how to clean a birds nest

Edible Bird’s Nests collection is followed by cleaning processes. Nest cleaning is a very important and time-consuming process. A great deal of care is taken during the cleaning of nests. Nest cleaning is usually performed by means of the conventional cleaning process described below.

Conventional Cleaning Process Generally, the harvested edible bird’s nests (EBN) consist of impurities like sand, feathers, egg shells, etc. The conventional cleaning process involves the immersion of nests in water and allowing them to swell. This enables an easy separation of the large feathers from the nest matrix by using forceps. However, care must be taken regarding the elution of the water soluble nutrients in EBN.

For the removal of the remaining small feathers, sometimes vegetable oil is used to ?oat the feathers. However, addition of some bleaching agents like hydrogen peroxide to bleach the EBN has been carried out by some producers.

Use of hydrogen peroxide reduces the labour cost considerably, as the process is fast. The main drawback with using hydrogen peroxide is that it decolourises the black feathers (impurity) in addition to bleaching the nest colour to white. Therefore, the nests will appear clean but in reality some feathers still remain in the nest.

The hydrogen peroxide treated nests are claimed as safe and of food grade quality but, no producer has ever tried to assess the hydrogen peroxide content in nests after their processing. There are no clear guide lines in any country for the control of the tolerance limit of hydrogen peroxide content. Thus, the conventional method of nest cleaning suffers over health concerns. Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidant and harmful to the human body. Therefore, in order to avoid the hydrogen peroxide processed nests, it would be better for consumers to choose nest cups rather than nest cakes.

After cleaning process, the separated strands of EBN and broken filaments are arranged to make nest cake by molding. The shape of the mold could be in leaf shape, round or square, and it depends on the producer’s preference. This is followed by drying of the nests. The drying involves the use of fan or the nests are simply air dried. Many workers do not have adequate hygienic food processing knowledge, hence, they do not dry the nests quickly. This gives enough time to bacteria and fungi to grow prolifertate on the nests. Even the colour of some nests turn brownish or yellowish, and yet, the sellers call it the natural colour of the nests.

From the above discussion of the conventional cleaning methods and practices involved in the EBN cleaning industry, it can be seen that the conventional cleaning process of EBN has the following drawbacks.

Improvement in the Cleaning Processes Generally, premium grade and quality raw bird’s nests are chosen from controlled. environment to avoid the presence of any heavy metals or other biological contaminants.

Skilled and well trained workers under the supervision of an expert are allowed to separate the feathers and dirt. High grade reverse osmosis water is used to ensure the cleanliness, and preserve the natural flavour and nutrients of the nest.

Processed bird‘s nests are dried in oven (no fan drying) until the right moisture content is achieved. Besides, implementation of the stringent quality control protocols for the end products will allow better grade of bird’s nest.

With the advancement of knowledge in the food processing technology, some of the requirements which are stated below should be implement in the bird’s nest cleaning industry. This will surely allow a better and healthy growth for the industry and increase the quality of the nests, since the public become more concerned we aware of the food they consume.

It has been observed that birds will often construct their nests in awkward locations within and near houses. They are frequently discovered inside sheds, over garages, above doors, and in other high-traffic areas. Additionally, they may build their nests in hazardous locations for the birds themselves, such as atop heat pumps and lawnmowers.

Whenever you remove or relocate a nest, always make sure it is no longer active. If there are birds or eggs present, never try to move or remove a nest. It is advisable to postpone any removal or relocation until after the nesting season. If there are eggs in a nest and no indications of the parents, the nest may still be occupied. The parents might have departed to give the eggs time to cool down or they might be out feeding.

While most people might not think of birds when they think of pest control, removing birds does fall under the category of excluding wildlife. Although they are usually harmless to homeowners, birds can be harmful to houses and people’s health. Birds can make a lot of noise, particularly if they nest in or on your house. They can cause damage to your roof, car, and property. Their nests can obstruct vents on stoves, dryers, and fans, creating fire hazards and making them inoperable. Additionally, their nests have the ability to clog drains and gutters, resulting in standing water and possible roof damage. Their excrement contains uric acid, which can corrode your car’s paint. Additionally, pathogens like histoplasmosis that are harmful to humans can be found in bird droppings. In addition to mites, parasites, and ticks, bird nests may harbor other pests that persist long after the birds have fled the nest.

