how to clean bird poop off window sill

If your windows have become the unwelcome dumping ground of bird droppings, the easiest way is to clean them is to use a steam cleaning machine. See our article for the best way to wield this fabulous piece of machinery.

1 Fill a bucket of warm water with a few drops of dishwashing detergent and a squirt of white vinegar.

2 Use a soft, clean, microfiber cloth soaked in the cleaning solution and hold it on the birdy poop for a few seconds to allow the vinegar time to loosen it.

4 Dry to a sparkle with a clean, damp chamois cloth. And hey presto, good as new!

If you have a buildup of naughty bird poopage, give the experts at City Creek Window Cleaning a call at 801 261 5565. We’ll have your glass fresh and sparkling in a New York minute!

Danger, this pile of excrement is two weeks old, so part of it is already old and part of it is new. I’ll probably be cleaning this route for ten more years, I realized as I was driving by the store today. I suppose I’ll have to remove that debris pile roughly 250 more times. The more I consider it, the more I want to heed Larry’s advice.

Hello everyone, I used to simply use my sea sponge to remove the bird poop from the sill, treating it like any other kind of dirt. I was raised in the 1960s and am old school, so I’ve never been bothered by it. I know how to wash my hands. The more I learn about bacteria, birds, and illnesses, the less I want to clean up after them because the world is changing. It takes me only six minutes to open a ten-dollar account. When I cleaned the store the last time, I decided it was enough and put it on the window sill.

No, but you’re getting close! It has everything to do with window cleaning! Our business is extremely risky in every way—step ladders, reaching out windows, walking on roves, sectionals, or extensions, high-rise buildings, low-rise buildings, tucker poling, lift work—just like the poor man who fell and died after his new ladder broke on the second rung!

Thanks Steven, Your idea got me thinking. I’ll make use of the 22-ounce solution bottle I keep in my pouch. My track brush can be used dry or wet. My issue is resolved because there are only two small piles of trash that need to be cleaned up twice a month from my two stores. Thanks!.

Could you use a small bucket (such as a quart-sized painter’s bucket) filled with your usual solution? Scrub the sill with a soft-bristled car wash brush, then use a small squeegee to remove any remaining water? You should be able to keep it off your hands if you exercise caution.

Call 801 261 5565 to speak with the professionals at City Creek Window Cleaning if you have an accumulation of naughty bird droppings. In a New York minute, your glass will be sparkling and fresh!

1 Pour some dish soap into a bucket of warm water and add a spritz of white vinegar to it.

4 Using a fresh, moist chamois cloth, dry until sparkling. And hey presto, good as new!.

Using a steam cleaner is the simplest way to clean your windows if they have turned into an unsightly bird poop dump. To learn how to use this amazing piece of equipment, see our article.

2 Hold the clean, soft microfiber cloth dipped in the cleaning solution over the bird droppings for a brief period of time to allow the vinegar to loosen it.


How do you get bird poop off a window ledge?

1 Fill a bucket of warm water with a few drops of dishwashing detergent and a squirt of white vinegar. 2 Use a soft, clean, microfiber cloth soaked in the cleaning solution and hold it on the birdy poop for a few seconds to allow the vinegar time to loosen it. 3 Wipe off any solids with a clean side of the cloth.

How do you remove dried bird poop?

According to WD-40, its magic-in-a-can spray has 259 automotive uses – and cleaning off dry bird poop from car paint is one of them. To remove bird droppings from your vehicle, spritz a little WD-40 on the area, let it sit for 60 seconds, then rinse or wipe away with a clean, soft cloth.

How do I keep birds from pooping on my window sill?

Bird Spikes These spikes can be made of tin or plastic cans and placed in the dirt or attached with wire to window sills and overhangs. They can also be made by hammering nails into wood. Birds find these spikes uncomfortable and won’t land on them, keeping them away from problematic areas around your home.

Does vinegar dissolve bird poop?

You likely have distilled vinegar or some other type of vinegar at home. The acidic properties of vinegar make it easy to remove bird poop and prevent it from forming on your siding. You can put vinegar in a spray bottle or apply it directly to a sponge to remove the bird poop more easily.