how to build flappy bird

Today youre going to find out how to make a Flappy Bird in Scratch! We’ll show you how to control the bird with the space key, build moving pillars, and update the score every time the bird flies through them. Keep reading to see how to build your game.

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Step 4: Make a background [end of the game]

Let’s make a background for the end of the game.

  • Click on the sprite’s “Paint”.

how to build flappy bird

  • Click on the “Convert to Bitmap”

how to build flappy bird

  • Click on the “Fill” and select the black color.
  • Click on the “Fill” tool.

how to build flappy bird

  • Click on the paint area.

how to build flappy bird

  • Click on the “Convert to Vector”

how to build flappy bird

  • Click on the “Text” tool

how to build flappy bird

  • Click on the “Fill” and select the red color.
  • To select the paint area, click the “Text” tool.

how to build flappy bird

  • Write a note saying “Game Over” when the game ends.

how to build flappy bird

  • Change the sprite name.
  • Modify the sprite’s location and set (x, y) = (0, 0).

how to build flappy bird

  • Click on the “Code”

how to build flappy bird

  • Hide the game over sprite when the game start.
  • Drag

how to build flappy bird

  • Let’s add a message receive block so that the “game over” sprite appears on the game over message.
  • Drag

how to build flappy bird

  • Type the message for the end of the game.
  • Click on “Ok”

how to build flappy bird

  • The “game over” sprite will appear and the flappy bird game will end when you drag and drop the “When I receive the game over” message.
  • Drag

how to build flappy bird

  • Click on the “bird” sprite.

how to build flappy bird

  • End the game if the bird touches the pipe sprite.
  • To determine whether the bird touches the pipe sprite, write a conditional statement.
  • Drag

how to build flappy bird

  • Let’s broadcast a game-over message.
  • Drag

how to build flappy bird

How to make a Flappy bird game on Scratch in 9 minutes?

The following describes the comprehensive, step-by-step procedure for creating a Flappy Bird game using Scratch:

Step 1: Make a Flappy motion sprite [bird]

Below are the comprehensive instructions for making a flappy bird game using Scratch;

Making the object move is the first step in making the Flappy Bird game on Scratch. To do that, we must select the appropriate sprite. The specific instructions for doing so are provided below:

  • Delete the Cat sprite
  • Click on the delete icon.

how to build flappy bird

  • Let’s make a backdrop, click on “Backdrops”

how to build flappy bird

  • Click on the “Convert to Bitmap”

how to build flappy bird

  • Click on the “fill” from the paint tool.

how to build flappy bird

  • Click on “Fill” and select the color.
  • By dragging the “Color,” “Saturation,” and “Brightness” sliders as indicated below, you can choose the color.

how to build flappy bird

  • Click on the paint area.

how to build flappy bird

how to build flappy bird

  • Click on the “Code”

how to build flappy bird

  • Pick a character for the game. Let’s add a bird sprite.
  • Click here to download the bird sprite.
  • Click on the “Download”.

how to build flappy bird

  • Bird sprite () downloaded.

how to build flappy bird

  • Click to open the saved folder of bird sprite.
  • Click on the “Show in folder”

how to build flappy bird

  • The “Downloads” directory contains your saved sprite; it might look different for you.

how to build flappy bird

  • Now, upload the sprite to the game.
  • Click on the “Upload Sprite”

how to build flappy bird

  • Go to your downloads directory, find the bird sprite, and click on it.
  • Then click on “Open”

how to build flappy bird

  • The bird sprite was added to the game. To ensure that the bird is small enough to fly through the pillars, adjust the size of the bird sprite.
  • Change the size to 50

how to build flappy bird

  • Make the bird the “flappy” motion. You can move the sprite upward in Scratch.
  • Drag
  • Click on it as shown below. The bird can move upwards.
  • Establish a variable to record the bird’s Y position. And we will call it gravity.
  • Click on “Variables” and click on “Make a Variable”.

how to build flappy bird

  • Name your variable
  • Click on the “Ok”

how to build flappy bird

  • Drag

how to build flappy bird

  • Drag the “gravity” variable from the “Variables” menu.

how to build flappy bird

  • Make the bird fall down. So change the value of gravity.
  • Drag

how to build flappy bird

  • Drag & drop a forever loop as shown below.

how to build flappy bird

  • Set the bird’s position when the game starts.

how to build flappy bird

  • Drag

how to build flappy bird

  • Click on the “green flag”.
  • The bird is falling down.
  • The space bar controls the flappy motion; each time you press it, the bird rises. The Sensing block “when space key pressed” is what we want to be the condition for the if statement.
  • Drag

how to build flappy bird

  • We want the bird to go up. Change the gravity variable value to a positive number.
  • Drag

how to build flappy bird

  • To repeatedly verify this condition, drag

how to build flappy bird

  • Drag

how to build flappy bird

  • Click on the “green flag”.
  • Pressing the space bar key causes the bird to ascend.
  • However, if you continue to press the space bar, the bird will continue to rise and cross the scratch stage area.
  • Add a conditional statement to avoid this.
  • Construct a conditional statement to determine if the “space key” is being pressed or not.
  • Drag & drop the “wait until” block as shown below.

how to build flappy bird

  • Drag

how to build flappy bird

  • Drag

how to build flappy bird

  • Click on the “green flag”.
  • The bird won’t overshoot the scratch stage if you keep hitting the “Space key.”


What is the trick to Flappy Bird?

Slower is Better Flappy Bird is all about finding the right rhythm, so get used to a slower pace. This is especially true for the critical moment when you pass between pipes and score points. You move upward so quickly in this game that it’s better to aim low and give yourself room to rise.

Why did Flappy Bird get banned?

In an interview with Forbes, Nguyen cited the game’s addictive nature for its cancellation, stating: “Flappy Bird was designed to play in a few minutes when you are relaxed. But it happened to become an addictive product. I think it has become a problem. To solve that problem, it’s best to take down Flappy Bird.