how to choose bird nest

I’ve heard plenty of stories about bird’s nest. It’s great for infants, excellent for pregnant women, helps keep the elderly from falling ill… the list goes on. It almost seems like everyone can benefit from a bowl or three of bird’s nest soup.

Our parents or relatives have probably fed us bird’s nest soup at some point, and we’ve consumed it at their behest, willingly or not.

But if there’s one thing that’s clear as day, it’s that the folks seem to have an unfaltering love for the delicacy. From meeting your in-laws to family reunions, if you’re searching for that one-size-fits-all gift that’s bound to impress – it’s bird’s nest. But this quick fix doesn’t come cheap; so it’s important to know exactly what you’re consuming, and how to make sure you’re getting the biggest bang for your buck.

Before you buy bird’s nest this Chinese New Year, or at any time of the year, really, here are 10 things you absolutely need to know.

1. The Difference Between Bird’s Nest Drink and Bird’s Nest

When you see both “bird’s nest drink” and “bird’s nest” available, it can be a little confusing. However, there is actually quite a difference between the two.

Before making a purchase of bird’s nest products, it’s crucial to inspect the packaging. If the product is labeled as “bird’s nest drink” or “bird’s nest beverage,” it indicates that there is very little actual bird’s nest in it.

All ingredients used in a food product must be listed on the packaging in descending order of weight, per Singaporean regulations. Therefore, you can be certain that there is a higher percentage of bird’s nest in the product if it is one of the first ingredients listed.

It’s crucial to take into account the other ingredients used when selecting a bird’s nest product. You might want to stay away from certain products because they might contain artificial coloring or flavoring.

Always look for a product that has no artificial ingredients added and is made entirely of natural bird seed (20100%). This will guarantee that the product you receive is of the greatest caliber.

2. The real benefits of bird’s nest

If you Google “benefits of drinking bird’s nest,” you’ll come up with 1001 different claimed advantages. Different sources will give you different information, such as how a bird’s nest can boost immunity generally or hasten the healing process following an illness. Although scientists are still investigating the precise properties of bird’s nest that make them so beneficial to health, there is some general agreement.

A single bird’s nest contains large amounts of amino acids, which are the building blocks of cells, which are found in the water-soluble protein from swiftlet saliva. They also contain hormones that are involved in controlling vital body processes, such as testosterone and estradiol.

Additionally, it has been demonstrated that materials found in nests support immune system function, encourage tissue regeneration and cell growth, and prevent the dreaded flu. Even though a lot more research is still needed, it appears that bird nests are unquestionably benefiting humans.

8. How to boil your own bird’s nest

Boiling your own is the best way to obtain the lowest quality of bird seed (E2%80%99). Although it takes a while and is somewhat laborious, the process is well worth the effort. Here’s how you do it, per Xin Yan Bird’s Nest


  • 1 piece Xin Yan Bird’s Nest
  • 1 bowl of water
  • A handful of rock sugar to taste
  • 3 pieces red dates (optional)
  • 2 pieces dried longan (optional)
  • 5 pieces wolfberries (optional)
  • 3 pieces American Ginseng Slices (optional)


  • Soak the bird’s nest for eight to ten hours, or overnight, or until it has softened and expanded.
  • Pluck out any remaining feathers or impurities with kitchen tweezers
  • Place the cleaned bird’s nest, one rice bowl of water, and any additional ingredients into a small bowl and cover with a lid.
  • Put the small bowl inside a large pot and add enough water to cover the bottom of the bowl by half.
  • Before covering the large pot and letting it boil for fifteen minutes, make sure the water is boiling.
  • Your bird’s nest soup is ready when you take the pot off the heat and add the rock sugar to taste. Let the mixture sit for about five minutes.

It’s best enjoyed cold or room temperature, so wait until it cools down before consuming.

Although it will take more work to boil your own bird’s nest, you will be in complete control of the ingredients and can customize it to your taste. Wolfberries? Fruit? Less sugar? It’s all up to you.

For more tips on brewing the perfect bowl of bird’s nest soup, check out Xin Yan’s guide.


How can you tell if a bird nest is good quality?

But beyond grades, a good way to tell the quality of a nest is through a soak test. (Whether or not the soaking water remains clear) helps one to determine if dyes or food glue has been used in the cleaning and preparation process. In addition, a good quality bird’s nest would expand in thickness and size.

What is the best grade of bird nest?

On the contrary, Grade AAA white nests are extremely high quality and smooth in texture because Grade AAA white nests are easier to farm. White nests are widely regarded as the “Caviar of the East” and are beloved for their unique taste. These bird nests are built in the same way that red and gold nests are built.

How do birds choose where to nest?

To deal with flying predators, birds look for places where they can hide or at least partially cover their nests. There’s a reason the cliche of the nest in the nook is ubiquitous; a nook provides great cover in every direction but one. Birds look for high places in homes where they can nest.