how to care for canary birds

A canary is an undemanding little charmer that is usually a beginners cana bird. This small finch has the power to turn most people into lifelong canary enthusiasts. It is a pleasant companion bird with a cheerful disposition. It communicates its content with a melodious song that is soft and pleasant. The canary has been carefully bred to be available in a variety of colors, sizes, and singing varieties. Canaries are inexpensive birds that you can get at just about any pet store.

Signs of a Healthy Canary

  • Clean, clear, bright eyes
  • Clean beak
  • Clear nostrils
  • Pink gums
  • Clean, smooth, intact feathers
  • Feet with intact skin and no bumps
  • Clean vent
  • Trim nails
  • Strong appetite
  • Curious personality

Choosing the Right Enclosure

For a single bird, the optimal canary habitat should measure at least 18″ L by 14″ W by 18″ H. To stop the bird from escaping or getting its head or legs stuck, the distance between the cage’s bars should be ? apart or less. Long habitats with lots of vertical space are ideal because they give birds plenty of room to fly and walk around comfortably. Always provide the largest habitat possible.

It is not advised to create any kind of habitat at home or with wood or galvanized wire. These products may expose birds to potentially harmful substances that, if consumed, could result in major health issues.

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Canary Cleaning & Maintenance

Every day, pet owners should spot-clean their canary’s habitat, taking out any trash and soiled items. Water and food bowls must be washed daily. Replace the bedding and habitat liners at least once a week (or more frequently if multiple canaries share the same habitat).

When cleaning a canary’s cage, pet owners should only use cleaning solutions designed for animals because birds’ respiratory systems are susceptible to aerosolized fumes.

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To clean a canarys habitat, take these steps:

  • Transfer the canary to a safe place in a different air space (such as a travel cage or another habitat). Remove any old substrate, bedding, and accessories from the habitat.
  • Apply a bird habitat cleaner or 3% bleach solution to clean the habitat and any associated items.
  • Rinse the habitat and its accessories well with water, being careful to get rid of any traces or lingering smells from the bleach solution or cleaning agent.
  • Re-establish the habitat and all of its contents only after the substrate, bedding, and clean accessories have dried completely.
  • Return the bird to the clean habitat.

When toys, dishes, and perks become worn out or damaged, they should be replaced. To avoid boredom, pet parents should frequently replace their old toys with new ones.


What do canaries need in their cage?

Canaries enjoy wide open spaces and are flyers rather than climbers so the width of the cage is the most important aspect. Stay away from rounded cages and be mindful of bar width to ensure your bird cannot escape. Perches need to be a variety of textures, widths and lengths.

How do you keep a canary happy?

Canaries can live for up to 10 years. To ensure your birds stay happy and healthy, make sure to keep their home clean, washing and refilling all food and water containers every day, refreshing the paper on the bottom of the cage, and regularly giving the cage a thorough clean with a mild, bird-friendly soap.

Do canaries like to be held?

TEMPERAMENT. Most Canaries are somewhat timid and shy little birds. Unlike larger bird species, they don’t usually do well with being handled, although there may be the occasional exception. Canaries are charming birds, and many enjoy watching and interacting with their owners from the comfort of a large flight cage.

Are canaries hard to keep?

They are loners by nature so are happy to be kept in a cage on their own and in fact, are often more likely to sing when in isolation. These delightful little birds are very tidy, easy to keep and perfect for indoors or the back patio.