how to build a dove bird house

Their graceful appearance and peaceful coo makes the dove a beloved sight for all bird enthusiasts, and their lifetime commitment to their mates can be a lesson to all lovers. Encouraging these beautiful birds to make their nest near yours can be simple with the right construction from dove-friendly materials, and a strategic location any dove would be proud to call home.

Birds that May Nest in this Birdhouse

The larger platform nesters, such as robins, blue jays, and doves, have more headroom thanks to the slightly larger design with gable roof.

Mourning doves and blue jays are not as readily drawn to platforms as robins are.

This platform features an open front, partially open sides, an approximate 8-inch ceiling, and an 8-by-8-inch base. Make from cedar, pine, or almost any softwood. Always use corrosion resistant screws and other hardware.

Drill regular pilot holes in secondary work pieces and countersunk pilot holes in primary work pieces, which are the first work pieces into which screws are inserted. This lessens the likelihood that the wood will split and allows for quick assembly using a power or hand screwdriver in a matter of minutes.

Install this platform seven to fifteen feet high on the side of a garage or shed, overlooking your backyard’s open areas and foliage. From there, birds can survey a broad area from their roost, safe from predators.

Choose a spot with caution that offers the right amount of shelter from the elements, visibility, access, and predators. Make sure the nest is not accessible by anything that squirrels or cats can climb.

Do not mount in a tree. A nesting platform is meant to mimic a solitary cliff crevice. For this reason, a wall-mounted platform shelter that is far from anything that could allow predators to enter is useful.

Sometimes platform nesters like the shelter of a porch roof. Try the open platform without a roof if the placement is beneath a roof or an eave. See discussion on platform nesters and individual species pages.

Remove the nest after the brood rearing seasons are over.

A dove can build a great foundation for her nest in a cone-style nest, which is much more secure than any flimsy home a bird might make for herself. The first piece of the cone nest puzzle is a 12-inch circle cut out of wire screen with a 4-inch pie slice cut out of it. After completing this step, form the large piece of screen into a cone and use floral wire or twist ties to secure the joints. These materials can cut a human hand, so proceed with extreme caution when shaping your cone. Make sure there are no sharp edges inside the cone because they can be just as dangerous to the dove. A newly arrived dove family can be protected from harm by using wrapped wire to close the cone.

To attract these beautiful birds to your yard, you must have a dove-friendly nest, but location is just as crucial. The nest should be at least five feet above the ground in order to keep predators from endangering the dove family. A repurposed coat hanger can be used to secure the container nest to a branch with appropriate foliage cover, while fasteners from a nearby hardware store can be used to attach the cone nest directly to a tree in a shaded spot. Since doves typically return to their nests to raise multiple offspring, providing a safe space for them to do so can bring them joy every year.

There are almost 450 million doves that soar over America, so your chances of attracting one to a tree close to you are quite good. Although doves aren’t big fans of traditional birdhouses, you can make a basic nest for these avian neighbors that will last a lifetime out of materials you can find in your backyard. Both naturally occurring and captive-bred doves favor a shallow nest. The cone is useful for more than just ice cream; it can be used as a template to build a nest that will attract a family of doves.

Doves can also make good use of container nests; a milk jug with an opening big enough for a dove to enter and exit can serve as an appropriate base. When placing the jug outside, make sure it is securely fastened and that the entryway is free of any sharp edges. The dove can easily construct her own nest using the foundation you give her, but if you want to make something that’s ready to move into, the dove can make her final product out of thin, 4 to 5 inch-long twigs, pine needles, small pieces of paper or cotton, and straw.

The dove is a popular sight for bird enthusiasts due to its graceful appearance and peaceful coo, and lovers can learn from their unwavering dedication to their partners. With the correct construction, made of materials that are friendly to doves, and a thoughtful placement that any dove would be proud to call home, you can easily encourage these lovely birds to build their nest close to your property.


Can you build a birdhouse for doves?

Attracting doves by offering them one of many types of engaging bird houses is simple to do. They do not prefer to be enclosed while nesting–in fact, they do not choose to fuss too much about their nest house at all. When installing the Dove house, put some straw in the bird house as nesting material.

How high should a dove house be?

Choose a spot about 10 to 15 feet off the ground. This is the preferred height for nesting for mourning doves. You can hang the birdhouse from a patio or eave of the house.

What do doves use to build a nest?

A flimsy assembly of pine needles, twigs, and grass stems, unlined and with little insulation for the young. Over 2 to 4 days, the male carries twigs to the female, passing them to her while standing on her back; the female weaves them into a nest about 8 inches across.