how to catch a sparrow bird

Hello, please remove if this isn’t an appropriate place . I work at a grocery store, and for the past few weeks, a small, round, and adorable sparrow has been flying around. I’m pretty sure that’s what it is.

Animal control came to try to catch him in a net, but they were unsuccessful. They’re going to set up a bunch of glue traps and bring in a pellet gun if I can’t catch him today.

We’ve set up a cardboard trap and filled it with bird seed. but he has been avoiding it .

Additionally, he has the opportunity to flee through the front doors because we have been leaving them both ajar (preventing them from closing on their own), and he approaches the door but hesitates to open it. Please help.

And thats all there is to it. If the sparrows are located in the center of your colony, you can set this trap there or anywhere else you choose. I know they like corners of out buildings a lot. They appear to search for tiny crevices or openings where they can make their nest. Just BEWARE. The same thing will be sought after by bluebirds and other small cavity nesting birds, so keep a close eye on your trap and release any that are caught. Usually, after one or two rides on the tube, they’ll start looking elsewhere. Open the door if you will be away from the trap for an extended period of time to allow any desirable bird that gets caught to escape. Sure, you may lose a few sparrows, but you don’t want to murder the locals. Thats the whole reason for building this trap.

When you’re finished, your tube should have a cage at the bottom that resembles the one above. You now need to practice practising it open with one hand while holding on to your hard-caught prey with the other. a trick in itself.

Be aware that one end of your tubing is larger than the other when you buy it. That is the top of the tube. Cut off a short length of tubing (10 inches) from the bottom of the tube. Now, as shown (freshly cut end up), pre-drill a few pilot holes and screw it into the wood. Now, test fit to ensure that the tube’s top will fit over the assembled short piece.

Furthermore, this trap functions best in the nesting season when the small rodents are out seeking for a place to make their nests. That is not to say that it won’t work at other times; rather, it functions best at those times because it is intended to function as a suitable cavity for a nest.

What you have to do now is adjust your trap. To accomplish this, adjust the number of BBs in your film canister. Since lead is heavier and takes up less space, I started with fishing sinkers. After that, I used BBs to fine-tune it when I was almost at the desired weight. Ensure that all components are level when adjusting the jug’s “trip.” When finished, the trap should trip with as little as a quarter, and typically between a quarter and a nickel. When they are taken off, it ought to gradually rise to the top again. Once this is done, close the film canister and the fine-tuning process is finished.


What is the best trap for sparrows?

Deluxe Repeating Sparrow Trap (DRST): This trap was designed and built by Blaine Johnson and can be seen and purchased at: for $59.95 + shipping based on location. It is a true repeating HOSP trap that is well designed and works very well. This is my favorite bait trap for HOSP.