how to care for baby birds

There are many ways that birds may end up in desperate need of help. Cats, dogs, cars, and windows are just some of the ways that young birds are injured, and there are also natural hazards such as ferocious storms that knock youngsters out of nests.

When you find a young bird in need of help, what you do within the first few minutes can make a massive difference to its odds of survival.

Tip #2: Shelter and Quiet Injured or sick birds will recover more quickly in a calm environment

Tip #3: Fluids and Food This may be needed if you cant get a bird to a rescue centre quickly

We often hear about people trying to feed a bird before doing anything else. Warmth is the top priority (see step #1), but sometimes, if you cant get a baby bird to a rescue centre quickly, you may need to try giving it fluids and food. But please before doing this contact an experienced person and get advice. We cannot stress this enough!

Please note – if given fluids or food incorrectly the bird might die, NEVER just squirt or drop liquids or food into their mouth, it could go down the trachea and into the lungs.

The birds best chance of survival is in the care of those who know and understand their needs.

Warmth, dark and quiet is the most important things to remember in the primary care of a baby bird.

We hope these three essential tips will help you save baby birds in need of care.

Want to know more? Sign up now for our new specialised course on Baby Bird Rescue and Care.

This article was originally written for the Wild Bird Care Charitable Trust. All photographs are the copyright of Wild Bird Care – NZ.

To stay in touch and find out about new blog posts and courses as they are released, register for our free newsletter today and you will also receive our Basic Bird Rescue and Initial Care booklet!

To stay in touch and find out about new blog posts and courses as they are released, register for our free newsletter today and you will also receive our Basic Bird Rescue and Initial Care booklet!

The original author of this piece was the Wild Bird Care Charitable Trust. All images are protected by copyright by Wild Bird Care – NZ.

With luck, these three crucial pointers will enable you to rescue young birds in need of attention.

Tip #3: Fluids and Food This may be needed if you cant get a bird to a rescue centre quickly.

There are numerous ways that birds can find themselves in dire need of assistance. Young birds can sustain injuries from cats, dogs, cars, and windows, among other things. Natural disasters like violent storms can also cause injuries to young birds by forcing them from their nests.

Home Care and Feeding for Baby Birds

According to Luevano, the first rule is to make sure the bird is kept in a warm, quiet, and dark environment once you bring it home. “As difficult as it may be, please refrain from peeking in on the bird, as each time you do, the birds stress levels increase,” the expert says. “Keeping the bird in a warm place ensures the bird will not get cold or hypothermic, being in a dark place will calm the bird, and having it in a quiet space will keep the bird’s stress levels down.” ”.

Vincelette advises covering a clear container with a towel to make it dark if you’re using it to house the bird.

Luevano advises attempting to make a nest inside the box using any small, deep dish with a diameter of roughly two inches (like a clean soup bowl) and covering it with a hand towel to form a sort of lip and a cozy spot for the bird to nestle into. “But not all species are used to nests,” Luevano cautions. According to her, “some will not want a nest and will jump out of it, especially if they have fledged from their nest.”

Experts warn that trying to feed the bird is almost always a bad idea, despite the temptation to do so.

Luevano advises against feeding baby birds because it poses a serious risk to their health. A baby bird can aspirate (choke) on any food or liquid if it is fed incorrectly, which can result in respiratory infections and frequently even death. Furthermore, according to Luevano, it can be challenging to identify the kind of food that a bird requires because some species consume insects, while others consume grains, seeds, or fruits.

It is advised by Luevano to consult a professional before attempting to feed or otherwise care for a found bird. “The best option is warmth and a safe place to hide until a professional can help if you have to keep the bird for 24 hours,” advises Luevano. Oftentimes, the bird is so anxious that giving it food too soon can lead to issues. ”.

Hummingbirds are the lone exception to this rule since they require frequent food supplies in order to survive. Chrans advises combining one part sugar to four parts water, dipping a straw or Q-tip into the mixture, and allowing the bird to drink from the droplet. “After the hummingbird has had as much water as it desires, repeat this every 30 minutes for infants and every hour for adults until assistance arrives.” ”.

A hummingbird can be kept alive for a brief while with sugar even though it lacks the nutrients it needs to thrive until you can get it to a certified rehabber, according to Chrans

This article was verified and edited for accuracy by Dr. Laurie Hess, DVM.

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How do you take care of an abandoned baby bird?

If you think you’ve found a sick or wounded fledgling or nestling, call a rehabber, state wildlife agency, or veterinarian immediately. If it’s after hours, take the baby to a safe and warm location, Furr says, such as a closed box with air holes and a heating pad beneath it.

How do you take care of a little bird?

Baby birds need to be kept warm 24/7, so for convenience, their box/container can be placed in a hot water cupboard. You can also use an electric heat pad or a 25 – 40watt globe fitted to a small lamp. Check regularly to make sure the bird isn’t too hot.

What do you feed baby birds?

Small Insects: Most baby birds need a high-protein diet, and insects are ideal. You can provide finely chopped worms, grasshoppers, mosquito larvae, or other small insects.