You can remove or relocate the nest once you have positively identified the species of bird you have, verified that it is legal to do so, and ensured that the nest is inactive and free of eggs. Bird nests can serve as a haven for additional pests, and bird droppings left behind can harbor pathogens that are harmful to humans. To protect yourself, wear latex gloves, long sleeves, long pants, and a respiratory mask. Make sure the nest is clear of both birds and eggs by carefully inspecting it. Spray the nest with an antibacterial spray. When the nest is dry, take it down and discard it in an outside trash bag or a container that is tightly sealed. Dispose of it in the trash away from the home. Use an effective disinfectant to tidy the area where the nest was located. Remove and dispose of your gloves. Remove your clothing and wash them immediately in hot water. Wash your hands thoroughly.

Preventing bird nests from ever arising is the most effective method of getting rid of them from your property. Eliminate any leftover food and exposed garbage from your house, as this encourages them to eat. Make sure trash is secured tightly in containers. Any bird feeders and birdbaths should be placed farther out in the yard and away from the house. Don’t leave more food out than what a few birds will eat, and clean up spills frequently. To stop nesting in gutters and downspouts, think about installing gutter guards. Install vent covers and screens because vents are common places for birds to build their nests. If necessary, use perch repellents, which are rows of bird spikes placed on window sills, ledges, and the roof’s perimeter to keep birds from perching. Additionally, you can employ visual deterrents like plastic coyotes, owls, hawks, and snakes. If you use visual repellents, be sure to move them around a lot because the birds will grow accustomed to seeing them there. Hang reflective bird diverters from strings on your porch also.

Edible Bird’s Nests collection is followed by cleaning processes. Nest cleaning is a very important and time-consuming process. The cleaning of nests is done with extreme caution. Typically, nest cleaning is done using the traditional cleaning method listed below.

Enhancement of the Cleaning Procedures Typically, superior grade and high-quality raw bird nests are selected from regulated environment to prevent any biological contaminants or heavy metals from existing

Vegetable oil is occasionally used to fry the feathers in order to remove the last few tiny feathers. Nonetheless, some producers have added bleaching agents, such as hydrogen peroxide, to bleach the EBN.

Traditional Cleaning Methods Typically, contaminants such as sand, feathers, egg shells, etc. are present in harvested edible bird’s nests (EBN). The traditional method of cleaning is submerging nests in water and letting them swell. This makes it possible to remove the large feathers from the nest matrix with forceps with ease. On the other hand, caution needs to be used when eluting the water-soluble nutrients in EBN.

The requirements listed below should be implemented in the bird’s nest cleaning industry due to the advancements in food processing technology. As people’s concerns about what they eat grow, this will undoubtedly help the industry grow more healthily and improve the quality of the nests.


Should I clean bird nest?

NestWatch suggests cleaning out nest boxes or birdhouses at the end of the breeding season. This isn’t absolutely necessary; often birds will clean it out themselves, but you can lend them a helping hand. For nests that aren’t in nest boxes (such as in trees or bushes), there’s no need to do any cleanup.

Can I remove a bird’s nest once they leave?

It is actually illegal to remove or relocate an active bird’s nest in many states, even in your own backyard!” In the United States, for example, it is illegal to tamper with any active nest from a native bird species, but if the nest has been abandoned or no eggs have yet been laid, it can be removed as needed.

How do you safely remove a bird’s nest?

Make sure to wear long sleeves, long pants, latex gloves, and a respiratory mask to protect yourself. Carefully inspect the nest to make sure it is empty of eggs and birds. Spray the nest with an antibacterial spray. Once dry, remove the nest and dispose of it in a securely sealed container or exterior trash bag.