how to clean bird poop off plants

I was unable to find an answer for this anywhere on the internt, so here goes:

We have many tomatoes this year, and after finding a beautiful tomato with bird poop on it, my husband and I had quite a disagreement.

I couldnt imagine eating this tomato, even after washing the poop off, and my husband thinks Im just being finicky.

After polling some of my friends, I found some would simply wash the tomato and eat it, some would throw it away. It seesm to be about 50/50 at this point.

Droppings also contain microbes (bacteria, microscopic fungi, viruses, etc. ) and even parasites. Plants are not at risk (in fact, seeds that have passed through a bird’s stomach are actually sterilized, eliminating the pathogens they originally carried), but gardeners, pets, and other birds may be. Since bird poop microbes rarely survive long after they are expelled from their bird host, the risk of infection usually diminishes quickly. However, in areas where droppings accumulate, some undesirable microbes may survive while others may be able to move in. If you must gather bird droppings, whether they come from a pigeon-infested ledge, a chicken coop, or a bird cage, ), it’s better to wear a mask and gloves.

Other than that, bird droppings are generally harmless, though you should always wash them off and then wash your hands if any fall onto you. Naturally, getting doused in bird droppings is said to bring good fortune, so perhaps it’s time to cash in on that lottery ticket!

With the exception of this minor flaw, droppings are often very helpful to plants and a significant source of organic fertilizer. They are abundant in minerals, including magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), calcium (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P). Depending on the species of bird and its diet, the precise percentage will change.

Indeed, the high concentration of minerals in the droppings can “burn” young, still-fragile tissues if they fall directly on them, but this is usually a very small effect. Usually, mature leaves and other plant parts remain intact.

It is best to avoid applying bird droppings directly to garden plants if you have a plentiful supply of them (for example, if you keep caged birds or have a chicken coop). This is because the droppings are likely too concentrated and could harm plant tissues. Rather, combine the nitrogen-rich manure with carbon-rich brown materials in your backyard composter. This dilutes the minerals and speeds up the breakdown of the brown materials because of the droppings. And you end up with a particularly rich compost. Again, if you come into direct contact with bird droppings, you should wear gloves and a mask.

This year, we’ve grown a lot of tomatoes, and my spouse and I got into a heated argument when I discovered a gorgeous tomato covered in bird droppings.

I couldn’t find the answer anywhere on the internt, so I’ll give it to you here:

Even after washing the poop off, I couldn’t imagine eating this tomato, and my husband believes I’m just being picky.

I polled a few friends and discovered that while some would just wash and eat the tomato, others would throw it away. It seesm to be about 50/50 at this point.