birds and Other Wildlife in Your Yard Beneficial?

Even if you already have an affinity for birds and other backyard wildlife, it’s helpful to note why an animal-friendly yard is so key to our planet. For example, the Audubon Society reminds us that birds are natural exterminators to keep pest populations under control. They also pollinate local plants and spread spores that benefit forests far and wide.

The National Wildlife Federation (NWF) notes that building a bird-friendly sanctuary creates a more balanced ecosystem for other animals and humans, too. An abundance of shade and drought-resistant native plants is good for everyone and simply the beauty of observing the migration of annual visitors increases quality of life. You can even participate in the annual Great Backyard Bird Count and teach the little ones in your home about bird migration.

Put another way, creating a safe haven for birds benefits your backyard micro-ecosystem as well as the environment at large.


How do I turn my backyard into a bird sanctuary?

You can add some supplemental feeders, a birdbath and nesting boxes and birds from colorful songbirds to acrobatic hummingbirds will be ready to move in. Many bird species are declining and planting for birds can help bolster their populations. Find plants native to your area at

What are the criteria for a bird sanctuary?

Watching birds is made easy when you provide the four main ingredients for a bird sanctuary: food, water, shelter, and safety. If you can’t provide them all, try adding just one.

How do you make an outdoor bird shelter?

Build a Brush Pile: Recycle dead branches to start a brush pile for your ground-dwelling birds, such as sparrows and towhees. It gives them hiding places and some protection from rain, snow, and wind. Start with thicker branches and put thinner ones over the top. Add your old Christmas tree if you have one.