how to build a finch bird house

About Finch Bird Houses

A Finch can build a nest not only in trees, which is their preferred location, but also in bird houses and platforms. It is a popular garden bird, with the exception of a small number of Californian fruit growers.

Originally found in a wide range of habitats, including deserts, forest edges, and smaller wood stands, finch bird houses are now typically found in cities and towns.

When choosing the right materials to build or purchase a Finch bird house, A wood that is simply resistant to decay, like redwood, cedar, or premium outer plywood, is ideal. Paint is best avoided because birds prefer simple-looking wooden bird house plans.

There aren’t many accepted standards for the ideal residence. Predators are less likely to attack a home perched on metal poles as opposed to one hanging from tree limbs or fastened to the trunks.

Do not put the habitat close to bird feeders. If possible, the entrance holes should be oriented to prevent heating, especially in the summer months when temperatures are very high.

Putting together bird house kits for kids can be a great way to spend quality time with them. For children, it can be a fun way to learn about nature, particularly the Finch

A home designed with the Finch in mind will bring endless happiness to the birds and observers alike.

Native to the West and most of Mexico, house finches formerly inhabited a wide variety of environments, including deserts, smaller wooded areas, and the edges of forests. Now they inhabit mostly towns and cities. They were first brought to the East (New York), and they have since moved back West across the United S. and southern Canada. Hawaii too. One of the birds most common in inner cities across the continent

La. passer sparrow, small bird La. forma form, kind, species La. fringilla a small bird La. -idae appearance, resemblance Gr. karpos fruit; Gr. dektes a biter Gr. dakos a biter Gr. dakno to bite Gr. haima blood (for red color) En. hus dwelling, shelter La. mexicanus from Mexico Aztec Mexitili god of war.

Size of Finch Bird Houses

The standard dimensions of a Finch bird house are 6″ x 6″ on the floor, 6″ inside the ceiling, and an access hole with a diameter of 1 ½ inches that is positioned 4 ½ over the floor and airing opening.

The House Sparrows pose a serious threat to the Finch because they will come in large numbers through a 2-inch opening. Installing the bird house on a post in the middle of a backyard is sufficient as long as it is well out of reach. Wood should be at least ¾ inch thick because less will allow heat to build up, which is dangerous for young birds.

An adequate Finch house has the proper ventilation and drainage. A large overhang on the cover and ¼ inch drain holes drilled in each floor corner will help you achieve adequate drainage.

Drilling ½-inch vent holes at the top of each surface or creating an airing gap inside the sides and roofs will allow for proper ventilation.

Predator protectors are an essential feature of a Finch habitat. To add more depth to the box’s appearance, all it would take is an additional piece of wood at the entrance hole. Predators would find it more difficult to attack the Finch bird house.


Will finches use birdhouses?

Ironically, House Finches rarely use bird houses to build their nest in; instead they seem to prefer locations such as: coniferous trees, cactus plants, ledges, street lamps, ivy on building and hanging planters.

What is the opening for a finch birdhouse?

The House Finch Birdhouse has a 6″ by 6″ floor, 6″ inside ceiling, 2″ diameter entrance hole located 4 1/2″ above the floor and ventilation openings. Secure a hinged roof with shutter hooks for easy access.

How high should a finch birdhouse be?

Bird Houses & Nesting Box Plan: House Finches | Earth Life Nestbox Size: 6 inches tall. Mount about 5 to 6 feet high on a metal pole. No perches at the entrance holes as they would aid predators.

What is the best house for finches?

The typical Finch bird house should have a dimension of 6 “x 6” floor, 6” inside the ceiling, and a 1 ½ inch diameter access hole positioned 4 ½ over the floor and airing opening. A 2-inch entrance hole will bring hordes of House Sparrows, which is extremely threatening to the Finch.